1、英语科技论文写作,致谢(Acknowledg(e)ment(s)),这一部分也不是每篇论文所必需的。但论文中的内容涉及别人对作者的帮助,则必须要提出致谢。常用的句型有:Id like to thank The author wishes to express his sincere thanks toId like to acknowledge I acknowledgeGrateful acknowledgement is made to I would like to express my gratitude to,句型库_研究目的,This problem is concerned(de
2、als,bears)(chiefly,largely,mainly)with.This is a problem relating to.Our work is devoted toThe primary goal of the present research isThe work presented in this paper focuses inThe chief aim of this study isThe laboratory study demonstrates(suggests,indicates,reveals,establishes),句型库_引言_研究背景及历史,This
3、 problem was(first)advanced byThe problem under discussion was formulated(raised,posed,brought up,put forward)bySince then the problem has attracted(fascinated)many scientists(workers in this field).This problem has been clarified(elucidated,solved)The problem as can be seen(as is known)is(still)poo
4、rly(inadequately)understood.,句型库_引言_问题的难易,It seems(exceedingly,enormously)difficult to obtain knowledge of the problemIt proves(quite,totally)impossible(unrealistic)to tryIt is rather difficult to solve the problemThe problem is rather involved.The problem involves(certain,tremendous)difficulties.It
5、 is easy to present(review,analyze,discuss)the problem in all its complexity(in very detail).It is no easy task to gain an insight into the intricate detail of,句型库_正文_理论说明,Our theory is based on the assumption thatThis theory proceeds from the idea(principle)ofThe underlying concept of the theory is
6、 as follows.There is a similar(a tentative,an alternative)theory thatThe basic(fundamental,essential)feature of this theory isThe object of this theory is to,句型库_正文_公式推导,is given by:as follows:as in the following:The following equation is obtained.This becomesTherefore,we have can be expressed as ca
7、n be derived:can be written:can be described by can be represented as,句型库_正文_方法介绍,引用已有方法The method of was first developed byThe method of came into use as long ago asThe original proposal of this method was first published in,句型库_正文_方法介绍,提出新方法The method we use differs(greatly,essentially)from the co
8、nventional one.The newly-elaborated technique is different from the one previously used.The method is now greatly improved,句型库_正文_方法介绍,方法的评价The procedure we followed has certain advantages over the existing method.This method has many advantages over those available(the exiting ones).This method is
9、advantageous in many respects(as)compared with those available(the exiting ones).One of the assets of this technique is its simplicity(reliability,sensitivity).,句型库_正文_实验描述,实验目的We made(carried out,performed,initiated)this experiment to show(demonstrate,elucidate,evaluate)a correlation between(certai
10、n phenomena,the mechanism of the hypothesis of,some features of)Experiment on are made(underway)toEarlier(previous)experiments with this technique were intended(designed,designated)to,句型库_正文_实验描述,实验导致的结论The experiments reported here demonstrate a variety of changes in(a correlation between,a much re
11、sistance to)Our experiments with furnish some new information(further data,new evidence)about the mechanism(the effluence)ofOur experiment supports our assumption(hypothesis,evidence)thatFurther experiments in this area lead us to conclude(believe,suggest)thatFrom these experiments we can conclude t
12、hat,句型库_正文_实验描述,On the basis of these data(From these data)one can conclude thatOn the basis of these data(From these data)it can be concluded that These data lead us to a conclusion thatThese data lead us to conclude thatThese data enable us to conclude thatThis experiment failed to show(demonstrat
13、e)this experiment has not shown(demonstrated),句型库_正文_结果和结论,结果的意义The results presented in this paper are(seem)The findings reported here is(quite)striking(remarkable,fascinating).These preliminary findings are very reliable(encouraging,promising,convincing,ambiguous).The results reported here prove(c
