1、高级英语 精品课程 第二册,制作人:徐李洁,Face to Face with Hurricane Camille,Objectives of Teaching Lesson 1,To learn how the writer gives a vivid description of actions in terms of lexical,sentential and textual level;To learn how Americans fight against the hurricane,Hurricanes/location/naming system/typhoon,They ar
2、e two different names for the same kind of storm-Theyre called hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean and the Eastern Pacific Ocean,and typhoons in the Western Pacific.A tornado is a violent,rotating column of air which is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud or,in rare c
3、ases,the base of a cumulus cloud.Tornadoes come in many sizes but are typically in the form of a visible condensation funnel,whose narrow end touches the earth and is often encircled by a cloud of debris.,Hurricane Camille,Hurricane Camille(August 17,1969)is said to be the worst storm ever to hit ma
4、inland United States.With winds in excess of 200 mph and tides over 20 feet,Hurricane Camille smashed into the Mississippi Gulf Coast on Sunday night,the 17th of August and continued its devastating path until the early hours of Monday,the 18th.The combination of winds,surges,and rainfalls caused 25
5、6 deaths(143 on the Gulf Coast and 113 in the Virginia floods)and$1.421 billion in damage.Three deaths were reported in Cuba.,General facts,Elements in a narrative writing 1)story:the heroic struggle of the Koshaks and their friends against the forces of a devastating hurricane2)characters:-Pop Kosh
6、ak-Grandma Koshak-John Koshak(protagonist)-Janis Koshak-Seven children-Charles,a friend-neighbors-pets a typical American family,3)Textual organization:chronological order(natural time sequence)a beginning(1-6)(introducing the time,place,background,characters)a middle(7-27)(details of the struggle t
7、o the climax)an end(28-39)(getting help and rebuilding community)4)Climax:para 27 when the Koshaks family survived5)Conflict:man versus nature(hurricane as antagonist)6)Point of view:third person7)Atmosphere:tense and urgent8)Theme:para 39 Family safety is more important than material possessions.,F
8、ocus for Section One(1-6)Before the hurricane,This section introduces the story background and the preparations for the storm.1)What was John Koshak Jr.s job?2)Why did John decide to stay and face the dangers of a devastating hurricane?3)What preparations did they make?,Focus of Section 2(para7-27)D
9、uring the hurricane strike,This section narrates in detail how the Koshaks and their friends struggled against each onslaught of the hurricane.Focus of the study:1.hurricane How was the devastating hurricane like?Specific details wind,water,etc.)2.people how did they act during the crisis?,Focus of
10、Section 3(para28-39),How did the people feel and rebuild their community?Background knowledge(Teachers Book)National Guard(国民警卫队)Civil defense units(民防队)Salvation Army(救世军)Red Cross(红十字会),Detailed study of Section IWords and Expressions,(para 1)as Camille lashed northwardit was certain to pummel Gul
11、fport,Miss.Where the Koshaks lived.Lashed:to strike with great force;dash against.猛烈冲击 The waves lashed the smooth cliffs.The worst winter storms of the century lashed the east coast of China.Suddenly rain lashed against the windows.Pummel:to beat or hit with repeated blows,esp.with the fist.The thi
12、ef was pushed and pummeled by an angry crowd.He trapped the man in a corner and pummeled him ferociously for thirty seconds.,(para 3)Were elevated 23 feet and were a good 250 yards from the sea.The place has been here since 1915,and no hurricane has ever bothered it.We are 23 feet above sea level(Br
13、itish Eng.)A good:a general intensive,meaning“full”足足(程度数量)我们足足等了三个小时.昨晚Bill在酒馆里喝得烂醉.从这到火车站足足有五个小时的车程.他父母亲狠狠地揍了他一顿.We waited for a good three hours.Bill had a good drink at the pub last night.It is a good five hours to drive to the railway station.His parents gave him a good beating.,(para 4)We can
14、batten down and ride it out.A metaphor;Comparing the house in a hurricane to a ship fighting a storm at sea.Batten:to fasten canvas over the hatches of a ship,especially in preparing for a storm.Ride it out:to stay afloat during a storm without too much damage.Paraphrase:We can make necessary prepar
15、ations and survive the hurricane without much damage.(para 6)A neighborasked if she and her two children could sit out the storm with the Koshaks.坐着看完,待到(散场).I didnt enjoy the play,but we sat it out.The show was so boring that we could hardly sit through the first act.等到结束,静等到底.Theyll try to sit out
16、 the crisis.Well sit it out to the very end.坐在户外.Its so nice to sit out when the sun is warm in winter.,Detailed study of Section 2,Focusing on the description ofWindHurricane forceHouse Peoples actions,wind,(para 7)Wind and rain whipped the house.(a metaphor:Strong wind and rain was lashing the hou
17、se as if with a whip.This sentence described the manner of wind blowing)(para 7)As the wind mounted to a roar.(the word mount shows that the sound was increasing,dynamic).(para 8)The roar of the hurricane now was overwhelming.(this sentence gives a static description).(para13)The wind sounded like t
18、he roar of a train passing a few yards away.(This sentence uses a simile to give a concrete image)(para 19)it shot out winds of nearly 200 m.p h.(the speed of the wind0Seconds after the roof blew off the house(it tells the power of the wind)The writer gives a full picture of the wind,its sound,(esp
19、the wound0,its manner,its force.,The hurricane(describing actions),(para 18)The hurricane,in one mighty swipe,lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet through the air.(skimto throw so as to cause to bounce swiftly and light.It shows how powerful the hurricane was)(para19)the storm
20、in its concentrated breadth of some 70 miles it shot out winds of nearly 200 m.p.h.and raised tides as high as 30 feet.Along the Gulf Coast,it devastated everything in its swath:19,467 homes and 709 businesses were demolished or severely damaged.It seized 1 60,000 gallon Gulfport oil tank and dumped
21、 it 3 miles away.It tore three large cargo ships from their moorings and beached them.Telephone poles and 20-inch-thick pipes cracked like guns as the winds snapped them.在飓风中心纵横约70英里的范围内,其风速接近每小时200英里.掀起的浪头高达30英尺.海湾沿岸风过之处,所有东西被一扫而光.19467户人家和709家小商号不是完全被毁,便是遭到严重破坏.高尔夫港一个60万加仑的油罐被狂风刮起,摔到3.5英里以外。三艘大型货轮
22、被刮离泊位,推上岸滩。电线杆和20英寸粗的松树一遇狂风袭击便像连珠炮似的根根断裂。,House,(para 7)the house began leakingthe rain seemingly driven right through the walls.(para 8)The house shook,and the ceiling in the living room was falling piece by piece.The French doors in an upstairs room blew in with an explosive sound,and the group he
23、ard gunlike reports as other upstairs windows disintegrated.(para 9)Then the front door started to break away from its frame.but a blast of water hit the house,flinging open the door and shoving them down the hall.(para 13)The house shuddered and shifted on its foundations.Water inched its way up th
24、e stairs as first floor outside walls collapsed.(para 18)The bottom steps of the staircase broke apart.One wall began crumbling on the marooned group.,House,(para 22)Debris flew as the living-room fireplace and its chimney collapsed.With two walls in their bedroom sanctuary beginning to disintegrate
25、(para 24)A second wall moved,wavered,it toppled on him.The house,shuddering and rocking,had moved 25 feet from its foundations.(para 26)The floor tiltedA third wall gave way.(para 20)Richelieu Apartments were smashed apart as if by a gigantic fist.,People,Actions(para 12)As they scrambled back.(para
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- 高级英语 高级 英语 精品课程 第二
