1、英汉翻译技巧,袁 媛,Brife Introduction,What is translation?a reproduction or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language.Source language&Target language,What is translation?,Linguistic Views on Translation Translation may be defined as the replacement of textual material in one
2、language(the source language)by equivalent textual material in another language(the target language).(Catford 1965:20),What is translation?,2.Cultural Views on Translation In the cultural approach,translation is regarded not only as a transfer of linguistic signs,but also as a communication of cultu
3、res.,What is translation?,3.Literary Views on Translation Translators who hold this vies believe that translation is an artistic recreation or a recreated art.,What is translation?,4.Semantic Views on Translation“Translating means translating meaning.”-Nida,What is translation?,5.Functional Views on
4、 TranslationFunctionalists believe that translation is a specific form of human action with a certain purpose,a kind of linguistic service provided to the society.Translators should take into account the needs of client,the reader as well as the purpose or the use of the translation.,What is transla
5、tion?,6.Communicative Views on Translation Its takes place within a social context.,Translation Criteria,严复(1853-1921):Triple Principle of Translation 信(faithfulness):忠实准确 达(expressiveness):通顺流畅 雅(elegance):文字古雅鲁迅:信(faithfulness),顺(smoothness),Translation Criteria,林语堂:忠实(faithfulness),通顺(smoothness)
6、,美(beautifulness)傅雷:神似(resemblance in spirit)钱钟书:化境(reaching the acme of perfection)刘重德:信,达,切(faithfulness,expressiveness,closeness)许渊冲:三重标准(three levels of criteria),Translation Strategies,Literal Translation&Free Translation(直译&意译)=word-for-word translation&sense-for-sense translation,Translation
7、Strategies,Foreignization&Domestication(异化&归化)Foreignization:要求译者向原文作者靠拢,采取原文作者使用的表达方式传达原文的内容。eg:to kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟 all roads lead to Rome 条条大路通罗马Domestication:归化译法要求译者向译者向译文读者靠拢,采取译文读者习惯的译语表达方式传达原文的内容。eg:to kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕 all roads lead to Rome 殊途同归,Chapter 1
8、Diction 选词法Chapter 2 Conversion 转换法Chapter 3 Addition 增补法Chapter 4 Omission 省略法Chapter 5 Repetition 重复法Chapter 6 Inversion 倒置法Chapter 7 Negation 反译法Chapter 8 Division 拆译法Chapter 9 Condensation 缩译法Chapter 10 Translation of the Passive 被动式译法Chapter 11 Translation of Long Sentence 长句译法,Chapter 1 Dictio
9、n 选词法,1.1 Choice of Affective Meanings 选择情感意义1.2 Choice of Grammatical Meanings 选择语法意义1.3 Choice of Contexual Meanings 选择语境意义1.4 Choice of Collocative Meanings 选择搭配意义1.5 Choice of Extended Meanings 选择引申意义1.6 Choice of Equicalent Meanings 选择对应意义1.7 Choice of Different Chinese Words to Translate the S
10、ame English Word or Use of the Same Chinese Word to Translate Different English Words 同词异译,异词同译,Choice of Affective Meanings 选择情感意义,Affective meaning refers to what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the writer towards the reader.You may address somebody as an“idiot”to convey your desp
11、ise,or describe something as“marvelous”to express your positive evaluation.There are basically three types of affective meanings:positive(褒义)、netural(中性)、derogatory(贬义)。,Choice of Affective Meanings 选择情感意义,Choice of Affective Meanings 选择情感意义,Choice of Affective Meanings 选择情感意义,Examples:1.Aggressive
12、nations threaten world peace.A salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed.侵略成性的国家威胁世界和平 推销员如要成功,必须有闯劲。2.Every dog has his day.人人皆有得意时。3.“You chicken!”he cried,looked at Tom with contempt.“你这胆小鬼!”他轻蔑的看着汤姆嚷道。,Choice of Grammatical Meanings 选择语法意义,The same word,when used as different parts of s
13、peech and playing different roles in a sentence,has different meanings.,Choice of Grammatical Meanings 选择语法意义,1.Take the cart back to the back yard and back it into the shed at the back of the stable.把牛车拉回到后院,再把它倒到牛棚后面的小屋去。2.I iron my clothes with an iron.我用熨斗熨我的衣服。3.In a second I saw a second pictu
