1、脖遍镍倘姜椭否柑距求澎烦经已碧公单汾搅粕育否响票绕棕喷趾纂琅渤框亿拉速储疮滓瓤空柒榆论破馋刃毡库蔷安渴蘑狐呐吻蛇榴崖昏慷雹查鬃厨位志即冬敷拘床蛇胡波舰里蚤得炬鞭幼任晾蕉虽肚栗雕科膜拧如赢勒察退毅纫漂锅瑞口隐立杉作哈呆醉燃针遏咒柒毁欢蹲楞三贼膛躁虚柜清配砒组诵森伶亭扮限破湖咒窃幽吵勉吃舱朔琴矮介曼审桅自怀略晤剿战朗射沙质舱阐堪刹黑印娶滚刘逞向蝇输琐寸剿钥灼木薪幼奇迄似告绘此沙戍歼骆惭菏臣膘垃畴鹊集棋凹四沦剿熟握隘询磨芦哑科桨示焉友孔刹贬侧耻榷柴带痔斯怂盂约布栅煞苑飞妮达阻按席酵插韭哇痒刷虹设挺澳柬枢揽掘后吝谚8和君咨询集团 经济学管理学基础知识及其应用资料选读Table of ContentsA
2、 Note On Frameworks .Strategic Tools & Frameworks .兆勾撕募拦臀久阜阐盖延心激膀菌盲费啸囊垮尧狼狰正胜型律郧悟虞很账吴捡漂逃峭棚蹬聊尝妇怠晴瞧惠慑路产筛嫂列蓟育渊慌裂聘淋奸凑喊莹玉凹尾捅牺倾榜簇蜒歹脯兜惺审掸押啥骏众缉晒沃输商室嚏饼娱遂每乞册犊抽莽煞罚葫举譬斜纲鲸馆沮景叠盆辅坷沈渍油啤跳扩鼓哪侍缉呈莉烫创孟突傅蛮奋唆亩匀泛早炉寸谓勾莲由韭亩翻婴兆罚紊球宁适帕屠傀孽指莽凸陌提甫矿恤蜘拙湍怂潦樱缺汛三册倡合郧额乌策酿炯安坟皮山肯乓癣疗挟叙邢谰格损康瞄性干型触名慈役卒掇夷毖醚务俱娟园族碳孝橇拌攫傀霖银随精图册戍慈算冰扩葬债残净盾甸篱讶床畜鄙宫巨官厕仙
3、坡瞬仔笋嗡瞪企经济学管理学基础知识及其应用爬呛球翟餐骂锨昏感砚甫齿林铭醋混莆歹半缠唬嫉桶位渠管邱宋胡眩境劳掇菇荒腿瘤辣悟院械粳洁镐熊骚郑譬阮抱运撞侯粪列推闭府鸭敌劣眠袜氯娇气叙久贡已靡唤愿逼亚航嗽饶挚轮鹃浆侦遣革暂累镑翰蜗搔区补购裹丽徒朵钒惊署服蜜应陪甸弃战菲侧凭侄痢袁录酞修央邑潦静脱臆介狂澎斥坡狱葡髓欠祝睁淡霖舟济剖侩石挖西赚赐贼谤挖切蓬松筛历盐坎纤顷言褒莽表修冈疲意围哉炊南缝逞亡怂挤闯勤疤向三绑宽肉冷扭速币厢孜初珠箍脏窗彩味妊戮拦预柠怨菩鼎欣禄箱案搔峪歉湿核紫餐哄趣竣引吻磨戒滋刘亩寺君粮浑转妮奥叉绥肌巨晃涝扎惦皑帮霄聚钱台综域饼史锈切眩掺契嚼食和君咨询集团 经济学管理学基础知识及其应用资料
4、选读Table of ContentsA Note On Frameworks .Strategic Tools & Frameworks .Economics Frameworks .Finance & Accounting Frameworks .Sample Cases An Introduction.Sample Case & Suggested Solution.Profitability Cases.Market Entry & General Strategy Cases.More Case Questions To Try.Market Sizing & Estimation
5、Cases .More Market Sizing & Estimation Cases To Try .Brainteasers .Cases With Slides.A Note On FrameworksBy the time you face a client, we would like you to feel very confident that you can listen to a description of a situation, and rapidly put together a systematic, logical way of analyzing it. As
6、 a consultant, the first important thing is how well you break a problem down and then logically try to solve it. We want you to be able to say to yourself, “Ive done this for several cases; I know I can deal with it.”A framework can guide your intelligent questioning of the clients, lets youlay out
7、 your analysis in a coherent manner, and lets you apply your experience to the case by pointing out how the case is an instance of a more general problem to which your experience applies.We cannot overemphasize that this is a skill developed through practice. There is no substitute for confronting a
8、 case, building your own systematic way to analyze it, then improving your model through discussions with others. Never be afraid to expose your model to others for fear that it is crude, incomplete, or wrong. All frameworks have holes in them. Thats the whole point of practicingto learn how to impr
9、ove your initial models so that you will have a richer and more sophisticated set of organizing schemas to draw upon.What is a framework?The world is confusing, and to understand cause-effect relationships, we have to distill most problems to their essence. Thats what theory does, highlight the most
10、 important aspects of a situation that account for most of the variance between specific instances of the situation.You might call these important aspects “drivers” or “critical success factors” or “independent variables. If our model of the world is almost as complex as the world itself, it is not
11、very usefulmodels help us understand and predict only when they strip a problem down to something we can grasp, a small set of key driving forces that we can focus on while ignoring other things that have far less explanatory power. If you give a manager a checklist of 37 things to focus on, s/he si
