1、measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident measures planned, security technology protection meas
2、ures planned in implementation of measures against accidents and guarantee schemes, security technology protection measures planned in implementation. Seventh article 38th of education and training: new factory (company) production staff (including internships, commissioned officer), must be approve
3、d by the factory (company), workshop and team level safety education upon passing the examination before entering production site. Tertiary-level education after card registration, by the companys production technology section recovery archive, and reported to the company trade unions, safety record
4、. Training and examinations including the safe work procedures as well as relevant safety regulations, work environment and jobs there are risk factors, preventive measures and emergency treatment, and so on. The 39th article: new producers must receive the following training and qualified posts: (a
5、) the operating personnel, scheduling, must pass through the field point, institutional learning, on-site training and classes practice; (B) the maintenance, including technical staff, must undergo maintenance, technical specifications for learning and class practice; (C) special operations personne
6、l, must pass the national professional training, after obtaining a special operations qualifications before they can post. 40th: on-the-job training of production personnel: (I) post production staff should regularly carry out targeted of technical questions and answers, an accident expected on site
7、 training and anti-accident; (B) from running post 1 month and above the main post on duty or leave transportation . Drive system and security studies, arranged by upper management or organization of the examination. The 42nd article: June of every year once regulatory and safety procedures of the c
8、ompany system of examinations, examination the failed again, still not eligible waiting list study. Article 43rd: every year in June the work ticket issuer, assignee, licensee of work training, after passing the examination, as a formal announcement are eligible to work as ticket issuer, head of ins
9、pection, work permits and the right to a separate high-pressure equipment list, and reported to the Management Department. Failing the exam may not serve as a two person, stop classes, examinations before they can post. 44th: for breach of discipline system caused the accident, a kind of disorder an
10、d attempted serious responsibility for the accident, in addition to the relevant provisions dealing with should also be tasked to learn about a point system, and after passing the exam, before they can post. Article 45th: units of the company using the security video, slide projector, television, co
