1、oncogene&tumor suppressor gene,Department of Biochemistry andmolecular biology Zhang Ying,OVERVIEW,Many genes and factors outside of genes is involved in carcinogenesis.The accumulation of manygenetic changescause cancer other than mutationsof a singlegene bycausing disorders of cell growth and diff
2、erentiation,thecell proliferationout of control.Oncogene,antioncogene,tumor metastasis gene,cell apoptosis,DNA damage and repair,telomerase,microRNA,Relationships of oncogene,tumor suppressor geneand growth factors,The regulation of gene expression andcell proliferation,differentiation is involved i
3、n the mechanism of oncogenesand tumor suppressor genes,Section I Oncogene,Concept of oncogeneViral oncongeneCellular oncogeneThe products of oncongene and its fuction,一、the concept of oncogene,Oncogene:the genes in cells is responsible of controlling cellgrowth,proliferation and differentiation.They
4、 will cause cellularcancerationwhen their structure or expression turns abnormal.All of genes which encode for growth factors,growth factor receptors,signal molecules and transcription factors related to growth.,The writing of oncogene,ras、src、mycv-rasc-ras,Classification of oncogene,1、virus oncogen
5、es,v-onc:the genes existing in virus(mostly,retrovirus)which cause the target cells maligant transformation,such as v-src2、Proto-oncogenes or cellular-oncogene,c-onc:the oncogenes existing in normal genome which are in quiescence or inactive state such as c-myc、c-ras、c-src。Under normal condition,the
6、se genes are in quiescence or low expression state and not only no harmful to cells but also helpful to stain normal function to cells.,The structural comparison of c-src and v-src,二、Virus oncogenesthe oncogene existing in virus genome which does not encode the protein of virurs and is not helpful t
7、o replication but do make host cell Continuous proliferation,Rous Peyton,Rous 肉瘤,the structure of Rous sarcoma virus,1970,Temin and Batimore,reverse transcriptase,1975 Nobel1971,Duesberg,the genome of RSV,1979,H.Varmus and J.M.Bishop found that src is carcinogenesis in RSV,but also found that the ho
8、mologs of src exist in animal cells commonly if the cDNA of src is hybridized with other genome DNA.Result:src stem from normal cell genome.-1989 Nobel Voiceover:that is why such RSV retrovirus induce host cell carcinogenesis.,三、cellular oncogene,(一)the traits of cellular oncogeneUniversality:exists
9、 in biological widely;conservatism:The gene sequencewas highly homologous in the process of evolution Importance:the expression protein regulate cell proliferation,differentiation and apoptosisprecisely Harmfulness:the variation of structure and numbers make cell carcinogenesis,the oncogenes existin
10、g in normal genome which are in quiescence or inactive state such as c-myc、c-ras、c-src。Under normal condition,these genes are in quiescence or low expression state and not only no harmful to cells but also helpful to stain normal function to cells.,family member action locationsrc家族:src、abl、fgr、fes、
11、TPK活性 膜内侧或跨膜 yes、fps、lck、kek、(酪氨酸蛋 fym、lyn、tkl 白激酶)ras家族:H-ras、K-ras、N-ras G蛋白(P21)膜内侧 myc家族:c-myc、N-myc、L-myc 结合蛋白 核内 jun、fos 转录因子(AP-1)核内 sis家族:仅sis P28(类PDGF)胞外 myb家族:myb、myb-ets 核蛋白(转录因子)核内,1.Based on family,(二)the classfication of cellular oncogene,2、based on function and location,类 别 名 称 定 位 生
12、物学功能生长因子 c-sis 分泌到胞外 血小板源生长因子生长因子受体 c-erb B 细胞膜 表皮生长因子受体 c-fms 细胞膜 集落刺激因子-1受体 c-trk 细胞膜 神经生长因子受体胞内传递蛋白 c-src、c-abl 细胞质 酪氨酸蛋白激酶 c-raf、c-mos 细胞质 Ser/Thr蛋白激酶 c-ras 细胞膜 GTP/GDP结合蛋白转录调节因子 c-myc 细胞核内 DNA结合蛋白 c-jun、c-fos 细胞核内 转录因子(AP-1)c-erb A 细胞核内 甾体激素受体类蛋白,四、activation of oncogene,Activation factors:onco
13、gene is activated andabnormal expressed under some conditions such as virus infection,exposure to chemical carcinogenor ionizing radiation,leading to cell malignanttransformation and carcinogenesis.Different cellular oncogenes under different condition can be activated by different pathway and becom
