1、Chap2保证食品安全的食品加工,Food Properties Food Spoilage and Food Preservation涉及内容:食品特征、食品腐败和食品保藏,第一节 前言,1、Introduction(1),Most food is produced 绝大多数的食品是要经过加工处理的Once or twice per year at harvests 每年在收获季节,可有一到两次的采收Far away from big cities 原料远离城市,2、Introduction(2),Food is needed“民以食为天”Every day 因为我们每天必须摄取一定量的食品
2、 In urban areas 尤其是在大城市,对食品的质量要求会更高,3、Introduction(3),That is why there is a need for 这就是 为什么对以下两点有需要的原因Food preservation food industry 食品的保藏 食品工业生产 Food transportation food retail 食品的运输 食品的零售,Historically,objectives of foodtechnologies have been:自古以来,食品加工技术的目的在于:preservation of food 食品获得良好的保藏性rende
3、ring food more palatable and digestible 食品更加美味可口和容易消化吸收,4、Introduction(4),In modern times,food technologies are applied with the additional objectives:在当代,食品加工技术还运用于以下几方面:developing new food products 开发新食品giving food desired functional properties 赋予食品更多的功效improving nutritional and organoleptic quali
4、ty 提高食品的营养价值和口感ensuring safety 保证食品的安全性,5、Introduction(5),6、Introduction(6),Microorganisms in food are 食品中的微生物helpful:for fermentation 有益之处:发酵petitive:cause spoilage 竞争性:导致食品腐败hazardous:cause foodborne disease 危害性:导致食源性疾病,To understand:需要了解:how different food technologies can be used to prevent spoi
5、lage and/or control hazards in foods 防止食品腐败和(或)控制潜在危害的食品加工技术不同the factors(parameters)which influence the process and thus the safety of the final products 影响加工过程以及终产品安全的各种因素(参数)how to monitor these factors 如何监控这些因素,Objective2、学习目标,第二节 保证食品安全的食品加工技术,Food technologies can be classified into those that
6、:食品加工技术可归纳成以下三类:render food safe 提高食品的安全性;control contaminants i.e.prevent growth of microorganisms or production of toxin(s)控制污染,即防止微生物生长或产生毒素prevent(re-)contamination 预防(二次)污染,Classes of food technologies食品加工技术的类型,一、提高食品安全性的技术(一)、Heat treatments加热处理(二)、冷冻(三)、辐照(四)、化学消毒(五)、高压技术,二、控制污染的技术,(一)温度(冷持、热
7、持)(二)pH(酸化、发酵)(三)水分活度(盐腌、糖渍、干燥、冷冻)(四)防腐剂(杀菌素、亚硝酸盐),三、防止再次(二次)污染的技术,(一)包装技术(二)设备消毒(三)食品加工设备的卫生设计,一、影响食品安全的食品因素,1、温度2、水分活度3、pH4、氧气,C(Minimum)最低温度,B(Optimum)最适温度,A(Maximum)最高温度,How temperature affects growthrate of a bacterial population1、温度对细菌群落生长速率的影响,Growth of S.typhimuriumat different temperatures不
8、同温度下鼠伤寒沙门氏菌的生长,Temperature rangefor growth of pathogens致病菌生长的温度范围,Temperature C Min.Opt.Max.,Penicillium verrucosum 疣孢青霉 0 20 31Aspergillus ochraceus 赫曲霉 8 28 37 Aspergillus flavus 黄曲霉 10 32 42Fusarium moniliforme 串珠镰孢霉 3 25 37,Temperature range for grow of toxigenic moulds产毒素霉菌生长的温度范围,Mycotoxins in
9、 food食品中的霉菌毒素,Aspergillus flavus cereals,nuts aflatoxin 黄曲霉 谷类,坚果 黄曲霉毒素Aspergillus parasiticus peanuts 寄生曲霉 花生Fusarium graminearium cereals deoxynivalenon(DON)镰刀菌 谷类 脱氧瓜蒌镰菌醇Fusarium moniliforme cereals fumonism 串珠镰刀菌 谷类 串珠镰刀菌毒素 Aspergillus ochraceus cereals,ochratoxin 赫曲霉 谷类 赭曲霉素Penicillium verrucos
