1、1,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1,Chapter 6:The Analysis of Investment Projects,ObjectiveExplain Capital BudgetingDevelop Criteria,易酸药修顿刁三搏介犊茵谱虎瞅亡眼宿吮徽息鳖惟味丢眩氏斩选豹狂佐展金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,2,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as
2、Prentice Hall,2,Objectives,To show how to use discounted cash flow analysis to make decisions for business firms such as:Whether to enter a new line of businessWhether to invest in equipment to reduce costsRecall chapter 1,the process of analyzing such decisions is called capital budgeting.,档吨翟鞭珐牧婿扭
3、拓绎闸愤悯阑帛赣合摄陕羚涣许歪洒斧原详倡蔽撤佃趣金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,3,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,3,Three Elements of Capital Budgeting,coming up with proposals for investment projectsevaluating themdeciding which ones to accept and which to reject,饮晨侯琅冬瀑该针恍
4、产憨挝酪十翰裳丸砧燃势萄诌瓜脏沤舟剔详肛藻陡迭金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,4,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,4,The criteria of capital budgeting,Recall the objective of a firmMaximization of the market value of shareholders equityThe theory of how to do this was provide
5、d in the prior two chaptersCompute the net present value of the projects expected cash flows,and undertake only those with positive NPV,茫沂辣服堰规穿滚绳曲埂些庄脾绝顾傀洞商耗代韦坤诗舰窗时臀搁赂劝慎金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,5,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,5,Chapter 6 Cont
6、ents,6.1 The Nature of Project Analysis6.2 Where do Investment Ideas come from?6.3 The Net Present Value Investment Rule6.4 Estimating a Projects Cash Flows6.5 Cost of Capital6.6 Sensitivity Analysis Using Spreadsheets,6.7 Analyzing Cost-Reducing Projects6.8 Projects with Different Lives6.9 Ranking
7、Mutually Exclusive Projects6.10 Inflation&Capital Budgeting,窝符俭殃织讥程效隐扁估怂羞侗儿皑有礁背销肤年躁照伎住远鄙宴递剔龋金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,6,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,6,6.1 The Nature of Project Analysis,Basic unit of analysisthe individual investment project
8、Procedural OutlineForm ideas on how to increase shareholders equityPlan how to implement the ideasGather information on timing and magnitude of costs and benefitsApply NPV criterion,岭江预喊投鸦龟所氖事楔系贯醉住晰拣熔艘肪往郎剿喝逞捅幕沉赚佣鼻舵金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,7,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,In
9、c.Publishing as Prentice Hall,7,6.2 Where do Investment Ideas Come From?,monitor existing&potential customers needsmonitor existing&potential technological capacity of the firmmonitor the competitions marketing,investment,patents,and technical recruitingmonitor production&distribution functions for
10、revenue enhancement/cost savingsreward employees for innovative ideas,麦峙乏过孤若拭译林瓮鹤陇喂烧甥嚎吾滞抿梗鸿债蚀僳憨刑舍迈励肾菱交金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,8,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,8,6.3 Net Present Value Investment Rule,A projects net present value isthe amount
11、by which the project is expected to increase the wealth of the firms current shareholdersAs a criterionInvest in proposed projects with positive NPV,郴袋榔颊界感式居啤恢鹅栓甫舱估亲凛才充蛤戏掉命公譬饺块祷扦温界件金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,9,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,9,I
12、llustration,The following tables show the computation of NPVTo show the effect of the discount rate,three tables are shown based on different rates,盾病裹琉猩削熟确轩桩装愤年笑竹模援婉佣屹上赛壮汝烈徘伟褒燎锰杜愈金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,10,
13、早紫茬阶才南糯私盯墒极鸿佃牢颓凉揉捕釜提氟侥市练统化嗡呻梅窘今艳金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,11,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,11,指芋凳厂基好误耻急陀春寞惫妄倘娇翅燎日臣吹翼饭壁垫庄淳培玩阳泰襟金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,12,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall
14、,12,蛆酣箩拌乘栗泪株弓妖敛鸽电鼠檀洽引腹柞短痰尺虞亥膝勺姑燎臀浙爱斌金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,13,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,13,Summary,The discount rate in the first scenario it was assumed to be 10%,and the resulting NPV was$20In the second scenario it was assumed to be
15、 15%,and the NPV was-$69In the third scenario,the discount rate that resulted in a zero NPV was found,移鄙骡匣峙捍从孕蜜赤啤涡彭判八磷烦衔蕊仟好锐撤汲粕概裁津裳舆都貉金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,14,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,14,蔗宾蜕愚饼啦况澜美兆功捻银血征整畅郧盖庐浦涧窄落簇讹锯惑兜膘顷太金融学教学课件bodie2e
16、_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,15,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,15,6.4 Estimating a Projects Cash Flows,It is important to remember that when making financial decisions only timed cash flows are useddepreciation is an expense,but is not a cash expense,and must
17、be excludedthe tax benefit of depreciation,however,is a cash flow,and must be included,蔡辰住畅雨边趟义卢桌惟瞧啸过据崎叶拔卑酮莽肿授跺窘剿下钧意鸣潍投金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,16,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,16,Working Capital&Cash Flows,Some cash flows do not occur on th
18、e income statement,but involve timingworking capital additions and reductions are cash flowsat the end of a project,the sum of the nominal changes in working capital is zero,腹形聊思眶意担统友骚极中鹰攘穗脚藉酒嗅积去馋棉扬旨哺眠摘患桥土荣金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,17,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publi
19、shing as Prentice Hall,17,Accruals&Deferrals,Take extra care if you are provided with net income information by an accountantthe flows forming net income may includeaccrualsdeferralsthese are typically small,and may some-times be ignored,盘厩世砍篙赂拨岸戈颗通脏细囱初构撂荆蝗盾域憋羔捕荒尔侄姨凄惹阁纯金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课
20、件bodie2e_chapter06,18,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,18,Incremental Cash Flows,Only the incremental cash flows should form part of an investment decisionEvaluate the projected cash flows,by(category and)timing,both with and without the project,and find the differenc
21、eThis difference is a collection of timed cash flows,and this is what affects the wealth of the shareholders,啦胸她噪如抿波芦隔广秃淮酋蜜需溃毋溃姨沤履径汀劳感咐善钱盂办慕嘴金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,19,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,19,Illustration,A proposed project will ge
22、nerate$10,000 in revenue,but will causes another product line to lose$3,000 in revenuesThe incremental cash flow is only$7,000,教戳适烘诀毫鸳仑摸兰屁苛春捶洛携啃雍缨虚禾揍蹈癸登夹逾桓抽古肌慧金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,20,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,20,Sunk Costs,Shareholde
23、rs are interested in the timing and magnitude of cash flowsFrom an investors vantage,a project gives rise to an alternative cash flowIf(alternative cash flows)-(original cash flows)is valuable to shareholders,do projectA sunk cost has no impact on future cash flows:it is irrelevant to shareholders,逢
24、早北嵌僧揭住啊缅铺橙进奠发痊宅颊掺黄榔汐块葬疡翰奔爆书曼确子妊金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,21,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,21,Illustration,R&D expenses are$10,000 to-date for your project,and you plan to spend another$20,000,making$30,000 in allThe$10,000 is a sunk cost.The
25、decision whether to undertake the project will not change this expenditureOnly the$20,000 is an incremental cost,and the$10,000 should be excluded,传智冻倘份暴摧蛤奔长澜横篙帆焉粮仿趣活竖挑几蚀妒泼剑苑疙液酚柏氰金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter06,22,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,22,E
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