eb神华集团塔然高勒煤矿井4 公寓监理实施细则.doc
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1、In order to ensure normal teaching order, protecting students healthy growth, ensuring that national (property) is not lost, to prevent or minimize the occurrence of safety accidents, follow the prevent, rescue each other, ensure safety and reduce losses principle, according to the local conditions,
2、 make the management system. 1, the principal is the responsibility of school safety, school security under the leadership of President security work leading group. The head teacher to the leadership team is responsible for, implementation of the accountability system. 2, school monthly student know
3、ledge about safety education, education should be diversified in the form every safety education for students of classes per week should be targeted. To carry on emergency issues dealing with education in General, self-help and mutual rescue knowledge. Emergency calls (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, an
4、d so on) use common sense in education. 3, the establishment of major accident reporting system. School students report major accident within an hour of education; student run and disappearances to report; report of the accident to a written report in triplicate, a correctional centre, a police stat
5、ion, a township peoples Government shall not conceal the accident. 4 week, teachers are on duty system, establish and improve the leadership values; strengthen the education, management of teaching activities in schools to ensure normal teaching order; responsible for school safety leadership always
6、 maintained close contact and district police stations, canvassing support from the police station on school safety and help. 5, strengthening teachers moral education, establish a dedicated love, improving education quality, observe the students psychological changes at any time and take preventive
7、 measures, no corporal punishment and covert corporal punishment on students, student out of the classroom, schools may not be. 6, units or departments use student Street propaganda or participate in the celebrations, as well as participating in other social work, without approval of the Correctiona
8、l Centre, school principals consent, without organization. Without the approval of relevant departments, may organize students to participate in fire fighting, disaster relief and so on. 7, schools should educate students to obey the school rules and regulations, on time, on time home to prevent acc
9、idents. 8, school to school inspections on a regular basis, found hidden in time, and in severe cases, it is hard to eliminate immediately closed, and reported to the local peoples Government, education, and rule of law section. 9, the school should always check the internal walls, retaining walls,
10、ponds, railings, handrails, doors, Windows, staircases and a variety of sports, extracurricular activities, facilities such as fire safety, infrastructure security, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demolition to ensure that teachers and students work, learn, live venues and facilities are s
11、afe and reliable. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, protection of public property and the life and property safety of teachers and students, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is
12、 developing the following fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whole school. According to the requirements of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, protecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, reports of fire神华杭锦能源塔然高勒矿井4#公寓 监理实
13、施细则监理实施细则编制人:审批人:2010年9月1日目 录第一章 工程概况 3第二章 总 则 3 第三章 地基基础工程监理实施细则 6第四章 砌体工程监理实施细则12第五章 钢筋砼工程施工监理实施细则16第六章 厨卫防水工程监理实施细则54第七章 抹灰和楼地面工程监理实施细则56第八章 建筑装饰工程监理实施细则59第九章 屋面工程监理实施细则73第十章 建筑工程安全监理实施细则82第一章 工程概况本工程为神华集团塔然高勒煤矿井4#职工单身公寓楼,建设地点为神华杭锦能源塔然高勒煤矿,设计使用年限50年,抗震设防烈度,6度,室内外高差为300mm,建筑面积为6564平方米,砖混结构,0.00相对于
14、绝对标高1491.5m,建筑高度24.000m、六层,主体为砖砌体,屋面为不上人屋面。该工程地质情况复杂,为确保工程质量,按期完成工程建筑,并对该工程进行全面、系统、科学规范、公证地监理,执行下列规范规程。(1)建设工程监理规范 GB 50319-2000 (2)建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准GB 50300-2001 (3)建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范GB 50202-2002 (4)砌体工程施工质量验收规范GB 50203-2002 (5)混凝土工程施工质量验收规范GB 50204-2002 (6)屋面工程质量验收规范GB 50207-2002 (7)地下防水工程质量验收规范GB 502
15、08-2002 (8)建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范GB 50209-2002(9)民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范GB 50325-2001(10)建筑工程文件归档整理规范GB/T 50328-2001(11)其它相关的建设工程规范、标准、标准图集第二章 总 则一、本细则依据监理规划、建设工程监理规范及国家有关规定的监理工作内容和要求编制。 二、设计文件、设计变更文件、国家的设计规范、规程,验收规范、规程、行业标准,业主文件、信函,工程行政主管部门,质监单位所发的文件、信函,均属本工程执行质量监理的依据。三、依照建筑法规和监理条列及监理合同的条款对工程施工、施工管理、施工监督,进行全面质量监理
17、施工方,作为施工结算依据。十、监理单位的一切文字依据必须由专业现场监理工程师编写,项目总监理工程师签发,并盖监理项目部公章后方可作为依据。业主、质检等单位所签发的文字资料均由监理单统一编号后,下发施工单位,十一、施工方申报的资料必须是原件,并且一式四份,监理方签字后 存档一份,退三份给施工方作资料依据。 十二、施工方申报的资料必须是A4文稿纸张,资料文本内容不得涂改,字迹清楚,一律采用黑色墨水或黑色碳素笔(中性笔)填写。十三、竣工图必须是蓝图,并能反映工程的真实情况,与原设计有变化时,应注明变更的文号,竣工图必须签署齐全,监理在蓝图中签字。十四、本工程凡监理,业主已签署的所有资料未经签字人同意
19、十九、凡监理单位所发的监理工程师通知,施工方整改后均应把整改结果以书面形式进行回复。 二十、在监理工作实施过程中,监理实施细则可根据工程施工的实际情况进行补充,修改和完善。第三章 地基基础工程监理实施细则一、 监理工作流程地基与基础分部工程监理机构进驻施工现场 熟悉施工图纸工程定位放线、验线机械挖土、人工清槽建设单位组织有关各方验槽槽底夯实、检查放线支垫层模板(放桩位)验线、验模浇注砼垫层(桩施工) 、留置砼试块基础放线(承台定位)、验线绑扎条基钢筋(承台、基础梁钢筋)验筋、隐蔽支模、验模浇注砼条基(承台基础梁砼施工)、留置试块、旁站检查、测量基础砼截面尺寸弹线、验线基础砌砖、留置砂浆试块等。
20、二、 监理工作的控制要点及目标值地基与基础分部工程1、地基与基础控制要点 首先熟悉施工图纸,做好定位放线、验线工作,保证工程的轴线、标高、正确无误。 严格按施工质量验收规范规定进行施工,杜绝违犯强制性条文现象。 依照工程地质堪察报告,结合现场土质情况搞好地基工程施工,确保地基工程施工质量。 重点抓好钢筋砼条型基础工程和桩基础的质量控制,搞好旁站监理和钢筋工程隐蔽验收。砼配比的计量、浇捣、成型与养护等环节。 核查进场的各种原材料、设备、构配件原始凭证、出厂合格证、检测报告等证明文件及质量情况,严格进场材料的报验和见证取样送检制度。根据实际情况,对需要复验的材料进行随即抽样检验,合格后予以签认。
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- eb神华集团塔然高勒煤矿井4 公寓监理实施细则 eb 集团 塔然高勒 煤矿 公寓 监理 实施细则
