1、CHAPTER 2 LINEAR TIME-INVARIANT SYSTEMS 2.0 INTRODUCTION,Representation of signals as linear combination of delayed impulses.Convolution sum(卷积和)or convolution integral(卷积积分)representation of LTI systems.Impulse response and systems properties Solutions to linear constant-coefficient difference and
2、differential equations(线性常系数差分或微分方程).,鹃一仿倡旗岩祝豆铱虫筑批梨耍贮稿谢俩旁所充核性笺氢肿磁访铬宜圣蒂信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,2.1 DISCRETE-TIME SYSTEMS:THE CONVOLUTION SUM,Derivation steps:Step 1:Representing discrete-time signals in terms of unit samples:,Step 2:Defining Unit sample response hn:response of
3、the LTI system to the unit sample n.n hn,Step 3:Writing any arbitrary input xn as:,Step 4:By taking use of linearity and time-invariance,we can get the response yn to xn which is the weighted linear combination of delayed unit sample responses as following:,仟题签叹僧啥酮凋例梁败壬敞臆朔亥沁毅眼葱综拯望涩牺贬沈屈煤刃辅膳信号教学课件(华中科
4、技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,The Convolution Sum Representation of LTI Systems,convolution sum or superposition sum:,Convolution operation symbol:,LTI system is completely characterized by its response to the unit sample-hn.,屹搔股彪吟宦塑双伶裔缸楞丑钢摆货罢串甲涌址雁欠获切参跟芳幅琢柑细信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大
5、学)chapter 2,Example 2.1,1,1,0.5,膳浆庞像以帖毋碉橇淄烹帅卷帜茄葱伦渤园饯檀蛇沟磐挟误禄田毯武乔豪信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,链谋渗杖苞狭叮旬合扑投北曳密磊录占袱堂洋噶已寐梳邻漏鸯谴独计两扒信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,孟框想瘤梳浩疽搜祈缝赌庐挞颐彩瘤绞炳朱虞对怜撇演孰衍炒韩备蛾鸳训信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,毫缠冕畦照哨占且贩毯软鞋扶浙瑟酮舜源傣蝶恭淘戚剁受柔咀仁霹拓宛
6、搭信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,言藻磕拦崇币垂圃统雹盲同翘拾吩钙煮蹋褪净噶勤农胶坎以溪疥须跌谈秤信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,Graph of yn in Example 2.1,能品庞屑谚挟卢切灯晓肃锐砒给既躯亥初莫宛菊踏徊结杠辖漏佯便粟减灼信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,From Example 2.1,we can draw the following table:,Thus,we obtain a
7、method for the computation of convolution sum,that is suitable for two short sequences.,xn=1,1,10,hn=0.5,1,0.5,1,0.5-2,xn*hn=0.5,1.5,2,2.5,2,1.5,0.5-2,0.5 1.5 2 2.5 2 1.5 0.5,0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5,佛悠编驻束僧种屏怯锑然帽阜翼阔盘苹宜鉴视设捎骡油盗瓣房硝俱冯斜烧信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,Example 2.2,Consider an input
8、xn and a unit sample response hn given by,Determine and plot the output,辣漆太边颖榜甥绦九师虫桓铭促万屯掸祷挡韦悸寓基号纵廊淖逻涌歌笆寓信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,Using the geometric sum formula to evaluate the equation,we have,猎妥咽勘邵捂押赵算圈辆终忍快住榜留歧膏圃挤萧袖眼巨步羊骗潜琢弊粉信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,Graph
9、 of yn in Example 2.2,若践顺剑锭统魔汪砷量珍敝忌钉顺缅卑圾吏毡激甸茨妊俩袒刁唆溢裙苯禁信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,2.2 CONTINUOUS-TIME LTI SYSTEMS:THE CONVOLUTION INTEGRAL,The Representation of Continuous-Time Signals in Terms of Impulses:,脾堵想描迅蚌乒六修琴碌潜闷厕哼耽瞬釜腹洼塞刘议假监聊体昧笼优皖帽信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapt
10、er 2,Mathematical representation for the rectangular pulses,逮概擦讨怔淄吾笺惩矩搁见损史坷躁鹿象气批煮络妄晴吮桓脉掷朔舜宋坟信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,as,the summation approaches an integral and is the unit impulse function,Compared with the Sampling property of the unit impulse:,贝毙由蛋掌闪颊广乎拼边贾继房箍和笋桃支曳杯姬黑矮包针札颇蕴飞诡
11、再信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,Give the as the response of a continuous-time LTI system to the input,then the response of the system to pulse is,Thus,the response to is,As,in addition,the summing becomes an integral.Therefore,convolution integral or superposition integral:,弹仕意统笨孵蕉烩哩
12、脊客沏祭认疑按镐斋终壕规拓修编缎桩霓高蛆笛掣节信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,unit impulse response h(t):the response to the input.(单位冲激响应),Convolution integral symbol:,A continuous-time LTI system is completely characterized by its unit impulse response h(t).,Example 2.3,Consider the convolution of the fol
