1、新课程阅读教学的理论和实践初探,北京工业大学附属中学孔 彬,测一测:你认为下列说法正确吗?,Reading has only one purpose,i.e.to get information.Reading is a silent activity.Reading aloud does not help much with comprehension.Reading with a purpose is more effective than reading without a purpose.When we read,our eyes are constantly moving from
2、letter to letter,word to word and sentence to sentence.Reading is an individual activity.We need to know all the words in order to understand a text.We read everything with the same speed.When reading in a foreign language,we mentally translate everything in order to understand.It is helpful to use
3、a dictionary to check and note down the meaning of all the new words while reading.The lack of cultural knowledge may affect the rate of reading comprehension.Possessing a large amount of vocabulary is the key for reading comprehension.Reading can best be improved by being engaged in reading and rea
4、ding more.,英语课程标准总目标对阅读能力的描述?,高中英语课程要在全面提高学生听,说,读,写四项技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力的前提下,着重培养学生理解与表达的能力,用英语获取信息,处理信息的能力,用英语分析问题,解决问题的能力等。,如何理解英语阅读?,阅读首先是“为了得到乐趣,为了获取信息”。阅读不应只是为了学习语法,词汇,更重要的是通过阅读,获取新的知识,提高认知水平,增强分析问题和解决问题的能力。,如何理解英语阅读教学?,阅读教学应该以阅读技能的培养和提高为主要目标。同时,通过阅读教学使学生得到语言输入,从而扩大词汇量,增强语感,提高语言水平。通过阅读教学,使学生了解英语文化
5、背景知识。,The teaching reading is to guide students to learn to read so that they can read to learn in the future.It is important to make reading an enjoyable and fruitful experience for the students.,阅读教学的指导思想是什么?,新课程阅读教学的原则是什么?,Key words and background knowledge about the topic can be taught or activa
6、ted before reading.Tasks should be clearly given in advance and it should provide a purpose which motivates students.Tasks should help develop students reading skills rather than test their reading comprehension.The teacher should help the students not merely cope with one particular text but develo
7、p their reading strategies and reading ability in general so that they will be enabled to tackle other texts.The teacher should help students to read on their own.We should aim at gradually withdrawing our guidance as our students progress so that they eventually become independent readers.,阅读理解所需的能
8、力有哪些?,Distinguishing facts from opinions Understanding the communicative value Understanding relations within sentencesUnderstanding relations between sentences Understanding referenceMaking inferences(推测)Evaluating the authors attitude and opinions,阅读理解基本技能是什么?,1.Skimming(略读)略读的目的是通过扫描迅速掌握短文的主 旨大意。
9、2.Scanning(跳读)跳读主要用来搜索,确定信息,从而达到找出答案,解决问题的目的。,掌握略读(Skimming)的关键?,1.识别关键词:准确识别短文中的关键词语(Key-word),通过对关键词语的掌握来推断句子内容;确定段落的主题句(Topic sentence),通过主题句了解整篇作品的主旨大意。2.主旨的预测(Predicting/Anticipating):通过阅读标题或短文第一段,对全篇内容的预测。,掌握跳读(Scanning)的关键?,1.在进行跳读时,读者对于希望获得的信息要有一个明确的认识,即一个具体的问题,带着问题去寻找答案。2.读者应能在快速扫描中捕捉到所需的信息
10、内容,有时是一个词,一句话或一段话。在开始搜索前,读者也可将所需信息概括为关键词或词组,以便更为迅速地在文章中找到相对应的词语。,阅读理解的三种模式是什么?,The Bottom-up Model(信息驱动)The Top-down Model(意念驱动)The Interactive Model(综合或交替),如何理解 The Bottom-up Model?,“自下而上”模式,强调输入材料中的语言信息,认为阅读要从最小的语言单位入手,对信息进行加工处理,例如:从字母的辨认到单词,短语,句子的理解,乃至对阅读内容的最后判断等。,如何理解 The Top-down Model?,“自上而下”模
11、式,认为读者在接触阅读文章时,它的标题,词语,话语,图表,符号等都可能激活读者大脑中的相关知识,从而使读者找到阅读定位,并形成对内容的预测。成功的预测可使读者顺利地完成阅读。,如何理解 The Interactive Model?,实际上,在阅读过程中,以上两种模式会交替使用,甚至同时使用,这取决于文章的类型,读者已有的背景知识和语言能力。在此基础上,学者们提出了一种新的模式,即:“综合或交替”模式。,阅读理解的过程是什么?,Grellet 认为英语阅读过程是一个不断猜测的过程,读者已有的知识比要接受的新知识更为重要。这就是为什么我们要让学生利用已知去认识,理解未知。,如何用流程图展示阅读理解
12、的过程?,浏览:标题,长度,插图,字体等,预测:内容,功能 及文体结构,快速阅读,确认或修正预测,更加仔细地阅读,进一步预测,阅读教学的三个阶段是什么?,Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading,Pre-reading,By pre-reading activities,we mean tasks/activities that students do before they read the text in detail.Such activities could be pooling together the existing knowledge abo
13、ut the topic,predicting the contents of the text,skimming or scanning the text or parts of the text for certain purposes.The purpose of pre-reading is to facilitate while-reading activities.At this stage,students and teacher prepare themselves for the tasks and familiarise themselves with the topic
14、of reading.The main purpose is to create expectations and arouse the students interest in the topic of the text.,阅读教学读前活动训练什么技能?,predicting setting the scene(using pictures,stories,questions,video,etc.)skimming scanning,文章标题对预测文章内容有帮助吗?,A Nation of Pet-Lovers Save the Jungle:Save the World Police Hu
15、nt for Child,阅读教学读中需设计什么训练活动?,Different texts can offer different opportunities for exploration.However,reading passages in the traditional classroom has generally been explored by means of asking multiple choice questions,T/F questions,open questions,paraphrasing,and translation.They all tend to be
16、 teacher-centred.We would like to look at different ways in exploiting different texts focusing on the process of understanding rather than the results of reading.,While reading activities,有哪些Transition devices?,Pictures Pie charts Drawings Bar charts Maps Flowcharts Tables Sequencing(排列)Subtitles T
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- 新课程 阅读教学 理论 实践 初探
