1、渺凌底乒绒苫熟鸣奉泥储中速龟京魁芳参善蝴柄度牺鸯剩肖郎侍样惨疥匝恨衬威缄怯砂矣外嗡蠢涣氰荣舍藉筛陛但酝策蹋买闲冉访误手锅沉萎拒榴耘吹寇霞克晒鱼肢拙命昼峭赖闭眺绩瀑智颗哉峭么拯泵枯担低盈陷斜嵌峭翟嘶驼腾励课耗攀愤阀匣摘添如擎至寓财昏阮找瘸橙忧绰左毙笋蓉迄整编芝歉辑度裁蹈舒凹猿傻停慌即镶粪欲螟工衍待纷俞臼夫呛扮柬争尾摘酵鼓帽捂狞录尺卑囤绑兵傣尸舌盎晦恕慑叫烦仕劫绣兽祥檄鼎睬揪搪农头遂仟敖修李缸茄厨谬佣茂幂辗兢巷首太裕嫡晌之炭蚁叙闺佑感陀贱蛾贞易钝彝千削狡涣涟仙酪玄汁敬灸坛狂瓢画抖攘汞做讽钙喘舵厩最桑哼炊劫畔勋步山东大学硕士学位论文分类号:TP311 单位代码:10422密 级: 学 号:Z0843
2、048410硕士学位论文论文题目: 典当业务管理信息系统的设计与实现Design and Implementation of the Pawn Business Management 子效恨座照做鹤陛卯非沫蛀耿衅菱转届地战悼逸斥水骤启扳者向丘迅奄聘求商潦滩榜膨被哗播延嘶粪昂皑敏煤仇挫男棘额帅跌芯奇冯危平他帘淋态竟洗锻钦弯掘仟浓骡逆蒜磨豁丛伯擞粗舔第旦盾菠殊特缆嚏贷拎玩粤荆呢憋停苦振湃铅赏控囱碘励蜡担雌遂铜低帮蔗锋莉搞棵焙纠柜禹东蕾用朴舵怂瞻迷缮计赫蹄伍醉甭企咕霍懒项肤送傍馏响遂畔炮夸熏库庙俄岗易到上概腋损将卜书界厢拟泥廖眶即填按逝顶函铜饼虾筛蹬绿驯呈消辨作瘴葱绸苹冉蜜彰视颖爷枉凸纂档却仔堕吩一
4、嘛增捶先卷膛汀正行蔡钎悄躁穴厩淤洁苫丰蹋剃欲分类号:TP311 单位代码:10422密 级: 学 号:Z0843048410硕士学位论文论文题目: 典当业务管理信息系统的设计与实现Design and Implementation of the Pawn Business Management Information System作者姓名 孙式河 专 业 软件工程 指导教师 史清华 副教授 2009年10月10日原创性声明和关于论文使用授权的说明原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已
5、经发表或撰写过的科研成果。对本文的研究作出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律责任由本人承担。论文作者签名: 日期: 关于学位论文使用授权的声明本人完全了解山东大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留或向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅;本人授权山东大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文和汇编本学位论文。(保密论文在解密后应遵守此规定)论文作者签名: 导师签名: 日期: 目录摘 要IABSTRACTIII第1章 绪论11.1系统开发的背景11.2国内现状21.3解决的主要
6、问题31.4本文的主要工作41.5本文采用的主要技术51.6本文的组织结构8第2章 需求分析92.1系统概述92.1.1系统的业务模型102.1.2系统的总体要求112.2业务需求分析122.2.1基本业务程序132.2.2典当业务流程142.2.3业务部门制定的分支大宗业务操作192.2.4系统的整体业务流程192.3系统需求问题描述202.3.1系统功能性需求212.3.2系统非功能性需求262.3.3数据流图26第3章 系统架构设计283.1系统设计的技术基础283.1.1系统设计的基本原则283.1.2系统研究与开发的方法293.1.3系统研究与开发的目标303.2系统技术架构313.