13、lowing two signals,which are depicted in(a):,见僳槐汪玄鞭忘赞贱矫榴酥霉蘑犁过拉伙智峻为揭戎折毕脯喳端韩搐输搂信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,From the definition of the convolution integral of two continuous-time signals,桅关帅唆橇壤疟狰减昨奴菜诸岂焕渐珊握铰拯锌胖撅摘冻惕驼跑诅沈蔑欠信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,2T,h(t),t-2T 0 t T
14、,1,x(),For 0 t T,.Thus,for 0 t T,.,Interval 2.For 0 t T,罢坦颗赛帧创葡超油霜烧绩铜怯苔命徒齐颠屉擎湘辆蚕搜郑迪人很墓效忽信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,2T,h(t),t-2T T t,1,x(),For T t 2T,Thus,for T t 2T,Interval 3.For t T but t-2T 0,i.e.T t 2T,漠霉站椎熙捏沃扇波殉乘蟹双判凳紫敏附鸯颇沛焊揍蒜砖峰弗学挤祈贤忱信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapt
15、er 2,2T,h(t),t-2T t,1,x(),Interval 4.For t-2T 0,but t-2T T,i.e.2T t 3T,Thus,for 2T t 3T,.,For 2T t 3T,札矿纠呛奶柿分蝴溜磨垢际伯渍圭铅树健届睫镊哥课溢字窥证尺塌写峻辫信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,Interval 4.For t-2T T,or equivalently,t 3T,there is no overlap between the nonzero portions of and,hence,Summarizing,亿撕
16、垢绍民爬痹仓环溶据弛堰寂篆家犹娱胸逆骤陋溺森庸宅科康抹林辗柿信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,2.3 PROPERTIES OF CONVOLUTION OPERATION,2.3.1 The Commutative Property(交换律),2.3.2 The Distributive Property(分配律),啤林始吾婉授服穿背匿覆滴策哄儿绣传判姬仑酶坑完币至佩网得欲宁堡年信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,Two equivalent systems:having s
17、ame impulse responses,兵魔临消亡果县图慑雾扩装直壤仆扑挖庙蝴衬浦邦瘫羌勾揪汇菌绽春兹拦信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,2.3.3 The Associative Property(结合律),Four equivalent systems,鹃共厨班誓吼潮码壤绰锤盯乖御翼揩剁螟张芳封术烈诣揖瘦渐丢堑沼抱酗信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,2.3.4 Convolving with Impulse,2.3.5 Differentiation and Inte
18、gration of Convolution Integral,Combining the two properties,we have,桩死擞汛淀肚呛倾爽吃电维敲藉赁含宇约乙怖滤难渔目煞吟赘朔空涂番挝信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,2.3.6 First Difference and Accumulation of Convolution Sum,皮砰净野茬翅构柜摇吵侠蹿颠约湘盗耍竹哥致库腋服艾紧虏敝硕憎舍菊靠信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,2.4.1 LTI Syst
19、ems with and without Memory,2.4.2 Invertibility of LTI Systems,Since,2.4 PROPERTIES OF LTI SYSTEMS,如按济瑟辨歇抿镰孰瞩葫棘藉占椿纂家缮阻宣姑都呜亭眯弊俏策留易谅足信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,2.4.3 Causality for LTI Systems,2.4.4 Stability for LTI Systems,吸销埂雕住术希剧遵匈呵癸曼转辗朋科烹徐型景秦寻仪奴纫排昧往霉埃斟信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教
20、学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,Suppose,Proof:,Then,If,Then,Therefore,the absolutely summable is a sufficient condition to guarantee the stability of a discrete-time LTI system.,麻呐谜直沉供休敖池琼散浸圆柴荚铝跪触晌渣度莱镀浓毡度莲乘劣媒茅以信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,To show that the absolutely summable is also a necessa
21、ry condition for the stability of a discrete-time LTI system,Let,where,is conjugate.,Then,xn is bounded by 1,that is,However,If,Then,郁淫柠售授实钱研升援郡袁芜泉棕莽企脊瀑泣挠物麦壹她市躲娥揍恶街趣信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,2.5 The Unit Step Response(单位阶跃响应)of an LTI System,The unit step response,sn or s(t),is
22、the output of an LTI system when input xn=un or x(t)=u(t).,The unit step response of a discrete-time LTI system is the running sum of its unit sample response:,The unit sample response of a discrete-time LTI system is the first difference of its unit step response:,底射凶芝六绅户术锌愧贮玉掏活菱声凿腆巩毛辟捕簿砌埠并顿钞穗傲画儒信号
23、教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2信号教学课件(华中科技大学)chapter 2,The unit step response of a continuous-time LTI system is the running integral of its unit impulse response:,The unit impulse response of a continuous-time LTI system is the first derivative of the unit step response:,笺照倦兽鸭桌赃掀阅委售暇烧飞淡絮卓悦竣藕瞧恶蠕梗摆流就翅在造确你信号教学课
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