10、um coffee 疣孢青霉 咖啡Fusarium graminearum cereals zearalenone 禾谷镰刀菌 谷类 玉米烯酮,Temperature zones温度范围,Psychro trophic pathogens嗜冷致病菌,L.monocytogenes 单核细胞增生李斯特菌Y.enterocolitica 小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌C.botulinum type 肉毒梭状芽孢杆菌,Water is required for the growth and metabolism of microorganisms 水是微生物生长和新陈代谢必需的物质All the water
11、 in foods is not available for microorganisms 并非食品中的水分都能被微生物利用The degree of availability of water is measured by water activity(a w)用水分活度a w 衡量有效水分的含量Chemical and enzymatic reactions are also affected by availability of water 化学反应和酶反应也受有效水分的影响,Water activity 2、水分活度,a w is the ratio of water vapour p
12、ressure of food(p)to that of pure water(po)at the same temperature.a w指相同温度下,食品的水蒸汽压P和纯水的蒸汽压P0之比。a w=p/po0 a w 1,Water activity(definition)水分活度a w的定义,Water activity(3)水分活度a w,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,Aw,Reaction rate反应速率,Lipid oxydation 油脂氧化,Non-enzymaticBrowning 非酶褐变,Enzymatic activity酶的
13、活力,Growth of:Moulds 霉菌Yeasts 酵母Bacteria 细菌,Minimum levels of aW permitting growth(at near optimum temperatures)微生物生长必需的最低水分活度(在接近最适温度下),MouldsAspergillus chevalieri 曲霉0.71霉菌Aspergillus ochraceus 曲霉0.78Aspergillus flavus 黄曲霉0.80Penicillium verrucosum 青霉0.79Fusarium moniliforme 串珠镰孢霉0.87YeastsSaccharo
14、myces rouxii 鲁氏酵母0.62酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae 啤酒酵母0.90BacteriaBacillus cereus 蜡状芽孢杆菌0.92细菌Clostridium botulinum(proteolytic)0.93 肉毒梭状芽孢杆菌(蛋白水解型)Clostridium botulinum(non-proteolytic)0.97 肉毒梭状芽孢杆菌(非蛋白水解型)Escherichia coli 埃希氏大肠杆菌0.93Salmonella 沙门氏菌0.95Staphylococcus aureus 葡萄球状杆菌0.83,Range of aW in
15、foods and their microbial flora食品中aW的范围及其微生物菌群,0.98,Fresh meats 鲜肉 Fresh fish 鲜鱼Fresh fruits 鲜果Fresh vegetables新鲜的蔬菜Canned vegetables in brine 罐装盐水蔬菜 Canned fruit in light syrup(3.5%salt,26%sugar)低盐罐装水果(盐3.5%,糖26),(C.perfringens,产气荚膜梭菌 Salmonella)沙门氏菌,(Pseudomonas)假单孢菌,0.93-0.98,Fermented sausages 发
16、酵香肠Processed cheese加工干酪Bread 面包Evaporated milk 炼乳Tomato paste 番茄酱(10%salt,50%sugar)(10盐。50糖),(B.cereus,蜡状杆菌C.botulinum,肉毒梭菌Salmonella 沙门氏菌)lactobacilli,bacilli andMicrococci 乳酸菌,芽孢杆菌,微球菌,Range of aW in foodsand and their microbial flora,0.6-0.85,Xerophilic fungi喜旱真菌,Halophiles 嗜盐生物Osmophilic yeasts
17、耐高渗透酵母,Dried fruit 干果Flour 面粉Cereals 谷类Salted fish 咸鱼Nuts 坚果,aw can be reduced by:下述三种方法能减小aw:Removing water(drying)除去水分(烘干)Decreasing availability of water by crystalization(freezing)通过结晶(冷冻)减少有效水分Decreasing availability by binding water with water binding agents e.g.salt,sugar 利用盐、糖这些亲水试剂与水分子的结合减少
