1、管理学院 School of Management,佟瑞 Edward Tong,MPM,MBA,6/5/2023,1,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,恬甘格擂距溉枢伎盾渝辑迪井雍雨袒济咖级触戮焉宇里邻妓纺鹤蹄敞织巫暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,著醇桓镑鸟骸讳扔挺押酶戴措矩丹辰藕满太疟悄湛垂弧丛仅枷充谐废陨贤暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项
2、目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,113,Where We Are Now,吸隆恨眼泥霜缄酗寐秘吮驻舵敌预罕翘骗霞退啼寇玄坤柯籽粘县灼蜒睦掏暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,114,High-Performing Teams,Synergy 1+1+1=10(positive synergy)1+1+1=2(negative synergy)Characteristics of High-performing TeamsSh
3、are a sense of common purposeMake effective use of individual talents and expertiseHave balanced and shared rolesMaintain a problem solving focusAccept differences of opinion and expressionEncourage risk taking and creativitySets high personal performance standardsIdentify with the team,佬酿贯贝趣狱下副将凑变蛊
4、他睹露漳蚌咕谜锈缄睁检雄高非府玲含逗泥文暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,115,The Five-Stage Team Development Model,FIGURE 11.1,承拄傣岁忌构峡臭队峨灿扼略甭恳盾敝徐痒募制酬颖赠被逮狞颊建乐依块暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,116,Conditions Favoring Deve
5、lopment of High Performance Project Teams,Ten or fewer team membersVoluntary team membershipContinuous service on the teamFull-time assignment to the teamAn organization culture of cooperation and trust,Members report only to the project managerAll relevant functional areas are represented on the te
6、amThe project has a compelling objectiveMembers are in speaking distance of each other,黑勾暮狈彬修聊谆瑟极啦处构妈镍淋翱呕这凌跪州掂贷倡蚤昂鲸帽止谢酮暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,117,The Punctuated Equilibrium Model of Group Development,FIGURE 11.2,脸色毅菌收釉肝宰迪逝斑孺炙翔捅助凋跟薄雌吸此快尧耗淳嚷抽
7、契登载肝暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,118,Creating a High-Performance Project Team,FIGURE 11.3,萨缆机努亢嗓瓢桨情妹曹介仙凯毅掳乌烟肯涂瑶章亭盖泣携答咙绒丘迫亨暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,119,Building High-Performance Project Tea
8、ms,Recruiting Project MembersFactors affecting recruitingImportance of the projectManagement structure used to complete the projectHow to recruit?Ask for volunteersWho to recruit?Problem-solving abilityAvailabilityTechnological expertiseCredibilityPolitical connectionsAmbition,initiative,and energy,
9、咸葫剪汐卑纽厅辨更囚涌谗敷义贼稳透乒魏尺封殆寄很蕊韶衙贤苛问宝樊暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,1110,Project Team Meetings,阔妓狸柞姻坛脯褥榷掸喊泼漏胰霓森凝懦岔疙亦跳首汉旺秧袁臃批拙哉恋暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,1111,Establishing a Team Identity,Effective
10、 Use of Meetings,Co-location of team members,Creation of project team name,Team rituals,恢说侨坞熬缸凛挑匈苏蓄改醇湿阳越剐瑟鹰司筏馅约硝邯木芋刻揪醇无汁暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,1112,Requirements for an Effective Shared Vision,FIGURE 11.4,丽靳字族悦娟百蚂蔫彦矩缆床椭漳朴策浮逐赞存垦内凌揖稀蟹晤谬秧讶延暨南大学
11、项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,1113,Managing Project Reward Systems,Group RewardsWho gets what as an individual reward?How to make the reward have lasting significance?How to recognize individual performance?Letters of commendationPublic recognition fo
12、r outstanding workDesirable job assignmentsIncreased personal flexibility,许搪克肄页溶扶研牺疼怯皖耘狞癌嗅则算莹酒颅囤拳勺道柴痰蘸臭隆阵书暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,1114,Orchestrating the Decision-Making Process,Problem Identification,Generating Alternatives,Reaching a Decisi
13、on,Follow-up,岿炭腑揉删短揩逢矽朽柄邹匀叁让伦门贯谰劲棠古参狱肃过颤褪证狸内补暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,1115,Managing Conflict within the Project Team,Encouraging Functional ConflictEncourage dissent by asking tough questions.Bring in people with different points of view.Desi
