1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩).doc
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1、龙岩市月山小区A标段工程1#楼桩基子分部验收自评报告 项目经理: 技术负责人: 编制人: 福建章诚隆建设工程有限公司2013年 月 日(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value conc
2、ept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds mora
3、l. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of good side recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group
4、of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on gov
5、ernance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for g
6、overnment service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide目 录一、工程概况1二、执行工程技术标准情况1三、施工合同履行、设计文件执行情况2四、施工准备工作控制情况2五、施工过程质量自控情况3六、质量控制资料自查情况4七、混凝土强度检验评定情况5八、桩基子分部工程安全和功能检测情况5九、分部、分项工程质量验收情况6十、质量问题处理情况7十一、质量
7、事故报告及处理情况7十二、综合结论7龙岩市月山小区A标段工程1#楼桩基子分部验收自评报告一、 工程概况建设单位:龙岩市安居住宅建设有限公司勘察单位:中国有色金属长沙勘察设计研究院有限公司设计单位:福建省千亿建筑设计有限公司监理单位:福建互华土木工程管理有限公司施工单位:福建章诚隆建设工程有限公司 龙岩市月山小区A标段工程1#楼位于龙岩市新罗区曹溪镇月山村。1#楼为剪力墙结构、纯地下室为框架结构。层数31层,高度93米,总建筑面积31209m,其中地下室面积5499m。上部25710m;本工程基础型式(主体基础形式为:钢筋混凝土泥浆护壁成孔灌注桩+平板式筏型基础;纯地下室为:独立基础+抗水板+抗
8、拔桩),桩基采用冲(钻)孔灌注桩,共计292根,其中工程桩 90根为端承摩擦桩及摩擦端承桩,设计桩长30m。桩径为1000mm,桩身砼强度等级为C35,桩端持力为-2强风化砂岩、中风化灰岩,单桩承载力特征值为6800KN,桩端持力层为强风化砂岩时桩端全截面进入持力层2000mm, 桩端持力层为中风化灰岩时桩端全截面进入持力层1000mm;纯地下室抗拔桩DX -23DX-39交3-R 1-D 轴抗拔桩202根,桩径为800mm,桩身砼强度等级为C35,为纯摩擦桩,单桩承载力特征值为690KN。桩基工程于2013年3月16日开工,至8月4日完成最后一根桩。在施工中,我们坚持质量与安全第一的原则,投
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- 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告灌注桩 工程 桩桩 分部 验收 报告 灌注