18、有效水分,Water activity(4)水分活度,aw1.000.990.980.960.940.920.900.880.86,Concentration of NaCl and glucose at various aw values(at 25C)25C时不同浓度食盐和葡萄糖溶液的aw,%w/wGlucose 葡萄糖0.008.9015.7428.5137.8343.7248.5453.0558.45,%w/wNaCl0.001.743.436.579.3811.9014.1816.2818.18,pH values limiting the growth of pathogens 3
19、、pH抑制致病菌的生长,pH and other factors pH和其它因素,Microorganisms can grow in lab media at a wider range of pH than would occur in Foods 与在食品中相比,微生物在实验室培养基中能在更宽的pH范围内生长Here,other factors e into effect e.g.microbial petition:(这里,还存在其它因素的影响,如:微生物的竞争),oxygen tension 氧气的压力storage temperature 贮藏温度reduced aw 降低aw h
20、eat damage to cells during processing 加工过程中的热杀菌,pH,Acidification 酸化addition of vinegar 添加醋Fermentation 发酵organic acid 有机酸petitive exclusion 排除竞争性antimicrobial agents 抗菌剂,pH of different foods 不同食品的pH,Approximate pH ranges of some mon food modities 常见食品的pH范围,1413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2,pH,Fermented sh
21、ark发酵鲨鱼,Egg white蛋白,Fish 鱼类,Meat 肉类,Citrus fruits柑桔,Milk 牛奶,Soft drinks软饮料,Flour面粉,Vegetables蔬菜,Beer 啤酒,Heat treatments 加热处理 Irradiation 辐射 Disinfection 消毒 Freezing(parasites only)冷冻(仅对寄生虫有效)High pressure technology 高压技术,Food technologies that may kill certain microbes可以杀死某些微生物的食品加工技术,Method of heat
22、ing 加热方法Cooking 烹调baking/roasting 烘烤Boiling 煮沸Frying 油炸Grilling 烧烤Microwave 微波加热pasteurization 巴氏杀菌Sterilization 杀菌,Heating medium加热介质Water 水Air 空气Water 水oil 油Air 空气electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射heat exchanger/water 热交换器(水作为介质)steam under pressure 高压蒸汽,二、加热处理加热方法的分类,t,t=D.log No/N,No:Initial number
23、of microorganisms 微生物的原始菌数N:Number of microorganism at time t 经t时间热处理后微生物的残存菌数,Heat resistance is measured by the decimal reduction time D 耐热性是用指数递减时间(D值)来测定的,D value D值,Heat resistance(1)耐热性,Vegetative organism 活微生物Escherichia coli 大肠杆菌Salmonella spp 沙门氏菌属 Salmonella typhimurium 鼠伤寒沙门氏菌Salmonella s
24、enftenberg 桑夫顿堡沙门氏菌Staphylococcus aureus 葡萄球菌Listeria monocytogenes 李斯特单胞菌Campylobacter jejuni 弯曲杆菌,41.1,0.10.056,D.values(min),65,55,60,Heat resistance(2),C.botulinum type A and B肉毒梭状芽孢菌 A 型和B型C.botulinum type E肉毒梭状芽孢菌 E型C.perfringens产气夹膜梭状芽孢菌 C.sporogenes 生孢芽孢梭菌 Bacillus cereus蜡状芽孢杆菌,500.3-205,Bac
25、terial endospores 细菌芽孢,1 sec,100,110,121,D values(min),Heat resistance(D-value)is influenced by many factors,e.g.耐热性(D值)受许多因素的影响,例如:type or strain of microorganism 微生物的类型或种类 physico-chemical parameters of the medium e.g.water activity,pH,position 培养基的物理-化学参数,比如:水分活度、酸碱度以及组成成分等age of the cells or sta
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