1、Steps involved in designing a course(Taba),diagnosis of needsformulation of objectives(realistic)selection of content organization of contentselection of learning experiencesorganization of learning experiencesdetermination of what to evaluate,and the means to evaluate,The components of a curriculum
2、,A viewpoint on the nature of language,Your beliefs about which view of language shouldbe emphasized will translate into beliefs abouthow the language should be learned.e.g.An emphasize on language as rule-governed may translate into the belief that learning a language means,Task,Complete the follow
3、ings:An emphasize on language as rule-governed may translate into the belief that learning a language meansAn emphasize on language as meaning-based may be manifest in the belief that language in classroom should be An emphasize on language as socially constructed among people in discourse community
4、 may be manifest in the belief that,An emphasize on language as rule-governed may translate into the belief that learning a language means learning it accurately,with no grammatical errors.An emphasize on language as meaning-based may be manifest in the belief that language in classroom should be re
5、levant and meaningful to the students in the class.An emphasize on language as socially constructed among people in discourse community may be manifest in the belief that learning a language requires an awareness of how language is used within a given community such as the classroom or neighborhood.
6、,An educational-cultural viewpoint(View on how language should be learnt),Teachers can hold contradictorybeliefs about the process,the roles,and the focus of learning&accommodate them in the classroom.,An educational-cultural viewpoint(View on how language should be taught),A process of providing pr
7、oblem-solving activities&helping students to negotiate themA process of shared decision making with the studentsA process of students determining the problems to be solved and use the teacher as a language&cultural resource.,Behaviourist Theory,Initiated by behavioural psychologist Skinner,who appli
8、ed Watson.The key point of the theory is that:“you can train an animal to do anything(within reason)if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages,stimulus,response,and reinforcement”Skinner suggested that language is also a form of behaviour.It can be learned the same way as an anim
9、al is trained to respond to stimuli.One influential result is the audio-lingual curriculum,which involves endless“listen and repeat”drilling activities.The idea is that language is learned by constant repetition and the reinforcement of the teacher.,Cognitive Theory,It is the result of Noam Chomskys
10、 reaction to Skinners behaviourist theory.The key point of Noam Chomskys theory is reflected in his most famous question:if all language is a learned behaviour,how can a child produce a sentence that has never been said by others before?According to Noam Chomsky,language is not a form of behaviour,i
11、t is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system.There are a finite number of grammatical rules in the system and with a knowledge of these rules an infinite number of sentences can be produced.A language learner acquires language competence
12、 which enables him to produce language.One influential idea of this theory is that students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules.,Humanistic Theory,Carl Rogers has had a significant impact on our present understanding of learning.His formal pr
13、inciples focused on the development of an individuals self-concept and of his or her personal sense of reality,those internal forces which cause a person to act.Rogers believes that human beings are able to adapt and to grow in the direction that enhances their existence.Given a nonthreatening envir
14、onment,a person will form a picture of reality that is indeed congruent with reality and will grow and earn.Rogers position has important implications for education.The focus is away from“teaching”and toward“learning”.The goal of education is the facilitation of change and learning.Learning how to l
15、earn is more important than being“taught”something from the teacher.We should not deny persons both freedom and dignity when prescribing curricular goals.H.Douglas Brown,Process/means,Syllabus Objectives,General Goals of a Curriculum,Product/outcomes,Key questions about three components of a syllabu
16、s:,content-a.what?b.order?c.criteria for the decisions?process a.how to present?b.roles of t&Ss?c.how can materials contribute to learning process?Product:a.knowledge of language?b.language skills?c.techniques of evaluation?,Task:Syllabus&Classroom teacher,In your experience,for which of these tasks
17、 do you see the classroom teacher as having primary responsibility?Rate each task on a scale from 0(no responsibility)to 5(total responsibility).-identifying learners communicative needs 0 1 2 3 4 5-selecting and grading syllabus content 0 1 2 3 4 5-grouping learners into different classes or learni
18、ng arrangements 0 1 2 3 4 5-selecting/creating materials and learning activities 0 1 2 3 4 5-monitoring and assessing learner progress 0 1 2 3 4 5-course evaluation 0 1 2 3 4 5,Syllabus&Classroom teacher,Teachers have primary responsibilities for all the above tasks except for the third one.Few teac
19、hers are in the position of being able to design their own syllabuses.Most teachers are in the position to interpret and modify their syllabuses in the process of translating them into action.i.e.consumers of other peoples syllabuses,Structural-grammatical syllabus(1),centered around items such as t
20、enses,article,singular/plural,e.g.There is a man standing near the car.There are some oranges and some cheese on the table.I like oranges but not cheese.I dont like cheese.I dont come from Shanghai.I usually come at 6 oclock.,Structural-grammatical syllabus(2),1.The most common type of syllabus 2.Sy
21、llabus input is selected and graded according to grammatical notions of simplicity and complicity.3.The transition from lesson to lesson is intended to enable material in one lesson to prepare the ground for the next;and conversely for material in the next to appear to grow out of the previous one.,
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