1、第9章 矩阵特征值问题的数值方法,9.1 特征值与特征向量9.2 Hermite矩阵特征值问题9.3 Jacobi方法9.4 对分法9.5 乘幂法9.6 反幂法9.7 QR方法,引言,工程实践中有多种振动问题,如桥梁或建筑物的振动,机械机件、飞机机翼的振动,工程实践中有多种振动问题,如桥梁或建筑物的振动,机械机件、飞机机翼的振动,及一些稳定性分析和相关分析可转化为求矩阵特征值与特征向量的问题。,London,England:Millennium(Wobbly)Bridge(1998-2002,Norman Foster and Partners and Arup Associates),I d
2、ecide that I have to write something today,otherwise I would not know how to speak English here.This is a very quick story about a bridge.London launched three major construction projects to celebrate the arrival of the Millennium.After all,Greenwich(pronounced green-ich)is supposed to be(supposed t
3、o be?!)where the prime meridian lies,and the place where the Millennium officially starts in the world.The three projects are the Millennium Dome in North Greenwich,so far the largest single roofed structure in the world,London Eye right across Westminster,which becomes so far the largest observatio
4、n wheel in the world,and the Millennium Bridge that links Southeast London with St.Pauls Cathedral,which is currentlywell.not swinging any more,it is said.,The bridge was designed by Imperial College,a college of my former university.On the very first day that the bridge was open to public,there wer
5、e simply so many people going there to walk from the south bank to St.Pauls that the weight completely exceeded the architects expectation.The slender steel truss bridge began to vibrate with a million people on there.The opening ceremony ended up in an embarrassing vertigo.Millennium left Londoners
6、 a happy adage about swinging bridge,meaning fancy technology that looks good but functions in a funny fashion.Am I using too many Fs here?Or is it simply because my tongue starts to swing in the same direction when I am writing about this wobbly bridge?Next time you visit London,I strongly recommen
7、d this place.After all,with a little swing,this is a shortcut to dash into St.Pauls directly from the southeast!,G:Google Matrix,“the worlds largest matrix computation”.4,300,000,000 x:PageRank(网页级别)vector“The$25,000,000,000 Eigenvector”,搜索引擎,9.1 特征值与特征向量,设A是n阶矩阵,x是非零列向量.如果有数存在,满足,(1)那么,称x是矩阵A关于特征值的
8、特征向量.,如果把(1)式右端写为,那么(1)式又可写为:,记,它是关于参数的n次多项式,称为矩阵A的特征多项式,其中a0=(-1)nA.,(2),显然,当是A的一个特征值时,它必然是 的根.反之,如果是 的根,那么齐次方程组(2)有非零解向量x,使(1)式成立.从而,是A的一个特征值.A的特征值也称为A的特征根.,矩阵特征值和特征向量有如下主要性质:,定理9.1.1 n阶矩阵A是降秩矩阵的充分必要条件是A有零特征值.,定理9.1.2 设矩阵A与矩阵B相似,那么它们 有相同的特征值.,定理9.1.3 n阶矩阵A与AT有相同的特征值.,定理9.1.4 设ij是n阶矩阵A的两个互异特征值,x、y分
9、别是其相应的右特征向量和左特征向量,那么,xTy=0.,9.2 Hermite矩阵特征值问题,设A为n阶矩阵,其共轭转置矩阵记为AH.如果A=AH,那么,A称为Hermite矩阵.,9.2.1 Hermite矩阵的有关性质 设 是Hermite矩阵A的n个特征值.有以下性质:,全是实数.,有相应的n个线性无关的特征向量,它们可以化为一组标准酉交的特征向量组,即,是酉空间中的一组标准酉交基.,记U=(),它是一个酉阵,即UHU=UUH=I,那么即A与以 为对角元的对角阵相似.,A为正定矩阵的充分必要条件是 全为正数.,定理9.2.1 设 是Hermite矩阵A的n个特征值,那么,证:,设x是一个
10、非零向量,A是Hermite矩阵,称 为矩阵A关于向量x的Rayleigh商,记为R(x).,定理9.2.2 如果A的n个特征值为 其相应的标准酉交的特征向量为 那么有,定理9.2.3 设A是Hermite矩阵,那么,9.2.2 极值定理,定理9.2.4(极值定理)设Hermite矩阵的n个特征值为,其相应的标准酉交特征向量为.用Ck表示酉空间Cn中任意的k维子空间,那么,9.2.3 Hermite矩阵特征值问题的性态,矩阵特征值问题与求解线性方程组问题一样,都存在当矩阵A的原始 数据有小变化(小扰动)时,引起特征值问题的变化有大有小的问题,如果引起的变化小,称 该特征值问题是良态的.反之,称
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 特征值 Jacobi 方法
