1、第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES(P71)比喻性词语的翻译 比喻性词语是指一些利用事物之间的相似特征通过具体形象来比喻某事物的词、词组或句子。如:“一切反动派都是纸老虎”、“太阳就是共产党”、“乌龟缩在壳里似的把守着铁路沿线”以及本文中的“疯了似的”、“视若无睹”、“竟有这等畜生”、“挨枪子儿就像被人打一拳的滋味”等。运用比喻性词语,是为了使语言生动、逼真、富有感染力,是一种重要的修辞手段。汉语和英语都有丰富的比喻性词语,但因使用汉英两种语言的人有着不同的民族历史和风俗习惯,对比喻性词语的使用也有所不同。翻译时必须注意这一差别,力求能正确地表
2、达原文思想内容,同时又能保持原文语言的修辞效果。比喻性词语在翻译时,主要有以下几种处理方法:,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,一、直译法在符合英语习惯的情况下,应尽可能在译文中保留原文比喻性词语所用的形象,使译文在内容和修辞上与原文保持一致。例如:张正国告诉他时,旁边听见的人也笑了。那老头子装作没看见,像个老僧入定那样呆坐着。As Zhang Zhenguo was speaking,the bystanders who heard him started laughing.The old man pretended not to have noticed it,sitting mot
3、ionless there like an old monk engaged in contemplation.,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,清清的溪水,潺潺地流着,像仙女身上美丽的飘带(streamer),从高崖上伸展到遥远的地方去。(吴强红日)Rippling crystal streams stretched away into the instance from the towering bluffs/cliffs like the beautiful streamers of a fairy maid.,以上两例中所用的明喻“像个老僧入定那样”和“像仙女身上美丽的飘带”,
4、在英译时同样以明喻修辞手法,分别直译为 like an old monk engaged in contemplation和 like the beautiful streamers of a fairy maid,完全保留了原文的风貌。例如:一切反动派(reactionary)都是纸老虎。看起来,反动派的样子是可怕的,但是实际上并没有什么了不起的力量。All reactionaries are paper tigers.In appearance,the reactionaries are terrifying,but in reality they are not so powerful.
5、,现在也有两座压在中国人民头上的大山,一座叫做帝国主义(imperialism),一座叫做封建主义(feudalism)。Today two big mountains lie like a dead weight on the Chinese people.One is imperialism,the other is feudalism.例句中“纸老虎”和“大山”均为隐喻,译文中也用了直译法,分别译作paper tigers 和big mountains,保留了原文隐喻中的形象和修辞效果。,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,二、意译法原文比喻的形象在译文中难以再现或不合乎译文语言习惯
6、,传神达意也较差时,只好舍去原文比喻性词语所用的形象,保留原比喻的含义,舍形求意,采用意译法。例如:,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,脱掉棉衣换上春装的人们,好像卸下了千斤重载,真是蹿跳觉得轻松,爬起(leap)卧倒(crouch down)感到利落。(冯志敌后武工队)With their heavy winter clothing changed for lighter spring wear,they could leap or crouch down much more freely and nimbly.译文中用修饰词heavy(笨重)、lighter(轻便)两词,含蓄地表达了
7、原文“卸下了千斤重载”的含义。,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,我半世的辛苦,全是替他们作马牛!(茅盾子夜)Ive been slaving all these years just to make money for them.抛弃了“牛马”的比喻形象,只翻译其“做苦工”的实在意义。,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,咱穷人,土地就是根本,没有土地,就站不住脚跟呀!Land is vital to poor folk like us.Without land,were done for!用be done for(完蛋、破灭)的含义,替代了“站不住脚跟”这一比喻。,第五章 词的翻
8、译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,太阳这么高了,大姑奶奶(niece)怎么还不露面?Its so late now,why hasnt my niece shown up?汉语中,“太阳这么高了”是指太阳已经升起,早晨的时间已经过去了很长一段,翻译时只能译它的含义:“时间这么晚了”,译成Its so late now。,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,还有一些人很骄傲,读了几句书,自以为了不起,尾巴翘到天上去了(表过于自信),可是一遇风浪,他们的立场,比起工人和大多数农民来,就显得大不相同。Others are conceited;having picked up some book-phra
9、ses,they think themselves terrific and are very cocky,but whenever a storm blows up,they take a stand very different from that of the workers and the great majority of the working peasants.用cocky(骄傲自大)一词表达了“尾巴翘到天上去了”的含义。,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,三、转换法由于汉英两种语言运用比喻的习惯不同,有时比喻中的同一个形象在两种语言中可能引起不同的联想,所以翻译时不能直接
10、采用,而要转换原比喻性词语所采用的形象,用英语中含有类似意义的比喻性词语。例如:,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,大家心里都乐得开了花,像办喜事那样忙忙碌碌地做着各种准备工作。(冯志敌后武工队)Everyone was as pleased as though a festival was approaching,and set about getting ready for it.把原文的“办喜事”比喻形象地换成a festival was approaching(节日快要到来)这样的比喻性词语。,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,接着他们用绳子五花大绑(give somebo