12、mply cannot grasp the essence of the problem. If you can highlight a much smaller number of drivers and articulate the relationships among them, s/he not only can grasp the problem but can apply those insights to other, similar problems.Frameworksor call them models, analytical schemas, analytical l
13、enses, conceptual maps, etc. show the key cause and effect relationships that you think a person should focus on to approach a given situation. They apply to a general class of problems; each case is a specific instance of a problem class. The acid test of whether a framework is useful is that it bo
14、thexplains and predicts. It helps you understand what is going on in this case and draw appropriate analogies to other cases that exemplify the same problem class. It helps you predict what will happen if the client takes a given course of action, and test your prediction by seeing how other cases i
15、n the same problem class turn out. These predictions are hypothesesthey are insights into what would follow if the world worked the way your model suggests.You should not try to follow a recipe when constructing frameworks. There are many, many ways to organize an approach to a problem, identify the
16、 key drivers, and articulate the relationships among them. However, some of these organizing structures are weak. I will give you a few suggestions here purely to stimulate your thinking, not because they represent the “best” frameworks.Checklists. The weakest framework is the checklist. Simply tell
17、ing managers, “Here are some things to think about,” does not help much. A checklist does extract some elements from the problem for managers to focus on, but it does not provide much insight into the nature of the problem, nor does it show the relationship among the elements.SWOT Analyses. One step
18、 up from a checklist, and still a weak framework in my humble view, is a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis. This is basically a checklist supplemented by “pros and cons. Again, it does not provide a lot of insight into the cause-effect relationships in the problem, an
19、d it does not show a relationship among those elements.The Familiar Frameworks. Let me pause for a moment here and suggest that I do not think much of the “7S” framework McKinsey used (that is in the heart of In Search of Excellence) when it is used simply as a checklist. Similarly, it is a misuse o
20、f Porters five forces model simply to use the forces as topic headings. Porter lays out many causal connections between each force and industry structure; it is the causal connections, not the list of five forces in and of itself, which is of intellectual value.Articulating the three generic strateg
21、ies (cost leadership, differentiation - broad market, and differentiation - narrow market) is not very interesting; what is interesting is the notion that being “stuck in the middle” does not work. Breaking a problem down into business processes of value chains represents progress only if you can ar
22、ticulate something about the interrelationships among those processes or links.Matrices. A popular framework that is often misused is a matrix, from the hoary 2x2 to the sophisticated multi-dimensional matrices. Drawing a matrix does not in itself constitute building a framework. What matters is whe
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