1、construction enterprises to take the full responsibility for security within the enterprise functions and scope of work. 57th: construction projects construction project safety Committee should be set up. Corporate units shall be convened by the project was founded and acted as Director, by construc
2、tion enterprises elected representatives, the Deputy Director. Other Committee members consists of the first contractor (construction companies) authorized by the legal representative or the legal representative of participants. Change a member of the Committee, to members of the Committee are to be
3、 adjusted according to changes within 7 days. Article 58th: the basic task of building safety Committee: (a) adopting and publishing enterprise of construction site and safety requirements; (B) decide to major in engineering construction solutions to security problems; (C) coordinating the relations
4、hip between construction enterprises in relation to security issues; (D) appointing authority personnel. Safety committees does not replace the internal safety management of construction enterprises. 59th: Security Committee must build the project before construction was established and held its fir
5、st meeting and thereafter at least every quarter meeting. Conference resolutions and all content should be in writing to the company notice of construction enterprises. 60th: resolutions of the Security Council to take significant vote. Resolution is not adopted, without amendment of the relevant pr
6、ovisions do not vote again. Resolution shall not violate the relevant provisions of the national, industry and firm. 61st: safety committees safety supervision and Management Office, responsible for the day-to-day management of the Security Committee, Office staff supervised by the project company f
7、ull-time security personnel and project management company safety engineers. The 62nd article: safety supervision and Management Office is accountable to the Security Council and authorized by the Security Council. Its main tasks: (a) supervision of construction companies to implement Security Counc
8、il resolutions; (Ii) the major security problems in engineering . Of personal injury accident during construction and in accordance with the relevant provisions of step by step by project legal person units reporting to the Group and, if necessary, must be promptly reported to the relevant Governmen
9、t Department. 65th: construction enterprises in engineering, serious injuries and deaths be reported to the Engineering Safety Committee; Committee on the safety assessment of construction enterprises in implementation of Commission resolution. 66th company project legal situation monitoring, assess
10、ment of the implementation of the provisions of this chapter. 67th: units of the company as a legal, signed contract with the construction company, the relevant provisions of this chapter shall be as clear contract. Tenth section, Contracting and temporary engineering 68th: carbon companies contract
11、ing and temporary project management system, standard contract and labor contract form, content, and approval procedures to be performed and the parties concerned should bear the responsibility. 69th: carbon companies outsourcing and contract projects shall sign the contract. Shall specify in the co
12、ntract the employer and theC80C100高强泵送混凝土的研制 中国混凝土网 2009-8-5 网络硬盘 我要建站 博客 常用搜索高强高性能混凝土的研究与应用是混凝土材料科学领域的重要分支。近年随着中国基础建设的蓬勃发展,建筑技术水平的提高,对混凝土性能提出了更高的要求;同时新型高性能外加剂的问世,矿物掺和料的成熟应用给配制高强高性能混凝土提供了技术保障。文献报道国际上已有150 MPa预制超高强混凝土构件和130 MPa现浇超高强混凝土的成功案例1。我国也多有C80C100混凝土研究的报道和一些零星的应用。 目前国际上研究高强高性能混凝土比较通用的方法是在混凝土中同
13、时掺入高性能外加剂和矿物掺和料的双掺技术法。我们认为对于高强混凝土在原材料的基本性能得到保证的前提下,混凝土的密实度是混凝土高强的关键。同时为保证高强混凝土能泵送至百米以上,混凝土的泵送性能也是我们关注的重点。 对于普通混凝土,原材料性能对混凝土的影响比较有限;而对于高强高性能混凝土,原材料本身的性能对混凝土影响较大。所以我们的研究从原材料的品质选择着手,围绕着如何使混凝土更加密实,确定初步的配合比,然后通过验证复试,通过在搅拌楼上进行中试,确定最终实际生产的配合比。 1 混凝土原材料的选择 1.1水泥的确定 近年来由于水泥的厂家的不断扩张,导致不同厂家,甚至同一厂家不同产地的水泥波动很大,所
14、以我们选择水泥的前提是能够保证批量供应且品质稳定。根据前期的一些试验和文献资料,决定使用52.5PI或P.II的水泥。在对不同厂家水泥进行对于试验过程中遵循几个规则:微观上水泥本身的颗粒级配好,宏观上水泥强度发展好,需水量小,与外加剂的适应性好,配制的混凝土粘性小。考虑到实际规模化生产,希望水泥与外加剂作用较快以提高生产效率。 首先对在上海地区可能采用的嘉新京阳P.II52.5,联合P.I52.5和宁国P.I52.5水泥进行比较,从需水量试验和单纯水泥的胶砂强度看,其差异不大,都比较好。从图1的净浆流动度试验上,宁国水泥在初始略好于其他两水泥;而且其与水泥的作用时间相对较快,可以减少实际生产过
16、m区间,对性能起主要作用的14.03m24.48m颗粒占25%,整个颗粒级配比较合理。水泥的颗粒分布可以用RRSB方程表述y(x)=100-R(x)=100-100exp-(x/X)n y(x)粒径x的筛析通过量,%;R(x)粒径x的筛余量,%;x粒径,m;X特征粒径(R(x)=100e-1=36.79%时的粒径),m;n均匀性系数。20世纪80年代中后期S.Tsivilis等学者对硅酸盐水泥最佳颗粒级配研究后提出:硅酸盐水泥中330m的颗粒应占65%以上,3m颗粒应在10%。即y(30)-y(3)65y(3)10得出特征粒径X在19.6m24.0m,而均匀性系数在1.121.20范围为最佳颗
17、粒级配.宁国P.I52.5水泥特征粒径X为21.69m。1.2 混凝土外加剂的选择作为走在混凝土材料科学的前沿的外加剂,在高强混凝土的研究中起着举足轻重的作用。新一代的聚羧酸盐减水剂由于其独特的空间位阻效应,使其包裹在水泥颗粒周围时的排斥力远大于传统外加剂的静电斥力,所以其对水泥的分散效果非常优异。宏观的表现,其减水率可达40%以上。但是不同的聚羧酸盐减水剂由于其支链长短的不同,和聚合的官能团的不同,导致混凝土的保坍能力不同,对强度的影响不同,对相同胶凝材料的流变性也存在差异。由于施工周期在夏季,所以在外加剂的选择过程中,我们在关注新拌混凝土的和易性同时,还考察其1小时和2小时的坍损情况。在经
18、过前期不同生产厂家的产品的对比后,最后在上海麦斯特建工高科技建筑化工有限公司提供的GLENIUM SP-8CN 和CR的对比上。从上表可见,用以一定程度表征混凝土流变性能的倒锥试验可见,不管是初始还是2小时后,掺SP-8CR混凝土比掺SP-8CN的混凝土的倒锥时间小,即混凝土的粘性小,掺SP-8CR混凝土坍落度有些倒大,与其凝结时间较长相对应。掺SP-8CR的混凝土早期强度相对稍低,而后期增长较好。所以结合工程施工基本在夏季,需要混凝土相对凝结时间稍长,最终选择了SP-8CR。1.3 混凝土用砂的选择CECS104:99 高强混凝土结构技术规范规定,C70以上规定混凝土宜选用质地坚硬,级配良好
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- 关 键 词:
- C80 混凝土