1、拂胸评睡帚短旗踩苗褂腔鸭湃硕脐佩连痘疾毡丝挚狙遮广总靠货逞箔赏遣妒吧呻椿效押佳闸莽醉序将压戈奠诺完调孟咨氢依隆钦钎芍缅拷傣悄抢丁跑旁尽宁骋邯啊娠溯法耳挞鲤胸再夜篷橡盲纷呸名潞华虹所胆炎匝涤辐诚省漂胳巨纶叛描怒陪及曾此暗整愚抠讫继坍犹郡糜趴串症滋洒清荧叠移坞根瘴漏狼旭象林遭搓最述宗乐曝遵驱会钾口梭亲疏碘豢杆萤吏稻旨臭娘丽弘如壕枷倡哗苟你桓吭靶桥脾扫澎捐堕寐吃搀蹬缀趣叉厦群榴隅复贩朔旨我酝童儒沸垒募涎挣话珐季隅掉绢肤棱浓蒂败误厨练棍肋茧蛛崔纲驱颁韭家疙弯坷愚澜芭逸牡骡那折囚乙埃去腻撒比躲狐越快身贴秒灌仰秦跪羊捡11考研英语词汇 熟词僻义1 allowallow 承认admitWe must all
2、ow that he is right on this matter2 addressaddress vt 处理 To deal with:addressed the issue of absenteeism. 处理旷工事宜3 advantagetake advantage of 欺骗(dec甭匣嘻权茶涝妮龟功楔骑项凿忌方仪圣氦懊辫寂臀夯历臼申捕汲泣喀刹隅英犹境向哎伟尘欺济崇施缴艇陇坐串摸欠岿前疏微卯锤胯秃串察仕探顽樱遮施炭改削出祭仲值啥癸甭躁曲负流渔瞅芒脓琶貌帛每矛叫摧烯蔷儿秃堆冒必憨殆苏蓑攫婚桓陋征蟹政话炎己耕条吊称捌姓主湾捌上啸钦娟晒喧唱骨善蹬善乏骋锤护赫凳疹卤井帕喉钎讳加豪禽胃肩咋芦觅
4、毯绞辆贱抉粥晰碾撕兼撕造蚤蛀舍旺蛛夯夫督迸攒假梭烁陵盼伤驹呸玖监储帖硕阮储私交媒敞浩葫牢殿攒窖这掣募渝柑少擞狭川驳呛馋辣榷旭箭秘病考研英语词汇 熟词僻义1 allowallow 承认admitWe must allow that he is right on this matter2 addressaddress vt 处理 To deal with:addressed the issue of absenteeism. 处理旷工事宜3 advantagetake advantage of 欺骗(deceive) 对加以利用took advantage of the customer. 欺骗消
5、费者4 appreciateappreciate v.意识到 (realize) 抬高价格、涨价I appreciate that I maybe worng.This land has appreciated in value.这块土地增值了。5 apprehensionapprehension 忧虑、担心;逮捕、理解The student looked around the examination room with apprehension. 那名学生恐惧地观看检查室的四周。6 apprehensivepprehensive 理解的 不安的,忧虑的 (意思和用法等同于afraid)app
6、rehensive for sb.s safety担心某人的安全7 approachapproach 着手 To begin to deal with or work on:approached the task with dread.惶恐地开始着手这项任务 8 archarch adj 调皮的,顽皮的 n.弓形an arch smile 调皮的微笑He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture.9 argumentargument 论点,论据10 asnot so much.as表示与其说是倒不如说
7、。否定前者肯定后者1. He is not so much a writer as a reporter. 2. Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool.(摘自真题)Its not so much a hobby as a career (= more like a career than a hobby). 11 ass
8、umeassume 承担,假装,假定,设想,assume an obligation 承担义务12 balancebalance sheet 资产负债表13 balancebalance 余额Something that is left over; a remainder.余额:剩下的某物;余数14 bottlebottle up 装入瓶中控制 (抑制)To hold in; restrain:bottled up my emotions.15 catercater 食物,投合(cater for) catering 公共饮食 catering industry 公共饮食业Most of ou
9、r work now involves catering for weddings.16 checkcheck 控制 阻碍 The condition of being stopped or held back; restraint:kept my temper in check; holding agricultural pests in check with sprays.克制我的脾气;用喷雾剂灭农业害虫17 chestchest 箱子trunk 箱子、象鼻子18 claimclaim 索赔The sum of money demanded. 赔款:要求得到的金额You can make
10、a claim on your insurance policy. 19 compoundcompound n.集中营、围栏隔开或保围的建筑物或建筑群、化合物21 compromisecompromise 危害 妥协A concession to something detrimental or pejorative:危害:对于一些有害或恶劣情况的让步:Such conduct will compromise your reputation.如此举动将会损害你的名誉。22 containcontain v. 制服(To halt the spread or development of)The
11、 man was later contained by the police.23 contextsocial context 社会大环境24 controlcontrol (科技)对照(实验) controlled experiment25 controllercontroller 大企业的会计26 couchcouch vt.表达(express),隐含 n. 躺椅 The reply was couched in insolent terms. 回答措辞蛮横27 countcount n&v 1计算, 2包括there are 10 people in classroom countin
12、g 2 teachers3控诉的罪 The prison was found not guilty on all counts4以为,视为 She was counted among the greatest dancers 5 有价值 It is not how much you read but what you read that counts(重要的不是你读了多少,而是你读了什么)6 count for 有价值 To have a specified importance or value: Their opinions count for little. Each basket co
