1、Five Practices and Ten Commitments of Successful Leaders 成功的领导者的五项实践和十项投入1.Challenging the Process 1.Search for Opportunities 寻找机会 向程序挑战 2.Experiment and Take Risks 试验并敢于冒险2.Inspiring a Shared Vision 3.Envision the Future 想象未来 激发一个共同的愿景 4.Enlist Others 号召他人3.Enabling Others to Act 5.Foster Collabora
2、tion培养合作精神 使他人有能力去做 6.Strengthen Others给他人以力量4.Modeling the Way 7.Set the Example 设立榜样 身先士卒,以身作则 8.Plan Small Wins计划取得小的胜利5.Encouraging the Heart 9.Recognize Individual Contribution 鼓舞人心 认可个人的贡献 10.Celebrate Accomplishment 庆祝成就,特征 序号 百分比Honest 诚实 1 83Competent 有能力的 2 67Forward-looking 有远见 3 62Inspir
3、ing 鼓舞人心 4 58Intelligent 智慧 5 43Fair-minded 公正 6 40Broad-minded 坦荡 7 37Straightforward 直截了当 8 34Imaginative 有想象力 9 34Dependable 可靠 10 33Supportive 能提供支持 11 32Courageous 有勇气 12 27Caring 关心 13 26Cooperative 合作 14 25Mature 成熟 15 23Ambitious 有雄心 16 21Determined 坚定的 17 20Self-controlled 有自控力 18 13Loyal 忠
4、诚 19 11Independent 独立 20 10,成功领导者的关键特征,What do you do when youre stuck with a group of employees whose work isnt up to par?People who lack experience.enthusiasm.or the skills you expected them to have?当你面对一群不能按照标准完成工作的员工,你该如何应对?他们缺乏经验,缺乏工作热情,或是缺乏你期望他们拥有的技能,MAKE THE BEST OF WHAT YOUVE GOT 充分利用现有人员,Yo
5、u could run to the boss and ask for replacements.But what if there are none available?Complaining wont help,and it might make the boss think you cant handle the situation.你可以跑到老板那里要求换人。但是如果找不到合适的呢?抱怨是没有用的,而且抱怨也会让老板认为你无法控制局面。,MAKE THE BEST OF WHAT YOUVE GOT 充分利用现有人员,One thing you might be tempted to
6、do is let these people know what you think of them!Unfortunately,that will do more harm than good.If the people assigned to you think youre just putting up with them,theyre not going to feel like trying harder.你或许会想告诉这些人你对他们的想法。但不幸的是,那样只会使事情更糟。如果你手下的人认为你是在容忍他们,他们就不会再更加努力了。,MAKE THE BEST OF WHAT YOUV
7、E GOT 充分利用现有人员,The best answer-the only answer-is to accept the situation and make the best of it.These people are yours.like it or not.Your job is to get the best out of what youve got-even if it takes extra effort and patience.Dont expect miracles.Just get on with it.最好的方法和唯一的答案-就是接受现状,并且改变它。这些员工是
8、你的,喜欢或是不喜欢。你的工作是把现有资源发挥得更好-即使需要你付出更多努力和耐心。不要期望奇迹出现。,1.MAKE THE BEST OF WHAT YOUVE GOT 充分利用现有人员,Even if youre stuck with some pretty unqualified people,theres bound to be some good in them.Look for it.its the only thing youve got to build on.Remind yourself that theres gold in everyone if you dig dee
9、p enough.即使你周围都是些不十分合格的人,他们身上总是有优点可以成为你修筑成功的基础。提醒你自己只要挖够深度,从每个人身上你都能挖到金子。,MAKE THE BEST OF WHAT YOUVE GOT 充分利用现有人员,When you discover anything good about your people,nurture it with praise-sincere,frequent,hearty praise.Applaud even the small things you might overlook in a more qualified group.If you
10、 can convince people they have what it takes to do better,theyll want to improve.当你在员工身上发现优点时,用赞美来滋养它,真诚地,频繁地,真心地赞美。称赞那些即使在比较好的团队中都非常小的你容易忽略的事。如果你能说服人们如何可以做得更好,他们会很愿意去改善。,MAKE THE BEST OF WHAT YOUVE GOT 充分利用现有人员,Once these people begin to believe they can succeed,set new sights for them.But dont aim
11、 too high-just a little above where they are now.If you help people make just one step up,pride will take them to the next step.and the next.一旦这些员工开始相信他们能够成功,就给他们设立目标。但是不要太高-仅仅提高一点。如果你帮助他们上一个台阶,成就感会带着他们走向更高一个台阶,然后再高一个台阶。,MAKE THE BEST OF WHAT YOUVE GOT 充分利用现有人员,While youre developing their strengths
12、,accept the weaknesses of your staff-even those little things you wouldnt tolerate in a more qualified group.If you constantly criticize,people wont develop the confidence they need to do a better job.在你发展他们的实力的时候,接受他们的弱点。即使这些缺点 是你在更好的团队中无法接受的。如果你总是批评,人们将无法增加那种能把工作做得更好的自信。,MAKE THE BEST OF WHAT YOUV
13、E GOT 充分利用现有人员,Many supervisors surprise themselves with what they do with a below-par team.If you accept people for what they are.build little by little on strengths.and dont become discouraged by weaknesses.you can turn even a mediocre bunch into a good one.Thats good management!许多管理者都会惊讶于自己对那些能力欠
14、缺的团队采取的措施。如果你接受了这群人,请一点点建立他们的能力,而不要由于他们的弱点而气馁。你可以变平庸为上等。这就是优秀的管理。,MAKE THE BEST OF WHAT YOUVE GOT 充分利用现有人员,SHOW APPRECIATION表示感激/表扬,清朝末年,著名学者俞樾在他的中讲过这样一个故事:京城有个官吏要到外地就任.临行前,他去跟恩师道别.恩师对他说:外地不比京城,要谨慎从事.官吏说:没关系,现在的人都喜欢听好话,我呀,准备了一百顶高帽子.恩师一听这话,很生气,以教训的口吻说:做人要正值,你怎么可以这样?官吏说:恩师喜怒,我这也是没有办法的办法.要知道,天底下象您这样谦虚不
15、喜欢戴高帽子能有几位呢?官吏的话刚说完,恩师就得意地点头说:你说的倒也是。从恩师家出来,官吏对他的朋友说:我准备的100顶高帽,现在仅剩99定了!,What would you guess is more important to employees-a bigger paycheck or a sincere“Thank you”from the boss?Research shows more money is actually less important than the feeling of being appreciated.你猜一猜对雇员来说什么更重要,更多的薪金支票,还是上司真
16、诚的“谢谢你”。研究表明越多的金钱实际上没有真正的感激之情来得重要。,SHOW APPRECIATION表示感激/表扬,People must have money for necessities like food,clothing,and housing.But money cant buy something people want once these basic needs are met-and thats the feeling of being needed by other people.人们必须有钱来支付生活必需品,如食物,衣服,住房。但是当这些基本要求都达到时,金钱还是无
17、法买到人们想要的有些东西。那就是别人需要你的那种感觉。,SHOW APPRECIATION表示感激/表扬,People want to believe that they are valuable or important.It makes them feel good.人们都愿意相信自己是有价值的或重要的。这让他们感觉良好。,SHOW APPRECIATION表示感激/表扬,Nothing makes people feel they are valuable more than appreciation.They can be happy with their own work,but i
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