1、alleviation, xiapa capable cadres to guide poverty alleviation work, giving a Training support Choi annually and the assistance funds and donations visits condolences, especially is the provincial AIDS funds amounted to more than 370 million yuan. Directly under the point supporting units: City, sta
2、te owned assets management company, City Safety Supervision Bureau, the municipal CPPCC organs, the City Land Bureau, the city population and Family Planning Commission. They each unit assistance funds in 20 million yuan of above, the land and Resources Bureau of 87 million yuan. For my county pover
3、ty alleviation add important manpower, material resources and financial resources. 4, rain plan. The county every year, rain plan training personnel in the 112 people, including young adults labor employment training 98 people, higher vocational training school 14 people. Funds. Tang, a total of 98
4、million yuan, in order to improve the poor population quality, so that they have the skills, better able to find work, workers wages to higher income to increase. This year has been training a total of 114 people, overfulfil superior task. 5, poverty alleviation immigration relocation. In 2014, the
5、county relocation escaping immigrants, deep in the mountains of the immigration and ethnic minority immigrants totaling 589 139 households. The relocation households basically built a new house, and some have moved into new homes, and the dismantling of the old house. According to move out, steady l
6、ive, can become rich the spirit, I do and Mt. Gexian huangbi, stone township government to do a lot of work. In the Centralized Settlement point, to take a unified planning, unified design, unified layout measures to create a bright spot in the immigrant village, the higher leadership of the full af
7、firmation of these immigrants, the relocation of the masses to solve the massesActively participate in road and difficult to see a doctor difficult, go to school difficult practical problems. The production and living conditions have been greatly improved, the city peoples life. 6, poor industry. In
8、dustrial development, poor people, and constantly increase their income. The blood transfusion into their own hematopoietic function is poverty alleviation work the main means, over the years, we although some special industries such as tea, mushrooms, red bud taro, bamboo, seed breeding, white lotu
9、s, Ehu fragrant rice, high yield camellia, but lack of funds, investment is little, the scale is small, visibility is not high, there is no brand, anti market risk weak. This year the county was included in the Central Soviet area county, strive for to 1000 Industry million fund to help the poor. I
10、do this a few months to the grassroots work to research, made industrial poverty funds allocation principle, proposed at the beginning of the implementation of Qianshan County, , the provisions to farmers cooperatives as an implementation platform, members of cooperatives absorb poor households the
