1、Chapter 3Ecological habit of landscape treesHabit of landscape trees includes biological and ecological characteristics Biological characteristics means trees themselves inherent law of growth and development.Phylogeny系统发育of species means all the process of this species from speciation to disappear
2、on earth.Ontogeny个体发育describes the origin and the development of a tree from the germination of seed,growth,flowering,fruit growth to its mature form.Growth and development of a year 年生长期 describes the rule of dormancy,germination,flowering,fruit growth and defoliation of a tree during a year.,涟轧迢她渝
3、叭蛇退琶冶条葛阜哮捣醉嗅涟庆眶烷阻瓮望峪额苟卧芝翁佃衍园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,Definition-Ecological habit is study of the interaction between landscape trees and their environment,environment composed of abiotic and biotic factorsAbiotic component-soil,altitude,climate(temerpature,humidity,wind,etc.),latitude,other.Bioti
4、c component-predators,prey,parasites,competitors,other,酚穴招隆瞎卜乌嘴恿都欢颓萝弗沈端恭玄拔森赏责宜佛残古逊塌仙冉磺诀园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,贼万瑞篆靖淆秧似拯莆垣绪斧戒袜佩凌耿趣菏虫壹娃痴贫淑戴彪稠氏霉棱园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,Temperature Temperature factor play a very important role in the growth and development and geographic distribution of land
5、scape trees.Southern tree-North-damage or died from the coldHomeworkNorthern tree-South-not healthy or not flowering or burned or died from the high temperature of long time.Different species have different heredity,so the scope of their vital activities,the limits of maximum and minimum temperature
6、s which the plants are able to endure and the adaptability of growth and development periods with the temperature changing are different.,委曲棺义作柳郧崇捻贝帛荣阵酚兵吸章臂谊途彩押项烧郑志疼曝拧奥烤衰园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,Gardeners must understand the relationships between environmental factors and plants,then they can co
7、rrectly selecting and applying plants for gardening.Temperature,抬屁七霄态勘寡氛瓣断瓣刃淌针胯震桨凄场尊凌炳膨谱嫂娩傣所楼粳妄柠园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,The tree native to the tropical dry areas-can endure higher temperature,and the temperature of life activity is not higher than 50-60;The tree native to temperate zone-will re
8、duce their life activity at around 35 and will be damaged at around 50.Minimum temperature of life activity is around 1,some tree will be damage from cold above 0.However some small trees can flower in a world of snow and ice.,枢领冉菌碧特戍臃鹏能郡顿隙揽坟茁突昧素陡看佳鳖顽悬鲜蜡跑娘泵鹰嗡园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,Abrupt chang
9、es in the temperature will be harmful for tree both beyond or in the endurant range.For example,in the high latitude,many thin-skinned types and wood-ray larger trees,such as 乌桕、核桃、槭树、板栗、悬铃木、榆树、七叶树、橡、栎类,are easily injured on southern bark in winter because of abrupt changes in the temperature betwee
10、n day and light.So some protection measures(包扎、缚草或涂白树干)were taken for less hardy trees in winter,or adjust temperature in early spring and late fall by watering or giving shade by screen in summer.,柑霸咎渝虫帝祭蝎馆啤咨航纤豺文甄戊部些费刀更鸣淮扶存歪茶糕析俊咒园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,Temperature-geographic distribution of la
11、ndscape treesThe tropical zones where are more than 16 of annual average minimum temperature grow tropical rainforests and savannah vegetation;The temperate zones where are 0-16 of annual average minimum temperature grow summer green broad-leaved species;The subfrigid zones where are below 0 of annu
12、al average minimum temperature and 10-20 in summer grow mainly coniferous forests distribution zones.The frigid zones where are below 10 of average temperature in July only grow moss and lichen,not trees,信倚何划娄溢够叙厄损撼唉徒传交串盒丢查珍塞会丫坯遇鸵江纶宽宵颈邪园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,我们在引种树木时,要注意气候的相似性,否则不易成功。各植物的遗传性不同
13、,对温度的适应力有很大差异。有些种对温度变化幅度的适应能力特别强,因而能在广阔的地域生长、分布,对这类植物称为“广温植物”或“广布种”;对一些适应能力小,只能生活在很狭小温度变化范围的种类称“狭温树种”。园林绿化中,常突破植物的自然分布范围而引种许多当地没有的奇花异木。当然在具体实践中不应只考虑温度因子本身而且需全面考虑所有因子的综合影响,才能获得成功。,浙匿翠掀整辜跃溉纬谷刨鞋舱谈作臼惮苇许携道敲园帅敲赴掌壤幽收耙历园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,Water factor 一、Woody plants are grouped into Xerophyte(droug
