a给水排水地下管道工程监理实施细则 北沥.doc
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1、bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the partys principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandable. Collectors see Vulgaris, Gong Lian first diffic
2、ulties, said was probably associated with the human. But for party members and leading cadres, and not swayed by personal considerations, fairness, should be the most basic requirements. Over the years, some leading cadres are only emotions, not principled, even put people above all else, above all,
3、 human above the interests of the people and the party discipline and state laws. On spouse, and children, and relatives and side staff proposed of not reasonable requirements, due Yu sensibilities, knows not, also not refused to; on they of errors not criticism, and not education, discipline not st
4、rict; on they using himself of status and power effect seek illegal interests, blind, stop poor, even allowed asylum, last even himself also on has illegal crime of road, to party of career caused bad of effect. As leading party cadres, we must bear in mind that treatment of officers not in private,
5、 accept private party likes and dislikes, are trapped in evil and other ancient writings, testimonies, and good and keep their own, love for the people, in the face of family friendship when you want to provide convenient and be able to public lured to an abrupt end. To strictly enforce the influenc
6、e of leading cadres are not allowed to take advantage of their positions and duties, relevant provisions seek illegal benefits for spouses, children, and managing their families, children and staff effectively manage everything around. Good leisure, and firmly establish a correct concept of taste. S
7、exy view is about personal hobbies and interests in view of peoples lives. Mao Ze-Dongs life has a wide range of interests, he has a passion for nature, reading, passion poems, like calligraphy, favorite sport, swimming rivers, like walking, like snow, bamboo, plum blossom, and prefer Opera, as well
8、 as making friends and so on. He has diverse tastes, there is a wealth of emotions, a noble sentiment. In memory of Norman Bethune, Mao Ze-Dongs early in an article called on us to do a noble man, a pure person, a moral person, a man above vulgar interests, a person who is useful to the people. Howe
9、ver, in our party members and cadres, but there are some people on some vulgar things in society, not vulgar, but as fashion, love and trying to pursue careers, seriously damaged the partys image, it must arouse a high degree of attention. Currently, some of our party members and cadres in the crude