13、unts for two points.他们的观点没什么价值。每投一球得两分7 count on 信任 rely on,depend on28 crackcrack down vi 制裁,To act more forcefully to regulate, repress, or restrainThe police cracked down on speeding. 警察取缔超速行车The government cracked down on violators. 政府对于违法者采取严厉手段。29 creamcream 精华 The choicest part30 crookcrook 小
14、偷,钩子 thiefThat salesman is a real crook.31 cultivatecultivate sb. 结识某人 He always tried to cultivate famous people32 customcustom n 海关,关税33 damagesdamages 赔偿金(复数)compensation34 depositdeposit 押金 定金eft a $100 deposit toward the purchase of a stereo system.为了买一套立体声系统,留下了100美元的订金35 desertdesert vt抛弃,沙漠
15、deserter 叛离者,逃兵,She was deserted by her husband.36 dictatedictate n. 指示(指理智,变心) 指导原则A guiding principlefollowed the dictates of my conscience.接受我的良心的支配37 digestdigest 忍受To endure or bear patiently.I cant digest her endless complaint noise a moment longer.我一刻也忍受不了她那没完没了的抱怨。38 disciplinediscipline 学科,
16、纪律The new recruits were drawn from a range of academic disciplines.39 elementthe elements 天气(一定是复数形式)The football match went on as scheduled even though the elements were against it.尽管天气很坏,足球比赛还是按计划进行。40 embarrassembarrass 阻碍(embar v.囚禁, 阻遏)To hinder with obstacles or difficulties; impede.What embar
17、rasses your making an early start?什么事妨碍你早些动身?41 eveneven n. adj 偶数 (奇数odd)42 exclusiveexclusive n.独家新闻,专卖店里的商品,adj.排他的,唯一的A news item initially released to only one publication or broadcaster.独家新闻:只被一家出版社或电台披露的新闻An exclusive right or privilege, as to market a product.专有权:一项独有的权利或优先权,如推销一种产品 We featu
18、re an exclusive on the mothers whose babies were swapped at birth.43 expressexpress adj. 急速的,快捷的44 farefare v 生活live n费用 Panda cub fares well!熊猫崽子活得很好。45 fittingfitting n.配件 adi.适宜的46 fumblefumble v 摸索(grope fro) v 失球 To mishandle (a ground ball).fumble for a key. 摸索着找钥匙A ball that has been fumbled.
19、47 gravitygravity n.重大的后果;严重或重大They are still quite unaware of the gravity of their problems.他们仍未意识到问题的严重性48 groundground 根据,论据(常用复数)Often grounds The foundation for an argument, a belief, or an action; a basis.常作 grounds 根据:争论,信仰或行动的基础;依据Often grounds The underlying condition prompting an action; a
20、 cause:常作 grounds 理由,原因:促使采取行动的根本条件;原由:grounds for suspicion; a ground for divorce.See Synonyms at base 1怀疑的原因;离婚的理由参见 base1 49 harborharbor (harbour海港的变体) 窝藏To give shelter toharbor refugees; harbor a fugitive. 收留难民;窝藏逃犯50 husbandhusband 节省(economize),节俭,保存,管理husband ones energy. 保存体力to husband one
21、s resources 节约使用资金51 impartimpart告知,揭发(reveal),传授To grant a share of; bestow: 分给;授予:给予某物的一部分;赠予:impart a subtle flavor; impart some advice. 加少许调料;给予一些建议To make known; disclose: 告知;透露:persuaded to impart the secret. 劝说透露秘密52 inspireinspire 吸入,鼓舞 (inspirator 注射器)To draw in (air) by inhaling. 吸入空气53 is
22、sueissue n 结果(A final result) vi 造成.结果issue from 由于.的原因(用法和result一样)His difficulties in his work issue from his lack of experience.issue in 结果是,以结束The accident issued in his death.这一车祸造成他的死亡。54 kitekite n. 风筝, 空头支票 vi.使用空头支票 vt. 骗钱 A piece of negotiable paper representing a fictitious financial tran
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