11、proportion reached 60%, the provincial 14 impoverished village reached 80%, to ensure that more than 60% of industrial poverty funds so that poor households benefit, members of poor households adopt preferential measures. Cooperatives to select a good benefit, development prospects, products to worr
12、y about sales, visibility, brand and strong ability to resist market risk. In the production Industry of the poverty alleviation funds, the implementation of county, township and village regulation, the implementation of county-level人行地道基坑支护方案第一章 编制依据、编制范围、编制原则第一节、 编制依据1、城市人行天桥与人行地道技术规范(CJJ6P-P5)2、公
14、开挖和支护软基处理。基础、主体工程及附属工程等。第三节、 编制原则1、安全的原则 施工过程中始终按照技术可靠,措施保力,施工顺序合理,确保安全的原则。确定施工方案,重点是保证基坑开挖时的施工安全,工程开工前做到安全保证措施,首先落实到位,在确保万无一失的前提下组织施工。2、优质高效的原则 加强领导,强化管理,优质高效。根据我们在施工组织设计中所明确的质量目标,贯彻执行ISO9001-2000质量体系标准。积极推广“四新技术”确保创优规划和质量目标的实现。3、确保工期的原则 根据建设单位对本合同段的工期要求,编制科学,合理。周密的施工方案,按照合理配制资源,组织单行及交叉作业,接好工序衔接,适时
15、进度监控。4、科学配置的原则 根据本合同段项目管理目标的要求,在施工组织上实行科学配置,选派经验丰富和技术过硬的技术人员和专业公水平高的队伍。投入高效先进的施工设备,确保施工顺利进行。第二章、工程概况和技术标准第一节、工程概况本标段共有人行通道3座,分别为6号人行地道(中心桩号K16+150.00)、7号人行地道(中心桩号K16+820.00)、8号人行通道(中心桩号K18+330.00),3座人行通道主体均垂直于道路中心线。3座人行通道主体长均为106.6m,地道顶板厚度0.5m,底板厚度0.5m,侧墙厚度均为0.45m。地道出入口单侧采用人行步梯+无障碍通道,相对地道主体对称布置,西侧沿道
16、路纵向平行布置,单边出入口长43.9m,横向总宽5.6m,侧墙厚0.3m,人行步梯净宽5.0m,无障碍通道坡度12:1,采用三级往返式坡道,每级中间设1.5m休息平台,两端设2m折返平台,坡道两侧设置扶手,单级坡道宽2.35m,出入口外墙顶高出地面约0.4m,墙顶水平设置,顶上设置栏杆。6#、7#、8#人行地道基坑深均为6.72m。第二节、技术标准1、 地道及出入口设计荷载:人群:3.5KN/m3 ,车辆荷载:公路级。2、 覆土厚度:0.81.1m3、 地道尺寸:净高3米,净宽6米。4、 出入口:人行步梯+无障碍通道5、 最大纵坡:1.6%6、 横坡:0.5%第三章、地质及水文情况第一节、地质
17、及水文情况本标段地道范围的地层主要有填筑土层,第四系全新流海陆交互相沉积层淤泥、亚粘土、砂类土等,下伏基岩为燕山旋回第三期侵入岩,岩性主要为花岗岩。道路沿线地势较为平坦,3座地道位置淤泥层厚度均较深,由9米16米不等,地道主体及出入口结构主要位于填筑土,淤泥地层内。场地内大气降水多沿地面漫流后汇入城市排水系统,地下水主要为第四系松散层的孔隙水及基岩裂缝水,其补给来源主要是大气降雨和地表经流,地下水埋藏深度约为0.532.25m,相当于标高0.712.81m。第四章、 管理体系、人员、机械设备投入第一节、 管理体系(见管理体系图)项目经理项目总工程师项目副经理工程技术部材料设备部综合办公室计划财
18、务部质量安全部各施工班组第二节、人员、机械设备投入本工程投入人员、机械设备如下:1、 人员序号职务数量(人)职责备注1工程师1生产技术质量安全管理2施工员1现场施工质量安全管理3质检员1质量检查、验收4安全员1安全检查、监督5生产工人70木工、铁工、砼工、杂工6材料员1材料联系、采购进场、分配管理7电工1电器线路安装、用电检查合计762、 机械设备序号机械设备名称规格单位数量备注1水泥搅拌桩机DJ-60KS台11所有进场机械设备经监理工程师检查验收后方可投入使用。2、各种机械操作人员必须持证上岗。2砼喷射机PZ-5台13变压器315KVA台14木工圆锯机200台25交流电焊机BX6-160台2
20、平台边缘至基坑边缘1.0m),然后挂8钢筋网2020,喷射10厚C20砼,两排25钢筋土钉(L=10m和8m,间距1m,上排离平台高50),双排D=50的水泥搅拌桩(内插10号工字钢100)。为了确保施工安全,我部施工人行地道时就按照设计支护方案执行,不另作支护方案。第一节、基坑开挖在确保安全的前提下,基坑开挖按“分层开挖,先撑后挖”的原则,经认真分析,分为三层进行开挖。 在基坑正式开挖前,进行场地平整,然后按1:1 的坡率开挖第一层土方(标高为2.20.7m),开挖完毕后挂8钢筋网,施工50水泥搅拌桩,喷射10厚C20砼和插打10号工字钢。水泥搅拌桩强度达到90%后开挖第二层土方和第三层土方
21、,最后用抓斗挖两侧土并配合人工修整坑底土方(标高为-4.5m)。三座人行通道有关数据见附表。第二节 沉降观测,位移监测1、6#、7#、8#人行地道基坑支护面积均为2354.61,根据珠海大道的现状工况条件 ,拓宽工程拟采用的技术方案,现场监测有如下目的:(1)监控人行通道施工过程中的稳定性 (2)了解新老路基之间的沉降规律,和差异沉降;(3)了解复合地基的力学与变形性状;2、监控内容根据上述监控目的和目前的监控水平,进行下面观测项目的监测:(1) 孔压仪:根据孔隙水压力的变化规律,分析人行通道基坑的整体稳定性;(2) 测斜管的侧向位移观测:主要用于监控在施工过程中人行通道基坑的整体稳定性;(3
22、) 沉降标:新老路基上的沉降标用于观测人行通道的沉降规律和分析差异沉降;(4) 沉降剖面纹:可以监测斜坡面上不同位置的沉降情况,用于分析横向沉降的分布规律;(5) 土压力盒:了解桩网复合地基桩土荷载分布情况、桩顶垫层作用。3、监控技术要求(1)埋设要求:由监控单位根据相关的技术规范或标准,结合监控项目的特点,提出本监测项目的埋设要求,并报有关方面审批,土建施工单位建议在基坑开挖线50cm外侧埋设4块沉降板(左右各2块),间距为10m,在两侧路肩上和道路中桩处各埋设一根位移观测桩。(2)观测频次监控频率应根据地质情况、设计施工图要求、有关规范规程及监测建议确定,施工期间监控频率可参照下表,观测频
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- 地道 基坑 支护 方案