1、分类号 学号 M201070724学校代码 1 0 4 8 7 密级 硕士学位论文 5754 铝合金激光填丝搭接 焊缝成形及气孔的研究 学位申请人:王国振 学 科 专 业:材料工程 指 导 教 师:王春明 副教授 答 辩 日 期:2012 年 5 月 26 号 A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of EngineeringStudy on the formation and porosity of 5754 aluminum alloy by laser
2、lap welding with filler wire Candidate: Wang Guozhen Major : Materials Engineering Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Wang Chunming Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan,430074,P. R. China May. 2012 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做
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4、科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 摘 要 激光焊接技术具有焊接质量高、精度高、焊件变形小、焊接过程效率高以及无需真空条件等优势,目前成为研究铝合金焊接的热点之一。激光填丝焊接在保留激光自熔焊接优势的基础上,又克服了激光自熔焊接对工件加工和装夹要求高等问题,而且可以通过填入焊丝提高焊缝的成形质量,调整焊缝成分、补充易烧损的金属元素。但是焊丝的加入使得焊接过程变得复杂,因此对于铝合金的激光填丝焊接在国内研究较少。本研究采用先进的 4kW 光纤激光器和具有稳定送丝能力的焊机,研究了搭接形式下,激光填丝焊接 5754 铝合金的焊接性。 研究表明,焊接速度对于焊缝的表面成形的影响最大,焊接速度过小
5、或过大都会得到成形不好的焊缝;而焊缝表面成形质量对激光功率和送丝速度具有较高的容忍度,在较大范围内改变送丝速度和激光功率,都得到了成形良好的焊缝;增加送丝速度,焊缝熔宽变化不明显,焊缝堆高增加。此外,激光功率和焊接速度与焊缝熔深呈线性变化的关系,增大激光功率、减小焊接速度,焊缝熔深线性增加;增加送丝速度,焊缝熔深呈阶梯式减小,减小幅度并不明显。 5754 铝合金是 Al-Mg 系的简单共晶型合金,有 和 两相, 相是 Mg2Al3 化合物, 和 能够形成共晶体。激光填丝焊接 5754 铝合金,得到的典型接头分为母材区、焊缝热影响区和焊缝区。横向硬度从大到小分别是焊缝区、母材区和热影响区,焊缝纵
6、向硬度变化不大;激光焊接焊接速度快,焊缝热影响区很窄,但组织较为粗大,力学性能最差。焊缝区从上部到下部组织分布有区别,上部晶体生长时间较长,有较为粗大的 相晶体生成,下部枝晶和共晶组织分布较为均匀。 焊缝中的工艺气孔对焊缝性能有很大影响,它的形成原因是激光深熔焊接过程中,由于匙孔发生的机械扰动,一部分金属蒸汽形成气泡,焊缝凝固后成为工艺气孔。改变激光功率和焊接速度,会改变熔池中的温度分布从而改变焊缝中匙孔的稳定性,进而影响焊缝中工艺气孔的形成。研究发现,焊接速度越大,气孔率越小; I 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文激光功率越大,气孔率越大;在一定范围内改变送丝速度,气孔率变化不
7、大。 最后,在研究了焊接参数对工艺气孔影响的基础上,本文还研究了如何在搭接焊缝中设置合适的间隙来减小工艺气孔。研究发现,预留一定的间隙有利于减小工艺气孔的形成;在合适的间隙条件下,熔池中所形成的气泡通过间隙逃逸出焊缝,从而能够降低工艺气孔的含量。预留一定的间隙,在减小气孔含量的同时,还能够提高搭接焊缝的剪切强度。关键词: 激光焊接;填充焊丝;搭接;焊缝成形;工艺气孔;间隙 II 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 Abstract Laser welding has been a hot spot of aluminum welding study which has advant
8、agesof high welding quality high accuracy small distortion of weldment high efficiency andno need of vacuum condition. Except for the advantages of laser autogenous weldinglaser welding with filler wire has not only overcome some problem of laser autogenouswelding such as the high accuracy requireme
9、nt of weldment processing and clamping butalso been able to adjust welding component and add the metallic element loss. Howeverthe filler wire makes the welding process complex and there are few researches ofaluminum laser welding with filler wire inland. This study used an advanced fiber laserand a
10、 welding machine with stable feeding ability to research the weldability of 5754aluminum laser lap welding with filler wire. Welding speed had big effect on the weld shape quality. Bad weld shape was gotwhen the welding speed was too high or too low. However the weld shape quality hadhigh tolerabili
11、ty of the laser power and wire feed rate. Good weld shape was got when thelaser power and wire feed rate were changed during a big range. When wire feed rateincreased the bead width changed little and the bead tall increased. Otherwise laserpower and welding speed had a linear relation with the bead
12、 penetration. Adding laserpower or decreasing welding speed the bead penetration increased linearly. Adding wirefeed rate the bead penetration decreased in ladder form. 5754 aluminum alloy is a kind of Al-Mg series eutectic alloy with and two- phase.The phase is Mg2Al3 compound. Typical weld of 5754
13、 aluminum alloy laser welding canbe divided into base material zone heat affected zone HAZ and weld zone. Thehorizontal hardness from big to small is weld zone base material zone and HAZ. Thelongitudinal hardness of weld zone changes little. Because of the high welding speed theHAZ of laser welding
14、is very narrow. However the microstructure in HAZ is coarser andthe mechanical property is the worst. The microstructure of the weld zone from top tobottom is different. The growth time of top crystal is longer and there is coarser phasegenerating. The bottom branch crystal and eutectic organization
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- 关 键 词:
- 5754 铝合金 激光 填丝搭接 焊缝 成形 气孔 研究