10、 mainly has following several aspects: Lake habits, buddy loyalty. Gay not gay, but commensurate with the guys, wine and meat on the table of friends, friendship on the Mahjong table; found cousins, and nominal kinship, clique, cliques, water park juyiting children moved into a Socialist family. Thi
11、s Lake habits and buddy loyalty, go on is sectarianism, and sectarianism. Say dirty, said Huang. Toasts are flushed, when gossip chat chat chat and travel drive, talk dirty, talk about Huang编号:盘锦北方沥青有限公司40万吨/年加氢尾油脱蜡装置及配套工程给排水及消防系统安装工程监理实施细则项目监理机构(章): 监 理 工 程 师: 总 监 理 工 程 师: 日 期: 山东金钥匙监理有限责任公司盘锦北沥公司项
14、、钢管的预制场防腐、钢管的运输、管道现场预制、管道安装、管道冲洗试压、焊口处的防腐隐蔽验收,管沟回填等。地下管道主要工作量1无缝钢管米344/阀门井一个循环冷却水管道操作压力0.4MPa2球墨铸铁管米283/检查井一个含油污水管道操作压力 常压3钢骨架复合管米656 /阀门井一个消防水管道操作压力 1.1MPa4PE 管米20/阀门井一个新鲜水管道操作压力 0.45MPa5管件吨6 阀门个7井座8消防设施台/套642、编制依据(1) 本工程监理合同及监理规划(2) 建设工程监理规范GB50319-2000(3) 石油化工给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范SH3533-2003(4) 给水排水管道施
15、工及验收规范GB50268-2008(5) 涂装前钢材表面预处理规范SY/T0407-97(6) 装涂前钢材表锈蚀等级和除锈等级GB/T8923-1988(7) 石油化工涂料防腐蚀工程施工质量验收规范 SH3548-2011 (8) 石油化工企业设备与管道涂料防腐蚀技术规范SH3022-2011(7) 现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范GB50236-2011(8) 工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范 GB50235-2010(9) 阀门检验与管理规程 SH3518-2000(10)建筑给排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范GB50242-2002(11)石油化工工程建设交工技术文件规定SH350
16、3-2007(12)石油化工施工安全技术SH3505-2003(13)工程项目管理手册(14) 施工图纸(15) 公司质量体系文件之作业指导书3、监理工作目标工期目标:2012年12月20日至2013年3月31日质量目标:确保分项工程合格率100%,通过过程控制方法控制最终产品质量。投资目标:严格履行委托人赋予的职责,确保工程投资不超概算。HSE目标:遵守国家、中石化集团公司和地方的法律法规及HSE管理规定,确保无污染、无事故、无伤亡,最大限度保护生态环境。4、监理工作内容及控制点1)施工准备阶段(1) 审查施工分包单位现场项目管理机构的质量管理体系、技术管理体系及质量保证体系,审查分包单位资
17、质。(2) 审查分包单位报送的施工组织设计、施工技术方案和各种有关资料(包括焊工合格证、焊接工艺评定等)。(3) 熟悉设计文件,参加图纸会审及设计交底,对图纸中存在的问题,向建设单位提出书面意见和建议。(4) 根据设计要求,确定施工验收规范和标准及施工中管道、器材的标准。2)施工阶段(1) 要求并审核分包单位报送的重点部位、关键工序的施工工艺和确保工程质量的措施,包括分包单位采用的新材料、新工艺、新技术、新设备的施工工艺措施和证明材料。(2) 审查分包单位报送的拟进场工程材料、构配件报审表及其质量证明资料,按有关规定采用平行检验或见证取样方式进行抽检。按照施工组织设计、施工技术方案,查验材料管
18、理、标识是否正确。(3) 对验收不合格的材料、配件,书面通知责任方并限期离场;对施工过程中出现的质量缺陷、重大质量隐患责令整改。(4) 对照施工图纸、验收标准,检查分包单位的施工情况,发现问题及时处理,对关键工序、重点部位、隐蔽工程等做好事前预控,采取对策保证施工质量。(5) 协调装置内外管线的碰口工作,合理安排需提前进入装置的水、汽、风等介质管线的施工,保证管线的吹扫、试压的顺利进行。(6) 分系统、分区域做好管道试压前的各种专业检查、系统检查、相关专业检查,必要时组织甲方、质量监督、总包方进行共检。(7) 按批准的试压方案,严格进行管道系统的液体压力试验并及时填写管道系统试压记录。(8)
19、按分包单位报送的进度计划,对照现场施工进度,找出偏差,采取纠正措施,保证工程按计划完成。做好已完成的工程计量工作。 (9) 对设计变更、甲方要求严格审查,及时做好工程签证,把好索赔关,控制投资。 3)质量控制点序号质 量 控 制 点控 制 内 容等级备 注1施工图纸会审、设计交底图纸及其他设计文件是否齐全、水准点、坐标及尺寸正确性,设计是否漏项A2施工方案技术审查质量体系建立健全、施工技术质量措施、质量控制点设置、施工工艺、工序、人力、机具安排B3焊工合格证审查焊工、质量检查员 资格B4到场材料验收材料质量证明文件 、材料外观及几何尺寸、现场材料标识管理B5测量放线按设计图纸B6防腐前表面处理
20、除锈质量等级、除锈方法、除锈质量B7防腐层检验搭接长度、隐蔽前补口B电火花检漏B8管沟、井基槽验收管沟、井基槽尺寸、标高、土质情况B9带型基础验收带型基础坡度检查B10砼井浇筑模板、预埋件、钢筋、配合比B11铸铁管道敷设铸铁管道敷设的直线度、接口方向、接口填料深度、接口外观质量、管道不允许悬空B12金属管道组对、焊接焊条及焊接设备管理情况、焊道表面情况B13焊口无损探伤按SH 3533-2003执行且焊口必须有监理确认B14局部防腐(焊口)除锈、防腐层搭接B15管道隐蔽试压、补口完、管线的起止点、转折点、管顶标高及井坐标(单线图)A16回填土夯实分层进行,回填土质检查B17井室与穿越管道井室外
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- a给水排水地下管道工程监理实施细则 北沥 给水 排水 地下 管道工程 监理 实施细则