1、大家好,这次带来的是傻瓜式修改状态栏透明或任意颜色哈此方法有点费时,但自定义性更强,所以推荐给大家,希望大家喜欢: 准备好头晕吧 提取 system/framework 里面的 framework-res.apk(这个就是状态栏和下拉菜单提取 sysetm/app 里面的 SystemUI.apk部分了)放桌面备用打开厨房网站 http:/uot.dakra.lt/kitchen/QUBEUOTKITCHEN 腴。HomeKitchenPickup Todays menu How-Tc Diadaimer Statistic Thanks toAds Dy ijoogfleKitchen 湖底
2、Kitchen RenoKitcnen uesicDonateCustomise your Andrad devbe with this cpine tool Select any mads, uphad files and submt ia krtch&r;即et 3。0。j的*1】丫 veiadors Hotig Kong Inil Jellety Shew 2012 16-20 Feb. Reciter to iase HK$ 100! 整壮. 说惟户-Ttmuiit沁ci Systems Efficient 3attcry Chajjrig Muduliii. Tlexiblc. Pa
3、cifiil :.-。.:.!任-口可心ZX 鸟叩11#响(丑!5如-第 XG Free & secure application Sl desktop delivery to any operating svstem.睥liaticttsna?Ultimate Online Theme KitchenBattGDOT Kitchen on 照Ultimate Online Theme KitchenCustonniseyesur Android device with this onlinctool Select any moda, upload files and submit to ki
4、tchen日 atte-ryIconsStatus barPopupLockscreenWindowbar| Mee this mod |E一肩二普三忡事h ttp:bbs-1!89stori3aCDrTi打钳会出现下图后将这些还有下药府有方枉打构口*!。下barerse1C0%.roidSans-BoldColorTopbar/ |FFFFFFHeaderBattsIconsStatus barPopupLockscreenWindowFonlsBoot animationFile uploaiStatus bar回 Use this modUltimate Online Theme Kit
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6、ngerbread rorrs only, uploading framework-res mp打祠后点击这里/Text100%E Background日昨履如时但Isensa -C 1匚匚匚匚匚? I cnozv (Froyo only dateText|FFFFFF 100%Select to change USB connection typeQ Charge only (focus)Select co change USB connection type曲 Charge only (pressed)Select to change USB connection type等一会就叵出现预
7、筮,然后Notifications Quick SettBattery Icons Status bar Popup Lockscraen Windov/Status bar 回 Usg this modPhone screen sizeO qhd (540x960) O hdpi (480x800)Q mdpi (320x480) O Idpi (240x320)H Enable transparency in status barFcr Gingerbread roms only.uploading framework-res.ap and Systemlll apk0 TopbarBac
8、kground | Sense七O ioo _ 丫0 Topbar text(Froyo only date)0 HeaderBackground |洞喝7O100% vTextFcnt name i DrodSans-Bold J vFont sizeJText align。|eft。center rightColorIffffffFile uploadO Download settingsG Upload settingsSelect flashable zip scripting Edify scripting. New scripting with updats-binary comp
9、atible with ClockwcrkN4od 3.x (recomended)up date-binary Type MID (default) v de/ices list If your device is not in the list - try all types and report in forum which type v/orks with your device0 Amend scripting. Old scripting. compatible with old recoveries. Use this if you having problem v/ith fl
10、ashing (no changes, error 0) or have not HTC Desire phoneFlashing folders for system filesframewcrk-res.叩 k |7system/framefVork SystemULapk | /systeni/appCheck your rom s zip for correct place or use defaut settings.Patch9 autofix回 Uso automated images fixing Kitchen will try to fix failed to decomn
11、ile 9 ona imanes (recomended)Kitchen s settings (optional)Select your rom from kitchens list, or upload your own filesO Kitchens listsystem files O Upload CM7 NOTE1 .,途择这个!Froyo rom: rramevvork-res.apkGingerbread rem framework-res.apk and SystemULapkGingerbread with sense rom: framev/ork-res apk. Sy
12、stemULapk an com. htc. resources, apkCyanogGnmod? rom: Cyanbread apk or Androidian.apk (renamad aTouchWiz rom- additional tv/-framework-res apkNOTE 2If ycu want your rom tc be in kitchen s list: contact mendozinas cSubmit work in Summary sectionhttFile uploadSelect flashable zip scripting0 Edify scr
13、ipting. New scriptina with update-binary, compatible with Clockworkfvlod 3.x (recomended)update-binary | Type MTD (default) W devices list If your device is not in the list try all types and report in forum v/hich type works with your device.C Amend scripting. Old scripting, compatible with old reco
14、veries Use this if you having problem with flashing (no changes, error 0) or have not HTC Desire phoneFlashing folders for system filesKitchens settings (optional)O Download settingsO Upload settingsSelect your rom from kitchens list, or upload your own fiOKitchens list Upload system files O Upload
15、ClUpload your own files / :、J,F 、. ?. i/ iramework-res. apkX nframework-ies.apkres.Select| (Max size: 17 MframeworK-res.apk /system/framework SystemUl.apkCheck yojr rom s zip for correct place or use deaut settings/system/appSysterriUl.apkupload this file only if you have Gingerbread romuSelect Fie|

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