1、Optoelectronics and Photonics Principles,2009.9,Course Outline,Introduction(2 Periods)Wave Nature of light(4 Periods)Dielectric waveguides and optical fibers(8 Periods)Semiconductor Science and Light Emitting Diodes(10 Periods)Stimulated Emission Devices Lasers(8 Periods)Photodetectors(4 Periods),Ch
2、apter 1 Wave Nature of Light,1.1 Light Wave in a Homogeneous Medium1.2 Refractive Index 1.3 Group Velocity and Group Index1.4 Magnetic Field,Irradiance,and Poynting Vector1.5 Snells Law and Total Internal Reflection(TIR)1.6 Fresnels Equations1.7 Multiple Interference and Optical Resonators1.8 Goos-H
3、nchen Shift and Optical Tunneling1.9 Temporal and Spatial Coherence,Terms,electromagnetic wave(电磁波)medium/dielectric medium(媒质/电介质)light wave(光波);plane wave(平面波);traveling wave(行波);transverse wave(横波);longitudinal wave(纵波);monochromatic(单色/频)polychromatic(复色/频);propagation(传播);optical field(光场);wave
4、front(波前/阵面).wave vector/propagation constant(波矢量/传播常数);in phase(同相);phase difference(相位差);,Terms,beam diameter/beam divergence(光束直径、光束发散角);interfere/interference(干涉);diffraction(衍射);reflection(反射);refraction(折射);phase velocity(相速度);diverging/divergent wave(发散波);(an)isotropic(各向同/异性);spherical wave(
5、球面波);light source/beam/intensity/wavelength(光源/束/强/波长);waist radius/spot size(束腰半径/腰斑);refractive index(折射率)n;permittivity(介电常数);permeability(磁导率);,Terms,optical frequency(光频);wave packet(波包);harmonic waves(简谐波);group velocity/index(群速度/折射率);dispersion/dispersive medium(色散/色散介质);Poynting vector(波印廷矢
6、量)Irradiance/instantaneous(辐射度/瞬时辐射度);energy/power flow(能量/功率流);silica/silicon(石英/硅);crystal/noncrystal(晶体/非晶体);polarization/polarizability(偏振,极化/极化率);dipole/dipolar polarization(双偶极子/偶极子极化),Newton,Germination Period,Geometrical Optics,Wave Optics,Quantum Optics,Modern Optics,Planck,Einstein,Optic f
7、iber,History,Huygens,Fresnel,MaxWell,Isaac Newton,Published in 1704,Newton described light as a stream of particles,which was used to explain rectilinear propagation,develop theories of reflection and refraction.The particles in rays of different colors were supposed to have different qualities,poss
8、ibly of mass,size,or velocity.,Newton,Germination Period,Geometrical Optics,Wave Optics,Quantum Optics,Modern Optics,Planck,Einstein,Optic fiber,History,Huygens,Fresnel,MaxWell,He thought of light as a pressure wave in an elastic medium.,Huygens,a Dutch contemporary of Newton,developed the wave theo
9、ry of light.His explanation of rectilinear propagation is now known as“Huygens construction”.,A spherical wavefront W has an origin at P and a radius of r=ct after a time of t.Each point at the wavefront W generates a Huygens secondarywavelet.These secondary wavelets combine to form a new wavefront
10、W at time t,with the radii of the secondary wavelets being c(t-t).,Descartes,Christiaan Huygens,The wave theory of light was firmly established 100 years after Newtons Optics.Thomas Youngs double slit experimentcan only be explained in terms of waves.Augustin Fresnel,in 1821,showed thatlight is a tr
11、ansverse wave.James Clerk Maxwell gave a finalvindication of the wave theory by integratingelectricity and magnetism into the four Maxwellequations.,Thomas Young,Augustin Fresnel,James Clerk Maxwell,Newton,Germination Period,Geometrical Optics,Wave Optics,Quantum Optics,Modern Optics,Planck,Einstein
12、,Optic fiber,History,Huygens,Fresnel,MaxWell,In 1900,Max Planck used the particle theory to explain the“blackbody spectrum”.,In 1905,Albert Einsteinpostulated that electro-magnetic radiation is itself quantized in order to explain the photo-electric effect.,Max Planck,Albert Einstein,Awarded the Nob
13、el Prize in 1918.,Awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921.,If you cannot saw with a file or file with a saw,then you will be no good as an experimentalist.Jean Fresnel(17881827),Fresnel was a French physicist and a civil engineer for the French government who was one of the principal proponents of the wave
