1、運動前體適能與安全評估,台灣師大 方進隆 教授 2007,4.2.,很榮幸來嘉義大學分享,歡迎大家參與分享就是最佳的學習上兩週介紹體適能與健康促進體適能與全人健康,演講大綱,前言運動前ACSM危險分類與評估體適能檢測的目的與步驟國內體適能檢測方法美國體適能學生檢測方法如何提升體適能結語,體適能,體適能是所有活動的基礎如何增加身體活動量與養成運動習慣提升體適能是很重要課題參與運動或參加體適能檢測皆需要注意安全,運動處方或計畫目的,主要目的如下促進健康(減少疾病危險因素)增進體能確保運動安全養成規律運動習慣,運動處方前要有危險評估與體適能檢測,美國運動醫學會幫助個案的三個步驟1,Screening
2、 and risk stratification.過濾評估危險分類2,Assessment of the components of fitness.評估體適能的每個成分3,Exercise prescription.運動處方,過濾與危險分類 Screening and risk stratification,Because the many people with undiagnosed heart disease are particularly at risk,screening clients is critical to insure safety.因許多人有未被診斷出來的心臟病,運
3、動時特別危險,因此需要過濾確保安全.,Screening and risk stratification,Before performing exercise testing on clients,and before enrolling them into an exercise program,you should evaluate the clients to determine their level of risk and to decide if it is reasonably safe to proceed.未參與運動測驗和未參與運動前,需要評估參與者的危險程,度 再決定運動進
4、行是否安全.,ACSMs Risk Levels危險分類 三類,Low-risk:young,with no more than 1 coronary disease risk factor,and without symptoms or known disease.低危險Moderate-risk:Older;or with 2 or more coronary disease risk factors.中危險High-risk:with 1 or more symptoms of cardiopulmonary disease;or with known cardiovascular,pu
5、lmonary,or metabolic disease.高危險,ACSMs Risk Levels危險分類 三類,低危險 年輕(男生45歲以下,女生55歲以下),不超過一種危險因素且沒有疾病症狀.中危險 年紀大,(男生超過45歲 女生超過55歲),或二種危險因素以上.高危險 種心肺疾病以上症狀或已經有心臟病,肺病或代謝疾病.,Exercise screening questionnaire using ACSM Criteria,美國運動醫學會標準的過慮問卷Risk factors 危險因素(2 or more place individual as moderate risk)兩個以上危險
6、因素為中危險,問卷,_1,have any of your parents,brothers,or sisters had a heart attack,bypass surgery,angioplasty,or sudden death prior to the age of 55(male relatives)or 65(female relatives).First degree relative.您的等親,雙親,兄弟姐妹是否有心臟病,動脈繞道手術,血管整形或猝死?(男性親戚55歲前 女性親戚65歲前),Risk factors,_2.Have you smoked cigarettes
7、 in the past 6 months?最近六個月有抽菸嗎?_3.What is your usual blood pressure(大於140/90)?Do you take blood pressure medication?您的血壓過高嗎?(大於或等於140/90 mmHg)服用高血壓藥物嗎?,Risk factors,_4.What is your LDL低密度脂蛋白cholesterol?If you dont know your LDL,What is your total cholesterol膽固醇?What is your HDL高密度脂蛋白cholesterol?血脂肪
8、,膽固醇,高低密度脂蛋白膽固醇?,either LDL 130(use total cholesterol 200 if LDL not known)or HDL 60 is a negative risk factor.or taking lipid-lowering medication.危險因素:低密度脂蛋白高於130 膽固醇 200 HDL 60 為負的危險因素 可減一個危險因素,Risk factors,_5.What is your fasting glucose(=110)?空腹血糖_6.What is your height and weight(BMI=30)?Also,wh
9、at is your waist girth(100 cm)?身高體重BMI多少,_7.Do you get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week(or its equivalent)?每星期有好幾天有從事三十分鐘適度運動嗎?,Risk factors,Positive正:family history家庭遺傳;cigarette smoking抽菸;hypertension高血壓;hypercholesterolemia高血膽固醇;impaired fasting glucose空腹血糖過
10、高;obesity肥胖;sedentary lifestyle靜態生活方式.Negative負:High serum HDL cholesterol.高的高密度脂蛋白,Symptoms(1 or more places individual at high risk)症狀,_1.Do you ever have pain or discomfort in your chest or surrounding areas(I.e.,ischemia)胸部附近不舒服?_2.Do you ever feel faint or dizzy(other than when sitting up rapid
11、ly)?會頭昏?_3.Do you find it difficult to breathe when you are lying down or sleeping?躺著或睡覺呼吸困難?,Symptoms,_4.Do your ankles ever become swollen(other than after a long period of standing)?踝部腫脹?_5.Do you ever have heart palpitations,or an unusual period of rapid heart rate?心悸 或有時心跳過快嗎?,_6.Do you ever ex
12、perience pain in your legs(I.e.,intermittent claudication)?腳部會痛嗎?間歇性跛足?,Symptoms,_7.Has a physician ever said you have a heart murmur?(has he/she said it is OK,and safe for you to exercise?)心有雜音?運動安全嗎?_8.Do you feel unusually fatigued or find it difficult to breathe with usual activities?從事一般活動感覺疲憊或
13、者呼吸困難嗎?,其他others,1,How old are you?(男性大於45歲 女性大於55歲即屬中危險)2,do you have any of the following diseases:心臟病,週邊血管疾病,腦血管疾病,慢性呼吸道阻礙疾病,氣腫或慢性氣管炎,肺病,氣喘,糖尿病,甲狀腺異常,腎臟病,肝病.(如有一種即屬高危險),others,_1.How old are you?(men=55 are at moderate risk.)你幾歲?_2.Do you have any of the following diseases:有下列疾病嗎?heart disease,ch
14、ronic obstructive pulmonary disease(emphysema or chronic bronchitis),asthma,diabetes mellitus,thyroid disorder,renal disease,or liver disease等疾病?(yes to any disease places individual at high risk),others,_3.Do you have any bone or joint problems,such as arthritis or a past injury,that might get wors
15、e with exercise?(exercise testing may need to be delayed or modified運動測驗需要延期或修正).有骨或關節問題?運動會惡化?,其他,_4.Do you have a cold or flu,or any other infection?感冒或其他感染?(exercise testing must be delayed.運動測驗需要延期),others,_5.Are you pregnant?懷孕嗎?(exercise testing may need to be delayed or modified)._6.Do you ha
16、ve any other problem that might make it difficult for you to do strenuous exercise?有參與激烈運動會有困難的症狀?,Interpretation 解說,Low risk(young,and no more than 1 risk factor):can do maximal testing or enter a vigorous exercise program.低危險 可做最大運動測驗 或者參與激烈運動Moderate risk(older,or 2 or more risk factor):can do su
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