1、Copyright 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,141,Managers and Communications,Chapter14,Management Stephen P.Robbins Mary Coulter,tenth edition,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,142,Learning OutcomesFollow this Learning Outline as you read and study
2、this chapter.,14.1 The Nature and Function of CommunicationDefine communication,interpersonal communication and organizational communicationDiscuss the functions of communication.14.2 Methods of Interpersonal CommunicationDescribe the components of the communication process.Discuss the criteria that
3、 managers can use to evaluate the various communication methods.List the communication methods managers might use.,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,143,Learning Outcomes,14.3 Effective Interpersonal Communication Explain the barriers to effective interpersonal Discuss
4、 ways to overcome the barriers to effective interpersonal communication.14.4 Organizational Communication Contrast formal and informal communication.Explain communication flow in an organization.Describe the three common communication networks.Discuss how managers should handle the grapevine.,Copyri
5、ght 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,144,Learning Outcomes,14.5 Information Technology and CommunicationDescribe how technology affects managerial communication.Explain how information technology affects organizations.14.6 Communication Issues In Todays OrganizationDiscuss the
6、challenges of managing communication in an Internet world.Explain how organizations can manage knowledge.Explain why communicating with customers is an important managerial issue.Explain how political correctness is affecting communication.,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice
7、 Hall,145,1.What Is Communication?,1.1 CommunicationThe transfer and understanding of meaning 意思的传递和理解.Transfer means the message was received in a form that can be interpreted by the receiver.Understanding the message is not the same as the receiver agreeing with the message.Interpersonal Communica
8、tionCommunication between two or more peopleOrganizational CommunicationAll the patterns,network,and systems of communications within an organization 组织中所有沟通的形式,网络和系统,6,Communication:The process of information transferred from the sender to the receiver沟通是指信息从发送者到接受者的传递过程。,一个组织成员在一个组织中充当各种不同角色。要履行好自
9、己的职责,就必须掌握良好的沟通技巧。,对上司,对外界,对下属,对同事,汇报情况,接受指示,了解外界信息,接触与联系,指导下属,听取下属汇报,了解和激励员工,协调与其他管理者之间的联系,组织成员,7,Purpose of communication?,Purpose:to gain understanding and support,Sign for effective communication,8,Conditions for effective communication,Basic conditions,Additional conditions,Information sent sho
10、uld be accurate and completeReceiver can receive complete information and correctly understand the informationReceiver is willing to take measures according to the sender,9,Types of communication,信息发送者和信息接受者为同一个行为主体,自行发出信息、自行传递、自我接收和理解。人们进行自我沟通的目的是为了认识“自我”。在所有的沟通中,自我沟通是基础。,在组织内部进行的信息交流、联系和传递活动。良好的组织
11、沟通是疏通组织内外部渠道,协调组织内各部分之间关系的重要条件。由于角色和权力系统的制约,组织沟通较复杂。,Self communication自我沟通,Organization communication 组织沟通:All the patterns,network,and systems of communications within an organization,Interpersonal CommunicationCommunication between two or more people人际沟通 两个或两个以上的人之间的信息沟通。,Copyright 2010 Pearson E
12、ducation,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1410,1.2 Four Functions of Communication,Functions ofCommunication,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1411,1.2 Functions of Communication,1.2.1 ControlFormal and informal communications act to control individuals behaviors in org
13、anizations.1.2.2 MotivationCommunications clarify for employees what is to done,how well they have done it,and what can be done to improve performance.,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1412,1.2 Functions of Communication(contd),1.2.3 Emotional ExpressionSocial interac
14、tion in the form of work group communications provides a way for employees to express themselves.1.2.4 InformationIndividuals and work groups need information to make decisions or to do their work.,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1413,2.The Interpersonal Communicatio
15、n Process,The Interpersonal Communication Process,发送者,Prentice Hall,2002,11-14,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1415,2.1 Interpersonal Communication,MessageSource:senders intended meaningEncodingThe message converted to symbolic formChannelThe medium through which the
16、 message travelsDecodingThe receivers retranslation of the messageNoiseDisturbances that interfere with communications难以辨认的字迹电话中的静电干扰接受者的疏忽大意生产现场中来自设备或同事的背景噪音,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1416,2.2 Distortions in Communications,Message EncodingThe effect of the ski
17、lls,attitudes,and knowledge of the sender on the process of encoding the messageThe social-cultural system of the senderThe MessageSymbols used to convey the messages meaningThe content of the message itselfThe choice of message formatNoise interfering with the message,Copyright 2010 Pearson Educati
18、on,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1417,Distortions in Communications(contd),The ChannelThe senders choice of the appropriate channel or multiple channels for conveying the messageReceiverThe effect of skills,attitudes,and knowledge of the receiver on the process of decoding the messageThe social-cu
19、ltural system of the receiverFeedback LoopCommunication channel distortions affecting the return message from receiver to sender,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1418,2.3 Interpersonal Communication Methods,Face-to-faceTelephoneGroup meetingsFormal presentationsMemosT
20、raditional MailFax machinesEmployee publicationsBulletin boardsAudio-and videotapes,HotlinesE-mailComputer conferencingVoice mailTeleconferencesVideoconferences,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1419,2.4 Evaluating Communication Methods,FeedbackComplexity capacityBread
21、th potentialConfidentialityEncoding easeDecoding ease,Time-space constraintCostInterpersonal warmthFormalityScanabilityTime consumption,Evaluating Communication Methods,反馈 接收者以多快的速度对信息作出反应?复杂 这种方式能否有效地处理复杂信息?宽度 使用这种方法能传递几种不同的信息?保密 沟通者能否相信他们的信息只被他们想传递的那些人接收到?编码 发送者能否很容易并很快使用这个渠道?译码 接收者能否很容易并很快对这些信息进行
22、译码?时间 发送者和接收者是否需要在同一时间、同一空间进行沟通?成本 这种方法需要花费多少钱?人际 这种方法能够传递多少人际温暖度?正规 这种方法需要多大程度的正规化?浏览 这种方法能否使相关信息很容易被人看到或浏览到?花费 在处理信息时,是否需要发送者或接收者对信息进行严格的控制?,Prentice Hall,2002,11-20,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1421,Exhibit 142Comparison of Communication Methods,Note:Ratings ar
23、e on a 15 scale where 1=high and 5=low.Consumption time refers to who controls the reception of communication.S/R means the sender and receiver share control.,Source:P.G.Clampitt,Communicating for Managerial Effectiveness(Newbury Park,CA:Sage Publications,1991),p.136.,Copyright 2010 Pearson Educatio
24、n,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1422,2 Interpersonal Communication(contd),2.5 Nonverbal CommunicationCommunication that is transmitted without words.Sounds with specific meanings or warningsImages that control or encourage behaviorsSituational behaviors that convey meaningsClothing and physical su
25、rroundings that imply statusBody language:gestures,facial expressions,and other body movements that convey meaning.Verbal intonation:emphasis that a speaker gives to certain words or phrases that conveys meaning.,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1423,3 Interpersonal C
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