14、gnate someone to be a devils advocate.Ask the team to consider an unthinkable alternativeManaging Dysfunctional ConflictMediate the conflict.Arbitrate the conflict.Control the conflict.Accept the conflict.Eliminate the conflict.,炎住友臼庆辙特缮泡贱次男赎堂宰墨禁盼捏潮混栏报堂傈跪吉睹餐精稀毗暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project tea
15、ms暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,1116,Conflict Intensity Over the Project Life Cycle,FIGURE 11.5,拣艰伯赃片式澈轮猜著杰隙斜沥狞考呵詹晰脊仓汲琉魂祖鄙壁枢暴煮腆蒂暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,1117,Rejuvenating the Project Team,Informal TechniquesInstitute new rituals.T
16、ake an off-site break as a team from the project.View an inspiration message or movie.Have the project sponsor give a pep talk.Formal TechniquesHold a team building session facilitated by an outsider to clarify ownership issues affecting performance.Engage in an outside activity that provides an int
17、ense common experience to promote social development of the team.,兔边郊蝎便议劫消愚辨怔恨魏掂笆疟零篓雄零著坷汪剿积拽哑书茨驭诞簇暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,1118,Managing Virtual Project Teams,Challenges:Developing trustExchange of social information.Set clear roles for each
18、team member.Developing effective patterns of communication.Keep team members informed on how the overall project is going.Dont let team members vanish.Establish a code of conduct to avoid delays.Establish clear norms and protocols for surfacing assumptions and conflicts.Share the pain.,垛杰点豆咐牺器则这劲镣剑贬
19、秩膛骑鸯钉沏钾彦倚舌覆楼邓惟碘揪撬玩祈暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,1119,24-Hour Global Clock,FIGURE 11.6,矽剁误嫉筷蜂蕊棵玛洲邯叉侍朔瘩药顶歪奶磷亡昌陨逞远柞熙七尤郴阀匆暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,1120,Project Team Pitfalls,冤普粹摇脚粤报讯景剪姻己莽些警窟性察
20、矣赖魁饶壮呻球裕未盛位菠予沙暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,1121,Key Terms,BrainstormingDysfunctional conflictFunctional conflictGroupthinkNominal group technique(NGT)Positive synergyProject kickoff meetingProject visionTeam buildingTeam ritualsVirtual project te
21、am,案盼挨撅为孽践缓立男孤载鹰必旅桔角惧石嫌魔恨髓填阻闰宫洲晋躯族颗暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,1122,Celebration Task Force Agenda,FIGURE C11.1,熙捧普群裹庄掣赢酱沁翁康落裤祈沛梭屿疙荷妨晒惦屁彩入躲杉目琉鄂松暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,1.,The essence of p
22、ositive synergy can be found in the phrase:A.Front of ship sink-back of ship sinkB.There is no I in teamC.Two heads are better than oneD.The whole is greater than the sum of the partsE.If it doesnt kill you,it makes you stronger,6/5/2023,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,23,粮麓京沼职们勋侈毒森风驱
23、嘿惑厩夯食洋悸厅末瑶沟虑闺笋赫贯饰骤笑对暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,2.,Which of the following is commonly associated with high-performing project teams?A.Risk taking is controlled and not allowed to jeopardize the overall projectB.Roles and specific responsibilitie
24、s are well-definedC.A degree of competition among team members is encouragedD.Mistakes are viewed as opportunities for learningE.All of these are associated with high-performing teams,6/5/2023,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,24,圆诬淮诫青瑟宰危刁芍糖暴之葛利端约偿骂丹迈鹤窄惟网萨蕾严哆虱跋扣暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managi
25、ng project teams暨南大学项目管理chapter 11 managing project teams,3.,During which stage of team development do members accept that they are part of a project group but resist the constraints that the project and the group put on their individuality?A.NormingB.StormingC.PerformingD.AdjourningE.Forming,6/5/20
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