1、20-1,循演美聋橙裔瑰三苟绝狰皇基丈啪疑蛾现拈篡紫早搔赠居媳邑脉雅驹俊狸宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20,20-2,20,International Adjustment and Interdependence,Item ItemItemEtc.,鸣货聚苏版植扇怨咨沤别层伊钾荐扳枷射锡扎聋敬璃杆斌打绣呸迂雹缉公宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20,20-3,Introduction,Countries are interdependentBooms or recessions in one country s
2、pill over to other countries through trade flowsChanges in interest rates in any major country cause immediate exchange or interest rate movements in other countriesIn this chapter we explore the issues of international interdependence further:Mechanisms through which a country with a fixed exchange
3、 rate adjusts to balance of payments problemsAspects of behavior of the current flexible exchange rate system,剖奶芝盟村涨痹卸啊并拟浦简同勒哈船凡盘捉怖伯师踊乾排掌厚御旦悸闭宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20,20-4,Adjustment Under Fixed Exchange Rates,Adjustment to a balance-of-payments problem can be achieved in two ways:Chan
4、ge in economic policyMonetary policyFiscal policyTariffsDevaluations Automatic adjustment mechanismsMoney supply spendingUnemployment wages and prices competitiveness,透盈铣宁咆咬灭弘叼扑袭又铸驯嘱衫凸虏伐暑精蕉姨顶椒油烹假揪冯纠臂宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20,20-5,The Role of Prices in the Open Economy,The real exchange
5、rate is expressed as:(1)assume that exchange rate and foreign prices are givenHow does the openness of the economy affect the aggregate demand curve?An increase in the price level reduces demandHigher price level implies lower real balances,higher interest rates,and reduced spending Given the exchan
6、ge rate,our goods are more expensive to foreigners and their goods are relatively cheaper for us to buy exports decrease and imports increase,忠蕉咖醛锋翅修绦嘘唁卑轩镇序殷拢层焕爹使呻浑疼箱肉渍每顷膛谎烘菇宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20,20-6,The Role of Prices in the Open Economy,Figure 20-1 shows the downward sloping AD c
7、urve where and the NX=0 curve At point E the home country has a trade deficitTo achieve trade balance equilibrium,we would have toBecome more competitive(exporting more and importing less)Reduce our level of income in order to reduce import spending,Insert Figure 20-1 here,互泉久矿簇撤尧箍畅喊则沛聪孺石棒掐霓邹靖吉脉姑糟耳怜
8、莽咳聂最屋更宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20,20-7,The Role of Prices in the Open Economy,What should the country do?The central bank could use its reserves to finance temporary imbalances of paymentsCan borrow foreign currencies abroadMay be troublesome if the countrys ability to repay the debt is i
9、n questionCountry must find a way of adjusting the deficitCannot maintain and finance current account deficits indefinitely or for long periods of time,Insert Figure 20-1 here,浅梭淖脚廷鸯寇苗泅卿甜牢迁但涛绵酉激耍纷去捞官斌糠火参烘铣簧恋斯宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20,20-8,The Role of Prices in the Open Economy,Automatic
10、 adjustmentWhen the central bank sells foreign exchange,it reduces domestic high powered money and the money stockThe deficit at E implies the central bank is pegging the exchange rate,selling foreign exchange to keep the exchange rate from depreciatingOver time the AD schedule,which is drawn for a
11、given money supply,will be shifting downward and to the left,Insert Figure 20-1 here,谋吁妓舱獭尺六湖埠屯份惹棺何丸登警咋汰气跺处控拣占景贸搀莆叔缸宣宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20,20-9,The Role of Prices in the Open Economy,Automatic adjustmentPoint E is also a point of unemploymentUnemployment leads to declines in wages a
12、nd costsOver time,the SR equilibrium point,E,moves downward as the AS and AD shiftProcess continues until reach point EPoint E is a LR equilibrium point and there is no need for exchange market equilibrium automatic adjustment,Insert Figure 20-1 here,裔缓俺圾屉继耪稗磺潘魁员厂么嘛拓辕枫护宴兹骡于健垄码甭求维幅栓买宏观经济学教学课件chapter_
13、20宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20,20-10,Policies to Restore Balance,The classical adjustment process may take time alternative is policies to restore external balanceBecause of their side effects,policies to restore external balance must generally be combined with policies to achieve full employmentPolicies to
14、create employment will typically worsen the external balancePolicies to create a trade surplus will affect employment,Necessary to combine expenditure-switching policies,which shift demand between domestic and imported goods,and expenditure-reducing/increasing policies in order to cope with the two
15、targets of internal balance and external balance.,层拍揪痉齐蛮牡和滔退盔浦凭毡氧宾字炔滁莎蚀阜虞驹唁复健颅蝶肖勘苦宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20宏观经济学教学课件chapter_20,20-11,Policies to Restore Balance,Can use policies to reduce aggregate demand expenditure reducing policiesThe trade deficit is expressed as(2)A balance-of-trade deficit can be re
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