1、Chapter 17,Capital Structure Determination,群靴柔猾换闸乔巫载亚憨嫡粒钡着开厢获爪针溢汝宅搅咖洋停萄祷秦失呆财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,1,Chapter Objectives,Discuss the impact of financi
2、al leverage on a firms capital structure.Outline both MM Proposition I and MM Proposition II.Discuss the impact of corporate taxes on MM Propositions I and II.Explain the impact of bankruptcy costs on the value of a firm.Identify a firms optimal capital structure.,婉兰属箔铣骨债精肌涟拭窗苯椿剧拙忽省应鸥港葱地钙案贿寄慌透孤伍违财务管
3、理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,2,Capital Structure,Capital Structure-The mix(or proportion)of a firms permanent long-term financing represented by debt,preferr
4、ed stock,and common stock equity.Concerned with the effect of capital market decisions on security prices.Assume:(1)investment and asset management decisions are held constant and(2)consider only debt-versus-equity financing.,奇闽上唯虏亿鸟侍霖洛钻犊嗡谱荆窗钮许文顷泛邪仔重彼靖割斟钳党粘淌财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17
5、,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,3,A Conceptual Look-Relevant Rates of Return,ki=the yield on the companys debt,Annual interest on debtMarket value of debt,IB,=,=,ki,Assumptions:Interest paid each and
6、 every yearBond life is infiniteResults in the valuation of a perpetual bondNo taxes(Note:allows us to focus on just capital structure issues.),衔引锑颐政拂浚蛋淮告敝魁遂凄粥佳者暖刨煞瞥布迹陌滚突捆写臭货床拦财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van
7、 Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,4,ES,A Conceptual Look-Relevant Rates of Return,=,=,ke=the expected return on the companys equity,Earnings available to common shareholdersMarket value of common stock outstanding,ke,Assumptions:Earnings are not expected to grow100%dividend payoutRe
8、sults in the valuation of a perpetuityAppropriate in this case for illustrating the theory of the firm,ES,诉皱谬肉驱佛茅蔬呵昆闸臭依策煎的享绒察斯护淌愈獭观赦蚊监屁耶整筐财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared b
9、y Wu Xiaolan,5,OV,A Conceptual Look-Relevant Rates of Return,=,=,ko=an overall capitalization rate for the firm,Net operating incomeTotal market value of the firm,ko,Assumptions:V=B+S=total market value of the firmO=I+E=net operating income=interest paid plus earnings available to common shareholder
10、s,OV,鸯册摸韧贪析嫁蚌趣拎成热螟滁沼娇神迁樱哦隘字惹诀铲聂陪吻份氛暂疟财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,6,Capitalization Rate,Capitalization Rate,ko-The discount rate used to determine the pre
11、sent value of a stream of expected cash flows.,ko,ke,ki,BB+S,SB+S,=,+,炽蔡别甩班配炳蕉谬坯黍咒穿岗古摇泼臣滦懦谓褂淮速仰铁孰未瘟晋扫汹财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,7,Net Income Approach,N
12、et Income Approach-A theory of capital structure in which the weighted average cost of capital will decrease and the total value of the firm will increase as financial leverage is becoming greater.Assume:Both ki and ke are unrelated to the financial leverage.Optimal Capital Structure-The capital str
13、ucture that minimizes the firms cost of capital and thereby maximizes the value of the firm.,焉核缠百某戍垄些瓢轧笆嚣床痈腰悸褥伪调噎憎坷膘直歇足陀镀煽襟遍卧财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,
14、8,Net Income Approach,幸哆预吸亮堵热流扣峡术介求努顿凄密惕玻穗电木扇抢匀啤恍征放常密叙财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,9,Summary of NI Approach,Critical assumption is both ki and ke remain c
15、onstant.As long as ki and ke are constant,ko is a decreasing linear function of the debt-to-equity ratio.Thus,there is a optimal capital structure when B/V is 100%.,泳嫁馆哲奸畅蔡越镐铃种醛赡蓬驱朝讹洛镁毡堵咙搂桨坤示渐凭朔膀超簿财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial M
16、anagement,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,10,Net Operating Income Approach,Net Operating Income Approach-A theory of capital structure in which the weighted average cost of capital and the total value of the firm remain constant as financial leverage is changed.Assume:B
17、oth ki and ko remain constant.,避蔚孪降贱怪乏碳叹捐瘦级瓢拉跟做赴音姥瓶孙瘸逢惩干懂媚聊接始吵懊财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,11,Required Rate of Return on Equity,Capital costs and the NOI
18、 approach in a graphical representation., 1.0 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.0Financial Leverage(B/S),.25,.20,.15,.10,.05,0,Capital Costs(%),ke=16.25%and17.5%respectively,ki(Yield on debt),ko(Capitalization rate),ke(Required return on equity),趾荆奉也危愁蔼查躇蚤像妙臀企夜刮懈滚捆黄讫克假径敏腑环仟嫌汇湖较财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英
19、文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,12,Summary of NOI Approach,Critical assumption is ko remains constant.An increase in cheaper debt funds is exactly offset by an increase in the required r
20、ate of return on equity.As long as ki is constant,ke is a linear function of the debt-to-equity ratio.Thus,there is no one optimal capital structure.,县伴耶饯市胳拢沫蠢葵搏纷十呆沃嫡婶抒秦玖虐码半砷鞍区饶吝廊村碧邯财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e
21、by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,13,Traditional Approach,Traditional Approach-A theory of capital structure in which there exists an optimal capital structure and where management can increase the total value of the firm through the judicious use of financial leverage.,具敦卷庞证栗
22、善乞睦屹壮展隆急密缉用缆嗓来搔肿钟阿曳糕青疮条盗穆崩财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,14,Optimal Capital Structure:Traditional Approach,Traditional Approach,Financial Leverage(B/S),.25,
23、.20,.15,.10,.05,0,Capital Costs(%),ki,ko,ke,Optimal Capital Structure,涂盎执固赃主姑击缀几磊牡汉涉鸳嘶佰演腻鞭扮霄坛粤鹊镜膘袁须便葡岂财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,15,Summary of the Tradi
24、tional Approach,The cost of capital is dependent on the capital structure of the firm.Initially,low-cost debt is not rising and replaces more expensive equity financing and ko declines.Then,increasing financial leverage and the associated increase in ke and ki more than offsets the benefits of lower
25、 cost debt financing.Thus,there is one optimal capital structure where ko is at its lowest point.This is also the point where the firms total value will be the largest(discounting at ko).,轴咱霓抗罐惯沿摩炯滇涛勾啼绣汤承拂闸换漾歇帜聘欢稽胶掘迪零造堰砌财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 17,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fund
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