14、e active oncogene.The results of oncogene activation will be(1)The expression productis abnormal or truncated(2)the products are normal but excessive(3)new products appearActivation mechanism:Gene mutation,gene amplification,chromosomal rearrangements,variation of oncogene methylation gene overexpre
15、ssionetc.,(一)point mutation,The proto-oncogenesare point mutated by exposure of radiationand carcinogens,the amino acid or the structure of protein is changed and the protein is in continuous active state,which lead to carcinogenesis.1982,MITUniversity,National CancerInstitute and Columbia Universit
16、y:human bladdercancer results from the point mutation of c-H-ras H-ras normal cells GGC(12Gly)turmor cells GTC(12Val),the protein of mutated ras is locked in active state,GDP,GDP,GTP,GTP,Pi,Inactive Ras protein,The inputsignalstimulate GDP-GTP switch,Output signal,the protein of mutated ras is locke
17、d in active state,active Ras protein,GTPase activating protein,GAP,(二)Gene Amplication,Gene structure itself is normal,but because a part of chromosome is replicated excessively,the gene copies increase and the products overexpress.Tumor occur Breast cancer erb-B2 Small cell lung cancer myc family n
18、euroblastoma N-mycThe copies is related to progress、prognosis and metastasis(1)When the amplified DNA is inserted into one of the chromosomes,it is termed homogeneous staining regions(HSR)(2)the amplified DNA are sometimes visible on a chromosome spread as a separate DNA fragments,referrred to as”do
19、uble minutes(DM)”,Gene Amplification:Neuroblastoma,HSRDM,(三)chromosome gene translocation and rearrangements,chromosome gene translocation and rearrangements make some proto-oncogene to near to stong promoter or enhancer.Mostly,Found in thebloodsystem tumors The head of a gene is joined to the tail
20、of another gene because of chromosome rearrangements and a new fusion protein produces.The fusion protein promotes cell transformation and induce carcinogenesis,Example:Burkit lymphoma,c-myc in chromosome 8 move to chromosome 14,IgH,strong enhancer,Immunoglobulin gene,Chromosome 14,Chromosome 8,c-my
21、c does not express,c-myc基因,E,E,c-myc over expresses,translocation,Burkitts Lymphoma,Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia,Reciprocal translocation between long arms of 22 22),PHILADELPHIA CHROMOSOME(Ph1)MUTATION AND ACTIVATION OF oncogeneabl to bcr=hybrid gene with tyrosine kinase activity,Chronic Myelogenou
22、s Leukemia,bcr-abl gene product,the Philadelphia(Ph)chromosome,Ideogram and banded chromosomes showing the normal chromosomes 9 and 22 plus the two derivating chromosomes resulting from the t(9;22)(q34;q11),The Ph chromosome was the first consistent abnormality noted in a human cancer,arising from a
23、 reciprocal translocation,t(9;22)(q34;q11.2),and molecularly by the fusion of the proto-oncogene ABL,located on the long arm of chromosome 9,with the BCR gene of chromosome 22,known as the breakpoint cluster region(bcr).,DNA甲基化状态的改变可导致基因结构和功能的异常,是细胞癌变过程中重要一步。在真核细胞中最重要的甲基化碱基是C,通常发生在双核苷酸区域(CpG岛)。某些癌基因
24、低甲基化和抑癌基因的高甲基化改变是细胞癌变的一个重要特征。,(四)oncogenes methylation,甲基化的功能意义:抑制基因表达,维护染色体完整性,调节DNA重组。抵御外来入侵的寄生DNA。低甲基化易致基因组中重复子同源重组,而导致基因组的不稳定性增加。,mutations at promoter controlling gene expression基因表达是指基因的转录与翻释以及它们的调控。基因表达水平的改变是细胞癌变的早期事件,过量表达与细胞的异常增生有关Met、c-ErbB2、ras,(五)基因过量表达(overexpression of oncogenes),与人类肿瘤相
25、关的特征性基因有三种,H-ras、K-ras和N-ras,分别定位于11、12、1号染色体,前二者是大鼠肉瘤病毒的转化基因,后者是从人神经母细胞瘤中分离得到,(一)ras基因家族,常见癌基因,共有特征,(1)基因组中均含4个编码的外显子和1个5端非编码外显子.(2)外显子所编码的蛋白为188-189个氨基酸残基,分子量为21KD即P21蛋白,具有高度特异性和同源性,尤其在氨基酸序列的前80个氨基酸残基中,几乎无种属间差别,具有高度保守性。,Model of Action of ras Gene,(1)P21ras位于细胞膜内侧,以软脂酸共价键形式固定于脂质双层膜的内表面(2)对GTP和GDP具
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