14、onfirm,support,bear out)the hypothesis,assumption,obseration)that,句型库_正文_结果和结论,导致结论The findings suggest thatThese findings lead the author to conclusion thatOur data leave open the question of whetherIn the future,we will extend the present studies toOur work has contributed to the understanding ofT
15、he research work has brought about a discovery ofFurther progress can be provided by this experiment.,句型库_其它常用句型,1、对A和B的比较表明A comparison of A and BA comparison of A with B shows thatA comparison between A and B2、现有的available the existing the current,句型库_其它常用句型,3、所产生的The resultant The resulting 4、该理论
16、认为The theory holds(maintains,claims,implies)that 5、这个理论来源于The theory comes(stems,emerges,originates)fromThe theory is obtained(provided,furnished)from,句型库_其它常用句型,6、本章论述了This chapter deals with(treats,covers,describes,discusses,involves,bears on)This chapter is confined to(devoted to,concerned with)7
17、、与成反比 be inversely proportional to vary inversely with depend inversely with,句型库_其它常用句型,8、A随B的变化曲线图 the graph(plot)of A as a function of B the graph(plot)of A versus(against)B the graph(plot)of the dependence of A on(upon)B the graph(plot)of the variation of A with B,句型库_其它常用句型,9、保持不变 remain constan
18、t stay unchanged be kept fixed be held the same be maintained unaltered be left,句型库_其它常用句型,10、获得的结果与计算机模拟相一致 agrees with is in agreement withThe result is in line with the computer simulation.obtainedis consistent with fits into,句型库_其它常用句型,11、得到了广泛的应用 be widely used be in wide use be widely in use f
19、ind wide application(use)12、表示了A is an indication ofA gives an indication of A indicatesA is indicative of,句型库_其它常用句型,13、把M代入N(我们)得到Substituting M in(into)N,we obtain(have or get)gives(yields,produces)Substituting M into(in)N results in leads to,句型库_其它常用句型,14、该试验未能说明This experiment failed to show(de
20、monstrate)This experiment has not shown 15、我们做了很多实验来验证这一理论preformedA lot of experiments are done to test(verify,made prove,check)conducted the,句型库_其它常用句型,16、前面的例子表明previous The preceding examples shows that forgoing17、这是由引起的 is due to gives rise toThis leads to results in arises from,句型库_其它常用句型,18、问
21、题的关键是The key to the problem is The cruxThe heart of the problem is The main aspectThe essence,句型库_其它常用句型,19、这需要进一步的研究 bears research deserves effortThis demands further study requires work calls for investigation,句型库_其它常用句型,20、分成两大类 fall into major are divided into two general groups are classified
22、into broad classes are of main categories There are two major groups of,句型库_其它常用句型,21、该研究的主要目的在于 chief aim main purposeThe primary object of the study is major objective principal goal,句型库_其它常用句型,in the hope of(that)with the view to do The study has been started in order to do to the end that so tha
23、tThe study is intended(designed)to do Performing the study we hope that intend to do(expect to do),句型库_其它常用句型,22、方程表明 indicates implies shows suggestsdemonstrates This equation reveals established bears out confirms supports favors provides,句型库_其它常用句型,23、的体积小(质量好,重量轻,价格低)small in size(good in qualit
24、y,light in weight,low in price)24、毫无疑问There is no doubt that There is no question that Without doubt(question),Beyond doubt(question),No(out of)doubt,句型库_其它常用句型,25、该式适用于(对是成立的)holds forholds true forThis equation is true for is valid forapplies to,句型库_其它常用句型,26、这与没有(几乎没有,有一点,有很多)共同之处。This has nothin
25、g(little,something,much)in common with 27、最好是It is(most)desirable to(do)that It would be best if,句型库_其它常用句型,28、这一点应受到(引起)我们的重视(关注)。arouseattract This should gainour attention.havereceive,句型库_其它常用句型,29、这是与有关的问题。concerned withconcerningrelated to This is a problemrelating tobearing ondealing with,句型库_
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