11、dy a good cuff and kick),把节振德捆(truss)得像个粽子似的,又是一顿拳打(wallop)脚踢。节振德的嘴里鼻孔里鲜血直冒。They gave him a good cuff and kick,trussed him up like a fowl and then went on walloping and kicking him again till his nose and mouth were bloody.把原文“(捆得像个)粽子”的比喻形象换成“(像绑起来的)家禽”的比喻形象。,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,一些人清醒,多数被蒙蔽,少数是右翼(t
12、he right wing)骨干。Among the members of these parties some keep their heads,many are deceived,and a small number make up the nucleus of the right wing.把原文“骨干”的比喻形象换成nucleus(核心)的比喻形象。,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,我们很多人没有学好语言,所以我们在写文章作演说时没有几句生动活泼切实有力的话,只有死板板的几条筋,像瘪三儿一样,瘦(emaciated)得难看,不像一个健康的人。It is because many
13、 of us have not mastered language that our articles and speeches rarely contain any vigorous,vivid and effective expressions and resemble not(a hale and)healthy person,but an emaciated biesan,a mere bag of bones.原来的“几条筋”换成了a mere bag of bones(骨瘦如柴)。,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,她忽然提出了这么个问题,使余敬唐吃了一惊。立刻看出这姑娘还是
14、个刚出娘窝的“雏儿”。This abrupt question took Yu Jitang by surprise and made him realize that the girl was a young bird just able to fly.把“刚出娘窝”改换成just able to fly(刚会飞)。,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,.PASSAGE TRANSLATION人的包装 人如商品需要包装,但切忌过分包装。夸张包装,要善于展示个性的独特品质,在随意与自然中表现出个性美,重要的是认识自己,包装的高手在于不留痕迹,外在的一切应与自身浑然一体,这时你不再是商品,而
15、是活生生的人。青年有着充盈的生命底气,她靓丽诱人,这是上帝赐予的神采,任何涂抹都是多余的败笔,青春是个打盹儿就过去的东西。中年的包装主要是修复岁月的磨损,如果中年的生命依然有开拓、丰满和自信,便会解化成独特的气质,你会依然风采逸秀。,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,老年人,如果你生命的河流正常地流过,流过了平原高山和丛林,那么你是美的。你的美充满了安详与淡泊,因为你真正地生活过。老年人不要去染白发,老人的白发像高山的积雪,有种仙境之美。人该年轻就年轻,该年老时就年老,这是与自然同步,这就是和谐。和谐就是美,反之就是丑。和老年人在一起就像读一本厚厚的精装书,魅力无穷,令人爱不释手。人只要
16、真正找到了自己,就找到了品牌,就找到了恰当的包装。,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,“Packing”a PersonA person,like a commodity,needs packaging,though going too far is undesirable.A little exaggeration,however,does no harm when it shows the persons unique qualities to their advantage.To display personal charm in a casual and natural way,
17、it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself.A master of package knows how to integrate outside things and oneself without any traces of embellishment/decoration,so that the person so packaged is no commodity but a human being,alive.,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,A young person,especially a fe
18、male,radiant with/abundant in/rich in beauty and full of life,is high in Gods favor.Any attempt to make up would be self defeating,youth,however,comes and goes in a moment of doze.Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to conceal the furrows ploughed/left by time.If you still enjoy lifes exubera
19、nce to retain self-confidence and pursue pioneering work,your unique qualities will help you to keep your charm and grace.,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been through plains,mountains and jungles,running its course as it should.You have really lived your
20、life which now arrives at a complacent stage of serenity indifferent to fame or wealth.There is no need to resort to hair dying the snowcapped/snow-covered mountain is itself a beautiful scene of fairyland.Let your looks change in keeping with the natural aging process to achieve harmony with nature
21、,for harmony itself is beauty,while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness/vice versa.,第五章 词的翻译(下)比喻性词语的翻译,To be in company with an elderly person is like reading a thick book of deluxe/hardcover edition that holds ones interest so much that one will be reluctant to part with.As long as one finds where one sands,one knows how to package oneself,just as a commodity establishes its brands by the right packaging.,