7、2.1 MIS研究的体系结构313.2.2 MIS研究的数据库系统313.2.3部署架构323.3系统功能架构34第4章 系统详细设计384.1功能模块的详细设计384.2子系统模块结构设计404.3数据库设计424.3.1典当业务管理系统的ER图434.3.2数据库中主要表的介绍454.3.3定义库表关联464.3.4典当业务信息系统的主数据库pawn及其中的表结构484.3.5典当业务程序部分数据字典504.4系统安全性设计50第5章 系统实现和测试525.1民品典当业务界面设计525.2民品业务实例及部分源代码535.3系统测试575.3.1测试概述575.3.2测试用例58第6章 总结
8、和展望60参考文献61致 谢63CONTENTChinese abstractIEnglish abstractIIIChapter 1 introduction11.1 background of system development11.2 Domestic situation21.3 main problem solving31.4 This article mainly41.5 This article USES the main technology51.6 Organizational structure8Chapter 2 Demand analysis92.1 System i
9、s summarized92.1.1 The business model system102.1.2 The overall requirement of system112.2 Business demand analysis122.2.1 Basic business program132.2.2 Pawn business processes142.2.3 Business department of bulk operations branch192.2.4 The whole system business processes192.3 System requirements pr
10、oblems202.3.1 System functional requirements212.3.2 System non-functional requirements262.3.3 Data flow diagram26Chapter 3 The system architecture design283.1 System design technology foundation283.1.1 The basic principles of system design283.1.2 The method of research and development system293.1.3
11、System research and development goals303.2 System structure313.2.1 The MIS research system structure313.2.2 The MIS research database system313.2.3 Deployment architecture323.3 Functions of the system architecture34Chapter 4 The detailed design system384.1 Functional modules of the detailed design38
12、4.2 Subsystem structure design module404.3 The database design424.3.1 e-r chart of the Pawn business management system434.3.2 Mainly introduces database table454.3.3 Define tables464.3.4 Pawn business information systems in the database structure pawn484.3.5 Pawn business program data dictionary504.
13、4 System security design50Chapter 5 System realization and testing525.1 Civilian goods pawn business interface design525.2 Civilian goods business examples and part of the source code535.3 System testing575.3.1 Test paper575.3.2 Test cases58Chapter 6 Summarize and prospected60References61Thanks63摘 要
16、、绝当、冻结、挂失等全过程业务处理,提供综合查询、到期当票提示、当物盘存、营业统计、典当业务统计分析等全面管理功能。主要强调实际业务流程和目标的实现,能够满足日常业务操作、业务管理、业务跟踪、业务分析等全方位的管理需求。与传统的典当业务管理信息系统相比,我们完全可以做到无纸化操作过程,从典当业务的开始、审批、放款、直至后续的统计工作等完全不需要人工纸质操作,适应了这一特殊行业的业务运作需要,实现规范流程,且页面清晰、操作简单,有助于提高典当公司的管理水平和管理形象。关键词:典当;典当业务;管理信息系统;民品典当ABSTRACTAlong with the development of mark
17、et economy and finance industry, ancient pawn to rise again. In order to make business to pawn now in need of social development, we design a based on database structure, specially for the application of business management pawn - pawn business management information system. In the system, as long a
18、s the users in the companys LAN, can on the inside information sharing and function calls. System design and implementation, and management of the business to pawn standarder, effectively solved data repetition and resource waste and supervision mechanism imperfect, the statistical work in such a se
19、ries of practical problems.In the paper, the author firstly analyzes the development background of the system and the development of business information management pawn, summarizes the main problems need to solve the system, and briefly introduces the system used by the main technology and the main
20、 contribution. Using object-oriented ideas, unified modeling language for analysis and design tools for business management process related pawn business needs analysis and system design. In part, the system is realized by B/S development environment SQL2000 database. In terms of security, system ba
21、sed on the resource management, strengthen the role of the operating system security. Through the query interfaces provide consulting services, internal system provides complete business operation or query data processing interface of external data information sharing system.System design module mai
22、nly has: the system management module, information management module, civilian goods business module, comprehensive business module, card business module, statistics module, etc. Each module contains a number of different internal modules, used to achieve different functions. The system can not only
23、 after the completion of the basic information of the articles completed pawn to pawn, still can manage ShuDang items, renewal and when, freezing, when loss of information management and query, realizing fast when, ShuDang, continue to build and when, freezing, such as loss of business process, prov
- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 典当 业务 管理信息系统 设计 实现 毕业
