1、Business English for Negotiation,商务英语谈判,PrefaceChapter One:Preparation for N.Chapter Two:Structure and Sequence of N.Chapter Three:Negotiation Tactics/Strategy,Preface:Introductory Knowledge,I.buyer/seller bargaining on the pricemobility,different price,mutually satisfying agreement,own purpose,conc
2、essiona.Two elements i.cooperation:mutual interest ii.conflict:interest opposed arguedb.Two direction i.hold on or lose all ii.give in lower reward,c.adjust themselves by exchanging ideas on common interest;neither wholly satisfied;for both more beneficial.d.integral part of business activity.N.do n
3、ot isolate in the course of selling&providing service.N.a tool to get profit.e.time scale:1)N.ors preparation for N.first contact.2)reach agreement common interest operated during 3rd period may cause further N.3)extended period:both sides continue co.,agreement disciplines both sides,if cooperate,e
4、ffect of bargain limited,in the long run,unfaircorrect.f.measure of success:notachieve max.profit butsuccessful operation of trade.“Good begun is half done.”Preparation/vital for the highest level of success.,II.The definition of N.Gerard I.Nierenberg,author of the first book on the formalized proce
5、ss of N,The Art of N.ing,stated,“Whenever people exchange ideas with the intention of changing relationships,whenever they confer for agreement,then they are N.ing.”In modern sensein book The Roots of Sound Rational Thinking“the ability to deal with business affairs,to arrange by discussion the sett
6、lement of terms,to reach agreements through treaties and compromise,and to travel through challenging territory.”-suggests a purposeful effort to resolve problems through talking and intellectual control.,Including consultation,bargaining,mediation(调解),arbitration(仲裁),sometimes,litigation(起诉).Differ
7、ent forms:1)Competitive style:To try to gain all there is to gain2)Accommodative(通融)style:To be willing to yield all there is to yield3)Avoidance style:To try to stay out of N.4)Compromising style:To try to split the difference or find an intermediate point according to some principle 5)Collaborativ
8、e style:To try to find the Max.gain for both parties-by exploration of the interest of both sides.6)Vengeful style:to try to harm the other7)Self-inflicting(自损)style:to harm oneself8)Vengeful and self-inflicting style:,III.Principle of Trust in N.1.Trust important.Divided into three types:1)Deterren
9、ce(威慑)-based trust:think to be punished do or do not do sth.Based on consistency with past,which extends to:*Calculus(预计)-based trust:expect to benefit if do or do not do sth.2)Knowledge-based trust:expect the other people to act in a certain way based on the knowledge of him.The expectation is base
10、d on the understanding of the other peoples action,thoughts&intents.3)Identification(识别)-based trust:share the interests,values&concerns of the other people very well-internal(深层次).,2.Trust Building in N.Winning the trust the other party-key to successful N.All N.involves risk.Sometimes when N.ors s
11、ay they N.te in faith,do not really mean it or are misunderstood.Talks collapse since each side lacks it in the others competence and good intentions.A.Facing strangers or under pressure,etc make it difficult to form trust.Peter B.Stark&Jane Flaherty listed fifteen things in book The Only N.ing Guid
12、e Youll Ever Need to build trust.1)Demonstrate your competence Trust can be built by convincing opponent-you have both expertise and the will to support your end/part of the N.E.g.buying a computer,you have a higher level of trust in a salesman giving knowledgeable answers to your questions.,2)Make
13、sure the nonverbal signals you are sending match the words you are saying Opponent can tell more about your total message by reading and understanding the nonverbal you are sending than by just listening to your words.3)Maintain a professional appearance A well-groomed professional appearance is imp
14、ortant.Further enhance your appearance with good posture,a careful choice of words,a clear confident voice and eye contact.4)Communicate your good intentions People tend to give greater leeway(room)to an individual if they know his intentions are good.Emphasize that opponents needs and goals are imp
15、ortant to you and that you will do whatever it takes to create a lifelong win-win relationship.,5)Do what you say you are going to do Keep your promises and honor your commitments.Your reliability may be the most important factor in opponents decision to N.te with you again at a later date.6)Go beyo
16、nd the conventional relationship The example is that when a N.or needed more time to study a contract that was unfamiliar to him,opponent not only allowed him more time,but also offered him samples of the contract to study.By doing so,the counterpart went well beyond the conventional relationship.Th
17、us the trust between them built up quickly.7)Listen Listen openly to opponent s ideas Encourage opponent to exchange ideas.Get complete information before expressing your opinion.,8)Over-communicate When N.s get tough,the natural tendency is to communicate less.Resist that tendency.9)Discuss the ind
18、iscussibles There are issues difficult to address.Salary is one example.But discussing these types of issues helps build trust and eliminate future problems.10)Provide accurate information,without an hidden agenda Each opponent has to have enough information to make good decisions that meet both N.o
19、rs goals.Give opponent information on both sides of the issue,not just the side you prefer.Admit it when you do not have all the answers.,11)Be honesteven when it costs you sth.If opponent has made a mistake in adding his figures,tell him.If you have made a mistake in your calculations or decision-m
20、aking,admit it.12)Be patient Patience breeds trustand better decisions.13)Uphold fairness It is your responsibility to ensure that your counterpart gets a fair outcome.If you make sure everyone goes away happy,you will earn yourself a good reputation as a N.or.14)N.te for abundance,not scarcity Focu
21、s on creating a bigger pie.If your counterpart in a N wants you to lower the price not refusing,consider agree it if he buy more products or extend the length of the contract.15)Take calculated risks One of the fastest ways to build trust in a relationship is to be willing to take calculated risks.,
22、B.Maximizing Joint Gain Trust hard to build,easy to destroy,difficult to regain.Believing that the other party is competent and trustworthy allows N.ors to take the risks that are necessary to achieve N.ted outcomes,and to implement agreements in ever-changing social,economic,and political environme
23、nts.When profit,security,or peace depends upon the motives and actions of another party,trust becomes essential.Fortunately,by applying the principles and strategies above,N.ors can build the trust that is necessary for a N.to yield max.joint gain.,#Case study An author N.ing with a literacy agent r
24、ight to sell the book.Agent told him-commission higher in international deals than domestic ones.First,the higher international rate sounded arbitrary(任意的)-a sneaky(鬼祟的)way to gain money from him.But agent explain-she had to charge a higher commission for an international deal split money with the a
25、gent in the foreign country.Her net commission be lower.Though this explanation had no impact on the writers bottom line,it made the author like the agent and trust her even more.What strategies did the agent use to build trust in her relationship with the author?explained her demands,provided accur
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