14、theory of light.,“Physicists use the wave theory on Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays and the particle theory on Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays”Sir William Henry Bragg,Ch.1 Wave Nature of Light,1.1 Light Wave in a Homogeneous Medium,A.Plane Electromagnetic Wave,Figure 1.1,A.Plane Electromagnetic Wave
15、,The mathematical form of a sinusoidal wave,for propagation along z,Ex electric field at position z at time t E0 amplitude of the wave k propagation constant,or wave number,given by 2/the angular frequency 0phase constant,(1),The argument(t-kz+0)is called the phase wave and denoted by.Equation(1)des
16、cribes a monochromatic plane wave of infinite extent traveling in the positive z direction as depicted in Figure 1.2.,A.Plane Electromagnetic Wave,In any plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation(along z),the phase of the wave,according to Eq(1)is constant,which means that the field in thi
17、s plane is also constant.A surface over which the phase of a wave is constant is referred to as a wavefront.A wavefront of plane wave is obviously a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation as shown in Figure1.2.,A.Plane Electromagnetic Wave,We know form electromagnetism that time varying
18、 magnetic fields result in time varying electric fields(Faradays Law)and vice versa.A time varying electric field would set up a time varying magnetic field with the same frequency.,A.Plane Electromagnetic Wave,According to electromagnetic principles,a traveling electric field Ex as represented by E
19、q(1)would always be accompanied by a traveling magnetic field By with the same wave frequency and propagation constant(and k)but the directions of the two fields would be orthogonal as in Figure 1.1.Thus there is a similar traveling wave equation for the magnetic field component By.,A.Plane Electrom
20、agnetic Wave,We generally describe the interaction of a light wave with a nonconducting matter(conductivity,=0),through the electric field component Ex rather than By because it is the electric field that displaces the electrons in molecules or ions in the crystal and there by gives rise to the pola
21、rization of matter.However the two fields are linked as in Figure 1.1,and there is an intimate relationship between them.The optical field refers to the electric field Ex.,We can also represent a traveling wave using the exponential notation since in which Re refers to the real part.We then need to
22、take the real part of any complex result at and of calculations.Thus,we can write Eq.(1)as.,or,A.Plane Electromagnetic Wave,(2),In which is a complex number that represents the amplitude of the wave and includes the constant phase information.,A.Plane Electromagnetic Wave,When the electromagnetic(EM
23、)wave is propagating along some arbitrary direction k,as indicated in Figure 1.3,the electric field E(r,t)at a point r on a plane perpendicular to k is,in witch k is called wave vector,whose magnitude is the propagation constant k,kr is the product of k and the projection of r onto k,which is r in F
24、igure 1.3,so that kr=kr.If k has components kx,ky and kz along x,y and z,then kr=kxx+kyy+kzz.,(3),A.Plane Electromagnetic Wave,Figure 1.3,A.Plane Electromagnetic Wave,The relationship between time and space for a given phase is described by,During a time intervalt,this constant phase moves a distanc
25、e z.The phase velocity of this wave is therefore z/t.Thus the phase velocity v is,(4),in which v is the frequency(=2f),A.Plane Electromagnetic Wave,We are frequently interested in the phase difference at a given time between two point on a wave(Figure1.1)that are separated by a certain distance.If t
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- 光电子 波动性
