1、实验名称:十六进制7段数码显示译码器设计实验目的:1. 设计七段显示译码器2. 学习Verilog HDL文本文件进行逻辑设计输入;3. 学习设计仿真工具的使用方法;工作原理:7段数码是纯组合电路,通常的小规模专用IC,如74或4000系列的器件只 能作十进制BCD码译码,然而数字系统中的数据处理和运算都是二进制的,所以 输出表达都是十六进制的,为了满足十六进制数的译码显示,最方便的方法就是 利用译码程序在FPGA/CPLD中来实现。例如6-18作为7段译码器,输出信号LED7S 的7位分别接图6-17数码管的7个段,高位在左,低位在右。例如当LED7S输 出为 “1101101” 时,数码管
2、的 7 个段 g,f,e,d,c,b,a 分别接 1,1,0,1,1,0,1; 接有高电平的段发亮,于是数码管显示“5”。注意,这里没有考虑表示小数点的 发光管,如果要考虑,需要增加段h,例6-18中的LED7S:OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 DOWNTO 0)应改为 DOWNTO 0)。实验内容1:将设计好的VHDL译码器程序在QuartusII上进行编辑、编译、综 合、适配、仿真,给出其所有信号的时序仿真波形。实验步骤:步骤1:新建一个文件夹击打开vhdl文件;Newp SOPC Builder SystemDesign FilesHOL File:Blcck D iaLr
3、dm1-,lS chematic File| |- EDIF File:Stcte Machine Filep- SystemVeriog HDL File; Tcl Script File! Verilog HDL FileVHDL File M ernurH Files:H eK-adecimal I ntel Forrnat) Filej MOTiory Iniidlizdtion FileVerificction1-,ID tbugging Filesp- In-System Sources and Probes File:Logic .Analjjzer Interface FleS
4、igialTap II Logic Analyzer File:- Vector Waveform FileS-Other Files| -AHDL Include File?Blcck Symbol FileChain D escription FileSyriopr1 Design Con:E:l:rainbE: File= T e:-:t FileTCIK | Cancel步骤2:编写源程序并保存LZBRAWHENrr0Q01rr=WHENrr001Orr=WHENrr0022rr=WHENrr020Qri=WHENrr0102ri=WHENrr011Qri=WHEMFll暨=WHENr
5、r20OOrr=WHEWWOhfWHENrr2Q10rr=可皿T官任WHENrr21QQri=WHENrrllQlri=WHENrrllinn=WHE邱旦里”fLED7S=ri0111211r,;LED75=riQ000110ri ;LED7S=rr2O21012ri ;LED7S=rr2.O02222ri ;LED7S=rr210OllOri ;LED75=rr2101101ri ;LED75=rr2121101ri ;LED75=riQ000111ri ;LED7S=rr2121212ri ;LED75=rr2120112ri ;LED75=rr2111100ri ;LED75=ri011
6、1001ri ;LEDT欤=*鱼金。;LED751ET1L;EbTD CASE;Ei-ID PROCESS;END;步骤3:新建一个工程及进行工程设置Recent圜我的文档 L我的电脑 费网上邻居 .gadder tDECLTSA京面我的电脑网上郃居保存庭支件名 :jDECLTS,vhiWhenou click FiriLsh,. the projeGl will ber.created with the followirg settings:Projec directory:C?/Docunrients时d如止ing球黑嘿填食)Project name:DE CVSTop-level des
7、ign entity:DECL7SNumber of file added:2Number af user librari dded;0D 已vice aignmert5:Family name:Cjjclorie IIIDqe:EP3C5E144C8EDA tools:Design entry/synthesis:Simulation:4 N cine:*Timing analysis;我“Operating conditions:TOINT voltage:IWJunction temperature range:0-854 EackPini ah取消ategory:General ,Fi
8、les :- LibrariescviceSelect Ihe temilp and device you want to targel for carrpibtion.DeviceB- Liperafing Seuings and Curditiuns:3 Cornpilathn Proc:gs: G ettings3- EDATool Settinos由 Analyse Sc 6.jrnthesis Settings=Fitter SebtirgsB- Timing A旧p:i:w SeKings.Assembler? Design .Assistant? Signal!qp II Lcg
9、is Aralpzer=Logie Analjiser InterfaceB- Simiiafur Setting:P-ii.ierPlii i Prii.uat AkiIi 匚 uiFhmTarget devceL Au Io devce elBct$d by the FEter席 Gpeafic device selected in Avaiabl$ devices islC Other nZaShow h Avalable devices listShow advanced devices 厂 HcrdCopy ccrrpddble cnlji旦口杭匚仁 dnd Pin Options.
10、mrDiial-PurroEe PinsVoltajeFin FlscementError Iletacti an CRC | Capaci tive Lo ad: ng | Eoard Trace Ho del I/O Timing &eneralFrorrannins FilesIfriused PirtiSpecify lhe devce conliguralicn sckenne a rd the conFiguration device. Note: Far HaidZopy dcsigiL lhesc setlirgi dpp to the FPGA protolype devic
11、e.Configuration schemeAclive Gurid |:cen l骚己匚nnfigretiori Dzice:|Configuratbn jnode:Cbnfguration devce* Ue conFigurdtion devce: |EFCS4ot-ErdardCorfigLiation Devce Options.Canligjialicn device I/O vol:age:AutoF FcrceVCCIO to be compatible with Gorfifli.rction I/O ydtage* Generate carrpre?sed bit$tiea
12、m$Acbve 钥rial cbck source:Descriptbn:The rnelhod u如d Id bad data into the devce. Up to foir Danliguialiori scPennes dre avaiable. cfepending on the selected device: Passive SerialfPS; Fast Passive Parallel |FPP) Active Paialel (P) ad Active Serial |S).步骤4:调试程序至无误;Info: No 3 7nchron.izer chaias to re
13、port*Warning: At least one of the filters had sc-ne problems and could not be iBEtched.Info: Ee.gi-orn is nDt full/ coEstrained for setup requirenentg-V.V4Vrinfo: LC.3LJI1 is gt full/ cc-nstrained idl hold MQUirenentsinto: luarrua II 64-bil lun.eQu.e3L luring Analyzer wasi successlul. 0 errorsr 6 wa
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- 十六进制 数码 显示 译码器 设计 实验 报告