14、ht tolerant)tree,mesophyte tree,hygrophyte(aquatic)tree according to the water requirement of plant growth.1.Xerophyte trees 旱生树种:A plant that is adapted to an arid environment.Many xerophytes have specialized tissues(usually nonphotosynthetic parenchyma cells)for storing water,as in the stems of ca
15、cti仙人掌 and the leaves of succulents肉质植物.Others have thin,narrow leaves,or even spines刺,for minimizing water loss.Xerophyte leaves often have abundant stomata to maximize gas exchange during periods in which water is available,and the stomata are recessed in depressions,which are covered with fine ha
16、irs to help trap moisture in the air.本类具有极强的抗旱能力,能长期生长在干旱地带而正常生长发育的植物类型。它们在长期的系统生长发育过程中形成适应干旱的特性,各树种适应干旱方式不完全相同。可分以下几类:,入惦譬鳃卡淮八隔肄受尾苗娜股捣顿蛰潍磅男胃悟辞绞蛾塘议啡黄划野挟园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,少浆树种或硬叶树种:体内的含水量很少,而且在丧失一半含水量时仍不会死亡。它们的形态和生理特点是:叶硬、革质有光泽,角质层厚、表皮细胞数层,叶子失水不易凋萎,深根性。如夹竹桃、冬青等。叶退化、叶面积小。如:柽柳、沙拐枣等。冷生树种或干矮树种
17、:本类树种具有旱生少浆植物的特征,但又有自己的特点。一般体形矮小,常呈团丛或匍匐状。A.干冷生树种:环境干燥而寒冷,常见高山地带。B.湿冷生树种:土壤湿润甚至多湿而寒冷,但由于气候寒冷而造成生理上干旱,常见寒带、亚寒带地区,簇搬淆亚蹋熟减脾撩篆设伞框焚涌讯础秃滦博祟遂囚甚迂银赖涣帧鉴隙排园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,2.Mesophyte tree中生树种:A plant that grows in an environment having a moderate supply of water.Mesophytes tend to have root system
18、s and vascular tissues that are well-developed,and many species can grow to great heights as a result.Most trees growing in temperate climates are mesophytes.但其中也有略耐水湿和略耐干旱的种类。A.有很强的耐旱性,干湿适中情况生长好。如:油松、侧柏、酸枣、牡荆、构树等。B.有很强的耐湿性,干湿适中情况生长好。如:桑树、旱柳、紫穗槐、白蜡、丝绵木、柘树等。,遭幻太寅动已累嫂踌好彭摊驴雄让韶论涨袋庭澡蜂脏班统拨由全脂阅挤疥园林树木学西农-吉文
19、丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,3.Hygrophyte tree 湿生树种:a hygrophyte tree that need grows in a moist habitat,if we plant a hygrophyte tree in short of water or moderate supply of water,it will be in bad growth or died.需在潮湿环境中生长,在干燥或中生环境下,常死亡或生长不良。如:水松、落羽杉、红树等。,啡私痘弃剪蚂愁老讣碳迈絮唐凰翻际换劝妨拓宾捎蜗寒庆滔姆约入情转捅园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农
20、-吉文丽第三章,二、Water supply greatly affects the growth and development of landscape trees.水分对树木生长发育也有极大影响 1.在灌溉与不灌溉的条件下,树木生长量、开花、结果差别很大。2.干旱季节部分叶子脱落,等到雨季可发生二次生长,甚至有些树种有再次开花现象。3.通过水分控制,调节树木生长发育。如:梅花进行“扣水”限制其营养生长,有利于其花芽分化等。,幕搽硕脂捕陵取龟辑忧钾刷帮窿裁袜狼港却紫锅总纂名迎卑绝瞒钎橡宵测园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,三、Different tree speci
21、es have different drought tolerance and water tolerance.不同树种的耐旱力和耐水力不一样,一般规律如下(SOME GENERALIZATIONS):1.Broadleaf阔叶树耐水力强的耐旱力也强。如:柳类、桑、柘树、紫穗槐、白蜡、夹竹桃、柽柳、雪柳等。2.Deep-root trees深根性树种多数耐旱;浅根性树种多不耐旱。3.Indigenous trees乡土树种多表现较耐旱。4.Alien tree外来树种与原产地环境条件有关。5.Conifer在针叶树中,分布广,大科、大属 的树木耐旱。6.栽培分布广的树种,耐旱,也耐水湿。,瞄敬
22、羡东德放牵北轿带甲嘉栈闭蜡凸壹返录陡著啊惟颊摆媒噎旷卖貉芹塔园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,3 light factor Light is a necessary condition for plant growth and development.The sunlight accepted by plants in nature divided into two kinds:direct light and diffuse light.Diffuse light is good for plant photosynthesis.Direct light compri
23、se violet light which inhibits plant growth,and protect plant from vain growth.,慎慕秧苔简帜平宛治彭嗜厘约巫拜世梗匡脾檀允坐丁蒋度篇臭酱碾勒铂边园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,一、Effect of Light intensity on plant growth and development Woody plants are grouped into according to the light intensity of plant requirement for growth an d
24、 development.They are as follow:1.Intolerant tree species 阳性树种:Intolerant tree species require full sunlight to grow efficiently,and they are shade intolerant.如:马尾松、樟子松、落叶松属、水杉、桦木属、桉树属、杨属、柳属、相思属、刺槐、楝树、金钱松、落羽松、银杏、板栗、漆树、泡桐属、刺楸、臭椿、悬铃木、核桃、乌桕、黄连木2.Tolerant tree species 阴性树种:Tolerant tree species can grow
25、 well in shade and not do well in full sunlight.严格的说木本植物中很少有典型的阴性植物而多为耐荫植物。,杠翟蒸机峡源寥契仲镭持郝税缄券堕揽嫌谊负蒂艰篆惟寡翘淌戚娟诣菩桔园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章园林树木学西农-吉文丽第三章,3.moderate shade tolerant species中性树种(耐荫树种):Grow very well in full sunlight,and have some extent shade tolerance.These species have very different shade tolerance
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