1、第四章 SQL,引言,IBM SYSTEM R SEQUEL ANSI 标准 SQL 1990 ISO 标准 SQL 1992 SQL3(SQL99),体系结构,View Table File,SQL,DDL 包括完整性与安全性 DML,SQL DDL,需要创建的结构 Table View IndexCreate table,view,index E.g.Create Table DEPT(DEPT#Number,DNAME Char(5),Budget Number(7,2);,SQL DDL 续,索引 Create index on()E.g.Create index I1 on EMP(
2、E#);Create index I2 on EMP(Ename);唯一性索引 E.g.Create unique index I1 on EMP(E#);,SQL DDL 续,聚集索引 元组按照索引值顺序,物理上尽可能的存储在一起,在索引值上执行扫描(scan)操作时可以减少 I/O.E.g.Create cluster index CI1 on EMP(E#);,基本查询块,典型的 SQL 查询语句格式:select A1,A2,.,Anfrom r1,r2,.,rmwhere PAis 代表属性ris 代表关系P 是谓词.,Select 子句,select 短语用于列出所有要查询的结果属
3、性.例如查找 DEPT 关系中所有部门名字select dnamefrom DEPT注意:SQL 大小写无关,Select 子句-续,SQL 的查询结果中允许有重复.使用 distinct 消重复.例如:查找 DEPT 关系中所有不同名的部门名字select distinct dnamefrom DEPT,Select 子句-续,select 短语中可以包含 数学表达式.例如:select S#,Sname,Status 2from S.,Where 子句,where 短语由给出谓词,其谓词由出现在from 短语中的关系的属性组成.查找所有居住在 London 并且状态大于 20的供应商的供应
4、商号select S#from Swhere city=London AND status 20比较操作结果可以用逻辑操作 and,or,和 not相连.,Where 子句-续,between 比较操作.查找状态在 20 和 30 之间的供应商的商号(也就是说要,20 并且 30)select S#from S where status between 20 and 30,From 子句,from 短语列出的关系在执行时要被扫描.查找 employee department的结果 select from EMP,DEPT where emp.D#=dept.D#,重命名操作,SQL 使用别名(
5、alias name)对关系和属性重命名:old-name new-name查找所有供应商的名字、商号和状态;将 S#重命名为 number、将 sname 重命名为 nameselect sname name,s#number,statusfrom S,元组变量,from 短语使用别名定义元组变量.查找所有已供应零件的供应商名字和零件号.select sx.sname,spx.P#from S sx,SP Spx where sx.S#=spx.s#,串操作,SQL 含有串匹配操作.末拌有两个特殊的符号描述:%.代表任意长的子串._.代表任意的单字符.Find the names of al
6、l suppliers whose city name includes the substring“Main”.select snamefrom s where city like%Main%,串操作-续,SQL 包括其他串操作例如concatenation(using“|”)converting from upper to lower case(and vice versa)finding string length,extracting substrings,etc.,排序,List in alphabetic order the names of all suppliers locat
7、ing in London cityselect distinct snamefrom Swhere city=Londonorder by snamedesc 表示降序,asc 表示升序;缺省时升序E.g.order by sname desc,集合操作,union,intersect,和 except 集合操作自动消重复,集合操作-续,Find all cities where have a supplier,a part,or both:(select city from S)union(select city from P)Find all cities where have both
8、 a supplier and a part.(select city from S)intersect(select city from P)Find all cities where have a supplier but no P.(select city from S)except(select city from P),聚集函数,avg min max sum count,聚集函数-续,Find the average QTY that is supplied by supplier s1.select avg(QTY)from SP where s#=s1Find the numb
9、er of tuples in the supplier relation.select count(*)from SFind the number of suppliers who supply part.select count(distinct s#)from SP,聚集函数-续,Find the number of part for each supplier.select sname,count(distinct p#)from S,SPwhere S.s#=SP.s#group by sname注意:select 短语中出现在聚集函数外面的属性必须要在 group by 列表中,聚
10、集函数-续,Find the number of all suppliers who have supplied part more than 600.select s#,avg(QTY)from SPgroup by s#having avg(QTY)600,聚集函数-续,Note:having 短语 和 where短语的不同处 select d#,avg(SAL)from EMP where age 600,空值,元组的某些属性有可能取空值,记为 nullnull 表示一个未知的值或者表示一个不存在的值.任何涉及 null 的算术运算的结果是 nullE.g.5+null returns
11、null聚集函数计算中将忽略空值,空值-续,is null 谓词用于判断空值.E.g.Find all Employee number which appear in the EMP relation with null values for d#.select E#from EMPwhere d#is null 任何与 null 的比较运算结果是 unknownE.g.5 null or null=null,空值-续,Total all part quantityselect sum(QTY)from SP上述语句忽略空值 QTY如果没有非空的 QTY,结果是null 除了 count(*)
12、,所有聚集函数计算都忽略 null values.,嵌套子查询,SQL provides a mechanism for the nesting of subqueries.A subquery is a select-from-where expression that is nested within another query.A common use of subqueries is to perform tests for set membership,set comparisons,and set cardinality.,举例,Find all employees who hav
13、e worked in sales department.select distinct Enamefrom EMPwhere d#in(select d#from DEPT where Dname=sale),集合比较,Find all employees whose salary greater than some managers salary.select Enamefrom EMPwhere sal some(select sal from EMP where E#in(select mgr from DEPT),集合比较-续,Find the names of all employ
14、ees whose salary greater than all managers salary.select Enamefrom EMPwhere sal all(select sal from EMPwhere E#in(select mgr from DEPT),集合比较-续,Definition of set comparison F some r t r s.t.(F t)F all r t r(F t)Where can be:,集合比较-续,(5 some,)=true,0,5,0,)=false,5,0,5,(5 some,)=true(since 0 5),(read:5
15、some tuple in the relation),(5 some,)=true,(5=some,(=some)in However,(some)not in,集合比较-续,(5 all,)=false,6,10,4,)=true,5,4,6,(5 all,)=true(since 5 4 and 5 6),(5 all,)=false,(5=all,(all)not in However,(=all)in,测试空关系,The exists construct returns the value true if the argument subquery is nonempty.exist
16、s r r not exists r r=Note that X Y=X Y,举例,Find all suppliers who have supplied all parts located in London.select distinct Sx.snamefrom S Sxwhere not exists(select pnamefrom Pwhere city=London)except(select Px.pnamefrom SP Tx,P Pxwhere Tx.p#=Px.p#andSx.S#=Tx.s#)Note:Cannot write this query using=all
17、 and its variants,唯一元组测试,The unique construct tests whether a subquery has any duplicate tuples in its result.Find all suppliers who are at most one department manager.select T.Ename from EMP T where unique(select R.Dname from DEPT R where T.e#=R.MGR),Find all departments which have at least two emp
18、loyees whose salary grater than$5000.select distinct T.Dname from DEPT T where not unique(select R.Enamefrom EMP Rwhere T.d#=R.d#and R.SAL=5000),删除,Delete all suppliers who are in Londondelete from Swhere city=LondonDelete all suppliers who supply part p2.delete from Swhere s#in(select s#from SP whe
19、re p#=p2)Note:Here has some problem with constraints that will explained in Chapter 8,Delete the record of all employees with salary below the average.delete from EMPwhere SAL(select avg(SAL)from EMP)Problem:as we delete tuples from EMP,the average salary changesSolution used in SQL:1.First,compute
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