11、mputer, multimedia, radio, Billboard, artifacts, photo exhibitions, as well as security knowledge exam, lectures, contests, and other forms of advocacy, popularize the knowledge of security technology, targeted, Visual training, enhancing workers safety awareness and self-protection ability. Article
12、 46thHEIHEHENGJIGONGYUJIKENGTUDINGQIANGZHIHU SHIGONGZUZHISHEJI黑河恒基公寓基坑土钉墙支护施工组织设计黑河恒基公寓基坑土钉墙支护施工组织设计黑龙江省桩基础工程公司 目 录 一、 工程概况 二、 施工组织和施工布署 三、 基坑支护结构参数四、 土钉墙支护的施工工艺五、 质量保证措施及技术措施六、 施工进度计划及保证措施七、 安全技术措施 八、 主要机具设备计划九、 主要材料计划十、 现场生产组织机构一、工程概况1. 本工程位于黑河市爱辉区王肃街62号,原黑河印刷总厂院内。拟建的黑河恒基公寓为板式高层,地上26层,1层地下车库,平面上呈“
13、”字形。基坑开挖深度为5.77.7m,基坑平面尺寸约8026m。基坑东西两侧已采用混凝土排桩进行支护,南北两侧边坡现采用土钉墙支护。2. 建设单位:黑河市弘发房地产开发有限责任公司 施工单位:黑龙江省桩基础工程公司3. 水、用电量:水:20吨/日,电:160KW。4. 工程地质概况:详见工程岩土工程勘察报告。5. 主要执行规范:5.1建筑地基基础设计规范GB50007-2002;5.2建筑基坑支护技术规程JGJ120-99;5.3混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范GB50204-2002;5.4钢筋焊接及验收规程JGJ18-2003。6. 工程量土钉墙工程量一览表层数土钉直径(mm)土钉长(m)数
14、量(根)水平间距(米)工程量(总延长米/层)第一层1007 2第二层10052第三层10042二、施工组织和施工部署1.该工程由黑龙江省桩基础工程公司负责管理施工,计划投入一台混凝土喷射机,并配有一座搅拌站等设备。工程实行项目经理负责制,下设技术负责人、带班工长、技术员、质检员、安全员、材料员等管理人员,在工程中推行项目法施工,根据生产要素优化组合与动态管理原则,对工程进行系统管理,施工过程中严格按照ISO9000国际质量认证标准及我单位有关受控文件和作业指导书对各工种、各工序建立质量管理体系,严格实行工作岗位责任制,各工种必须持证上岗,做好隐蔽工程及分项工程质量检查和验收工作,接受业主及监理
15、的检查,确保工程质量与施工进度。2.施工设备进场后,根据现场的具体条件,对施工所需的设备、库房、住所进行合理布置。 3.土钉墙支护工艺流程图:(见下图) 三、基坑支护结构参数根据本工程所处地理位置及基坑开挖深度、土层性质等情况,本工程南北两侧土钉墙支护结构如下:1.基坑北侧邻王肃街,基坑最深处为7.7m。该侧基坑边坡按1:0.2的坡度放坡,土钉层数3层,土钉长度分别为7、5、4m。土钉孔径为D=100mm,土钉钢筋直径为118mm螺纹钢,土钉注浆采用水灰比为0.6的水泥浆。土钉竖向间距分别为2、2、2m,水平间距均为2m。2. 基坑南侧基坑最深处为6.1m。该侧基坑边坡按1:0.2的坡度放坡,
16、土钉层数2层,土钉长度分别为7、5m。土钉孔径为D=100mm,土钉钢筋直径为118mm螺纹钢,土钉注浆采用水灰比为0.6的水泥浆。土钉竖向间距分别为2.5、2 m,水平间距均为2m。3.土钉施工采用洛阳铲人工成孔,一般为2人1组。现基坑已经开挖约5m,为方便施工及安全考虑,施工土钉时,必须用脚手架搭设施工平台,周围用防护网栏好。防止人员或杂物掉落伤人。4.土钉钢筋应露出土面60mm,预留弯钩长150mm,弯钩向上,以确保土钉力量的传递。(见剖面示意图)在L形钢筋内侧用12 mm螺纹钢筋与其他土钉钢筋连接,形成菱形拉筋网。5.土钉钢筋与菱形拉筋网铺设完毕后,在坡面上铺设间距为250 mm的钢筋
17、网格,钢筋直径为6.5。再在坡面上锚喷80mm100mm厚的C20混凝土。6.基坑坡顶向外做压顶平台,宽度2m。 土钉节点见下图:土钉墙剖面示意图四、土钉墙支护的施工工艺土钉墙支护施工包括两部分:压顶散水平台施工和坡面施工。(一) 压顶散水平台施工 压顶散水平台施工和坡面第一层护坡同时进行,首先将坡边上口外延2米处的土面清平,在距坡边1.95米处钉入长度为1米18的钢筋,钉入深度为0.9米,外留0.1米 ,间距为2米(沿基坑走向),18钢筋之间用12的钢筋连接,做拉筋。之后铺设6.5250 的钢筋网,最后按向外2%的坡度浇注混凝土,混凝土厚度为80-100mm。 (二)坡面施工 清理坡面定位成
18、孔插入土钉钢筋及注浆管注浆焊拉筋铺设钢筋网喷射混凝土养护1、清理坡面由于基坑已经开挖,在喷射混凝土前应以人工按1:0.2的坡比进行边坡修整。经现场技术人员测量合格后方可施工。2、定位在成孔前,必须按技术员指定的点位进行施工,土钉倾角为10度。3、成孔3.1采用洛阳铲取土成孔,取土到设计孔深,经现场技术人员测量合格后为成孔. 土钉的孔位、孔深、孔径及角度应满足设计要求;如成孔中遇塌孔导致土钉钢筋不能插入,应将土钉钢筋拉出,重新成孔;3.2水泥浆制作3.2.1本工程使用普通硅酸盐水泥,搅拌水泥浆的水泥进场后应按要求验收。3.2.2水泥浆按设计配制,注浆所用水泥浆的水灰比为0.6。3.2.3按给定的
19、水灰比确定每罐水和水泥的用量,并按要求加水和水泥。3.2.4搅拌机开动后,先加入水,再加入水泥进行充分搅拌,水泥搅拌时间不得小于3分钟。3.2.5水泥浆搅拌后必须用筛网过滤至存浆罐中方可使用,滤出的杂质及时清理,避免掉入存浆罐中。3.2.6水泥浆储存时,应不断搅动,减少水泥浆因静止产生沉淀,水泥浆储存时间不应大于水泥初凝时间。4、插入土钉钢筋及注浆管成孔后将钢筋及注浆管插入孔中,制作好的钢筋应保持干净不得沾有油污和泥土,按设计长度下料,弯勾后固定。5、注浆 注浆管的插入深度应在孔深的一半以上;注浆前应将孔内残土或松动的杂土清除干净,注浆开始或中途停止30min时,应用水或稀水泥浆润注压浆泵及其
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- 黑龙江 fe 高层 公寓楼 基坑 边坡土钉墙 支护 施工 方案