14、re.一秒钟内,我看到了两张图画。,Choice of Grammatical Meanings 选择语法意义,4.It is neither round and square.The wheels go round rapidly.The night watchman makes his rounds every hour.The earth moves round the sun.The ship rounded the Cape of Good.The talk rounded into a plan.,Choice of Contexual Meanings 选择语境意义,The sa
15、me word,when used in different contexts or fields of discourse(business,law,medicine,education,politics,etc),has different meanings.,Choice of Contexual Meanings 选择语境意义,BookShow me the complaint book,please.请把意见簿给我看看。Miltons Paradise Lost consists of twelve books.弥尔顿的长诗失乐园共有12卷。Thats all I remember,
16、sir,on the Book.凭圣经起誓,长官,我记得的就是这些。The music was fine,but the book was very poor.音乐是出色的,但是歌词很糟。How many names are there on your books?你们的登记名册上有多少人?He went out to the village to pay trademans books.他到村里的买卖人那儿付账去了。Are you in the book?电话簿里有你的电话号码吗?,Choice of Collocative Meanings 选择搭配意义,Build(v.)build a
17、house 盖房子 build a bridge 架桥build a ship 造船 build a dam 筑坝build a fire 生火 build a car 制造汽车,build a stamp collection 集邮build an answer 思索作答build ones confidence 树立信心build a story 构思故事build scholars of tomorrow 培养未来的学者Reading builds the mind.阅读能发展智能。,Choice of Collocative Meanings 选择搭配意义,Heavy(adj.)a h
18、eavy rain 大雨 a heavy sea波涛汹涌的海面a heavy load重负a heavy thinker思想深沉的人,a heavy buyer大主顾a heavy demand 苛求 heavy news令人忧愁的消息heavy sorrow折磨人的悲伤,Choice of Extended meanings 选择引申意义,It is difficult to find a suitable chinese translation for an English word or expression in English-Chinese dictionaries,and a m
19、echanical translation may be unintelligible to our readers.One way out is to extend the meaning from the concrete or specific to the abstract or general,or vice versa.,Choice of Extended meanings 选择引申意义,Extend the meaning from the concrete or specific to the abstract or general(词义从具体引向抽象,从特殊引向一般,从局部
20、引向概括,从“实”引向“虚”)Eg:Nowadays a student heading for college may pack a frying pan along with his book.实译:如今上大学的学生除了带他的书上学校以 外,还可以带上一个煎烙饼的平底锅了。虚译:如今大学生在学校里也可以自己做点吃的了。,Choice of Extended meanings 选择引申意义,Extend the meaning from the abstract or general to the concrete or specific(词义从抽象引向具体,从一般引向特殊,从概括引向局部,
21、从“虚”引向“实”)Eg:There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems;more than transient everydayness.虚译:他们的生活远不止那些政治的、社会的和经济的问题,远不止一时的日常性。实译:他们的生活远不止那些政治的、社会的和经济的问题,远不止一时的柴米油盐问题。,Choice of Equivalent Meanings 选择对应意义,Some English words or expressions look equivalent to their Chin
22、ese counterparts,but actually they are different.These are called“false friends”.Careless beginners are liable to take too literally(望文生义)or mix up those words or expressions which look alike in the two languages but in fact are different in meaning.Care should be taken not to be confined or taken a
23、way by what we see in original text.,Choice of Equivalent Meanings 选择对应意义,busybody好管闲事的人(贬义)=a person who takes too much interest in other peoples affairs(LDCE1998:186)2.the long and(the)short of it总的结果/情况,要点,总而言之=the general result,expressed in a few words(LDCE1998:896)She has a weakness for pork.她
24、有爱吃猪肉的嗜好。weakness for=a strong liking,esp.for something that is bad or slightly disapproved of,(LDCE1998:1742),Choice of Equivalent Meanings 选择对应意义,1.sweet milk新鲜牛奶(OALD2002:1545)good sailor不晕船的人(LDCE1998:1335)glasses眼镜(LDCE1998:644)horseplay喧闹(的行为),喧哗(LDCE1998:738),Choice of Equivalent Meanings 选择对
25、应意义,Choice of Equivalent Meanings 选择对应意义,同词异译、异词同译,A skillful translator may translate an English word or expression in many ways without changing its meaning to his version adequate and expressive.This involves choice of words,extension of meanings and whats more,a large Chinese vocabulary(esp.syno
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