1、细节决定成败对科技论文写作的点滴体会,顾冬冬南京航空航天大学材料科学与技术学院,资源来自网络,(1)WHY?谈论文结构方面的东西,是否太小儿科?答案是否定的!,1.论文结构1.1 英文论文,资源来自网络,SCI期刊投稿数量猛增。,Materials Science and Engineering As yearly page budget only allows space to publish about 30%of all regular submissions in a year.Therefore our selection criteria is becoming more dema
2、nding and those submissions not meeting the journals standards might not be sent on for review.Therefore,please ensure you have read the Journals Scope and Guide for Authors carefully before submitting to Materials Science and Engineering A.,资源来自网络,新增Technical Checking一关!,Elsevier期刊在线投稿之后的状态:Submitt
3、ed to Journal With EditorTechnical checking With EditorUnder Review,负责论文格式、语言审查的编辑,负责论文评审、修改、录用(拒稿)的主编,自2007年下半年起,要想进入此状态,并不容易!,资源来自网络,2007年5月31日投稿至Materials Letters,6月2日收到Email:,Ref.:Ms.No.MLBLUE-D-07-01647Formation of a novel W-rim/Cu-core structure during direct laser sintering of W-Cu composite
4、systemMaterials LettersDear Dr.Dongdong Gu,Your manuscript has been screened for possible publication in Materials Letters.I regret to inform you that we cannot admit the manuscript into the formal review process in its current state.Before we can send your manuscript out for peer review,please make
5、 changes/corrections as mentioned in the comments below.,资源来自网络,You are welcome to resubmit your paper after a very careful revision,making sure that every aspect of the manuscript is in accordance with the author guidelines.This should include,but not be limited to,the comments mentioned below.We s
6、trongly recommend you to consult our journal instructions at.In case you have difficulty with the English language,we encourage you to contact one of the language companies at.PLEASE NOTE that all manuscripts,including the revised version,must be submitted to the Materials Letters website as a NEW s
7、ubmission at.Sincerely,Elsevier Editorial ServicesMaterials Letters,资源来自网络,Comments:1)In general,the English is clear.There are some instances of badly worded/constructed sentences.E.g.Please revise such sentences for grammar and clarity.2)An article that is submitted should have the word limit with
8、in 2000 words plus 3 figures and 1 table,or within 2000 words plus less than 5 figures without table,or within 1600 words plus 5 figures without table.In this article,word count exceeds 2000 words plus 3 figures and 1 table.Please make appropriate changes to meet this requirement.,资源来自网络,6月3日修改,重投!,
9、资源来自网络,我是幸运的!,资源来自网络,2007年底,ML突然变脸!,【资料来源:http:/regret to inform you that we cannot admit the manuscript into the formal peer review process,please see the comments below.A revised version will now not be considered anymore,but we do hope that you will find the comments constructive.Sincerely,Elsevi
10、er Editorial ServicesMaterials Letters,资源来自网络,严格参照所投期刊的Guide for Authors,进行论文格式、语言的校对、审查!语言关:(1)靠你自己!拿出高考短文改错的态度来校对你的英语!(2)你的导师,师兄、师姐;(3)专业机构(效果有待检验)。Technical checking这一关过不了,论文无法到达主编手上;即便论文的内容再精彩,也无法送审、录用。,我们必须,资源来自网络,Title,Authors,Affiliations(Postal address,email,tel.,fax)Abstract,Keywords,Main t
11、ext,Acknowledgements,Appendix(if any),References,Tables,Figure captions,Separate figures,Title page,核心之一,核心之二,(2)HOW?论文基本内容,资源来自网络,Use double spacing and wide(3 cm)margins.Avoid full justification,i.e.,do not use a constant right-hand margin.Present tables and figure legends on separate pages at the
12、 end of the manuscript.Number all pages consecutively,use 12 or 10 pt font size and standard fonts(Times New Roman).Do not submit manuscripts in double column format.(和正式出版的论文版式不同!),基本注意事项,资源来自网络,Title,Authors,Clearly indicate who is willing to handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and p
13、ublication,also post-publication.Ensure that telephone and fax numbers(with country and area code)are provided in addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address.,Number all pages consecutively,with title page being page 1.,资源来自网络,仔细阅读所投刊物的写作指南(Guide for Authors),看看对Abstract是否有字数限制?Le
14、tter类论文:绝对不要超字数;Paper类论文:适可而止。,(1)该刊物Keywords最多允许提供几个?(2)是否有Recommended keywords list?(3)是否有特定的写法要求?(如提供类别号),资源来自网络,资源来自网络,3cm页边距,只允许左对齐,不允许右对齐。,全文保持 双倍行距。,资源来自网络,正文中,不插任何图片!,资源来自网络,参考文献,严格参照期刊要求!,资源来自网络,是否遇到这样的问题?姓甚名谁,一头雾水!,资源来自网络,最简单的一招ISI Web of Science http:/,资源来自网络,资源来自网络,1.2 中文论文,阅读各期刊的作者写作指南(
16、文,资源来自网络,2.论文写作,结合自身经历,提几点意见;不一定完全适用,但求有所启发;如果你遇到相关问题,可借鉴一下经验。,资源来自网络,2.1 Title,我经历的郁闷事:2004年9月24日首次投稿Journal of Materials Processing Technology,题目:Direct laser sintering of multi-component Cu-based metal powder。文题简洁,自我感觉良好。(真不好意思!)近1年苦苦等待,2005年8月1日,Reviewer评价:The title cannot accurately describe th
17、e purpose of the paper.,资源来自网络,论文主要研究材料特性(组分比例、制备工艺)对粉体激光烧结性能的影响,于是我改题目为:Effects of materials properties on densification and microstructure of multi-component Cu-based metal powder in direct laser sintering 又一年的等待!2006年9月20日,Reviewer提出的唯一问题:The title still cannot describe the whole paper.2年的等待,Titl
18、e 让我郁闷!,资源来自网络,最终的题目,资源来自网络,【经验教训】,论文主要研究什么,在题目中就该有所体现;论文题目可稍长一点,问题不大。,资源来自网络,吃一堑,长一智,资源来自网络,资源来自网络,2.2 Abstract,EI中国信息部要求信息性文摘(Information Abstract)应该用简洁、明确的语言(一般不超过150 words)将论文的“目的(Purposes)”,主要的研究“过程(Procedures)”及所采用的“方法(Methods)”,由此得到的主要“结果(Results)”和得出的重要“结论(Conclusions)”表达清楚。,资源来自网络,要写好英文摘要,必
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