1、蛋白质研究的技术与策略,任惠民,自报家门(任惠民),毕业:华东师范大学 化学系原工作单位:中国科学院上海生理研究所97年引进至(原)上海医科大学神经病学研究所国外工作:日本杏林大学,美国加州大学承担基金:国家、省部、中科院、重点实验室等发表论著:180余篇,研究蛋白质的意义,蛋白质的重要性 构成生命体的最重要物质 与生命活动紧密相关 蛋白质与疾病的关系 表达水平与功能改变导致疾病发生,内 容,蛋白质研究的前处理技术蛋白质的分离技术蛋白质的凝胶电泳技术Western blot(蛋白免疫印迹)蛋白质组学Proteomics,蛋白质的凝胶电泳技术,电泳(Electrophoresis),电泳是指带电
2、粒子在电场中向与自身带相反电荷的电极移动的现象。(1)类型 液相:在液相介质中 固相:固相中或固相表面(2)凝胶电泳 水平:琼脂电泳、琼脂糖电泳等 垂直:聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,用 途,提供蛋白质分子量、电荷、亚基结构、分离纯化 蛋白质的纯度;对蛋白复杂混合物的定性分析;了解不同生理病理时特定组织或细胞中蛋白质的 变化;适用范围广泛。,特 点,成本低:设备、人力、时间灵敏度高:可检测g、甚至ng水平的量分辨率高:可分离数百、甚至上千种不同成分重复性好:可重复可信度高:罕有假象发生,Structure and Properties of Protein,PROTEINS-polymer of ami
3、no acids with biological activity made of alpha amino acid(20)STRUCTURE of Amino Acids aas have a carboxyl group(-COOH)&amino group(-NH2)and are often ionized at physiological pH,Effect of pH and buffer on protein charge,Proteins are amphoteric compounds and are therefore either positively or negati
4、vely charged Depending on the pH of their local enviroment Post translation modificationsthe addition of charged and uncharged sugarthe addition of phosphate groupsulphydryl cross-link Isoelectric Point-pH where there is no net charge in molecule,Migration of protein depends on,Strength of electric
5、field(Heat)net charge on molecule(pH)size and shape of molecules(choice of support)Properties of supporting medium(viscosity,electroendosmosis),蛋白质电泳类型,按材质 滤纸电泳、淀粉胶电泳、醋酸薄膜电泳、琼脂电泳、琼脂糖电泳、聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、毛细管电泳按形状 圆盘(disc)、平板(slab)按电泳条件 恒压、恒流、常压、高压,聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,变性电泳:Sodium dodes
6、yl sulphate-plyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE)非变性电泳:Native(buffer)gels等点聚焦:Isoelectric focusing(IEF)gels双向电泳:Two dimension polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(2D-gels),凝胶制作原理,丙烯酰胺 单体,甲叉双丙烯酰胺 交联剂,过硫酸氨 加速剂,四甲基乙二胺 催化剂,Native gel electrophoresis,For the detection of particular proteins(i.e.,an e
7、nzyme)on the basis of its biological activityPolyacrylamide(normally 7.5%gel),but the SDS is absent and the proteins are not denatured prior loadingProteins separate according to their different electrophoretic mobilities and the sieving effect(筛孔效应)of the gelThe enzyme of interest can be identified
8、 by incubating the gel in an appropriates substrate,SDS-PAGE(SDS-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis),Separate protein according to sizeSamples must be previously boiled 5 minutes in sample buffer containing:SDS(CH3-(CH2)10-CH2OSO3-Na+),1 molecule binds every 2 amino acids residues-Mercaptoethanol(-巯
9、基乙醇)Sucrose or GlycerolIonizable tracking dye(i.e.,bromophenol blue)sample buffer(Laemmli 2X buffer)4%SDS、10%-mercaptoehtanol、20%glycerol 0.004%bromophenol blue in 0.125 M Tris HCl,SDS-PAGE,The original charge on protein is masked by the negatively charged of SDS,SDS-PAGE,连续 非连续,pH 8.8 gel,pH 8.8 ge
10、l,分离胶,pH 6.8 gel,浓缩胶,适用于提取的样品蛋白浓度较高,加样体积较少。,适用于提取样品蛋白浓度较低,需要加样体积较大,SDS-PAGE,凝胶配制:30 g 丙烯酰胺、1 g Bis-丙烯酰、1 g SDS 溶于水至100 ml。分离胶缓冲液(Tris-Cl,pH 8.8):7.2 g Tris、1 g SDS 溶于水,盐酸调pH=8.8,加水至100 ml。浓缩胶缓冲液(Tris-Cl,pH 6.8):3 g Tris、0.1 g SDS 溶于水,盐酸调pH=6.8,加水至100 ml。电泳缓冲液:28.8 g甘氨酸、6 g Tris、1 g SDS 溶于水至1000 ml。,
11、Recommended acrylamide concentration for protein electrophoresis,Separation size range(kD)%Acrylamide 36-205 5%24-205 7.5%14-205 10%14-66 12.5%14-45 15%The larger proteins fail to move significantly into the gelStrategy:Changing cross-linking density(交联度),SDS-PAGE and CBB R-250 staining,Gradient gel
12、s,The acrylamide concentration is varied uniformly from,typically 5%at the top of the gel to 25%acrylamide at the bottom of the gel,AdvantagesGreater range of protein Mw values can be separated than on a fixed-percentage gelThe proteins with a very similar Mw values may be resolved,SDS-PAGE常见问题与解决方案
13、,胶不平?凝胶漏液?,胶板洗刷干净加入APS和TEMED的量要合适。加入试剂后摇匀,使其充分混 合,防止部分胶块聚合不均匀。温度合适,受热不均匀导致胶聚 合不均匀。两块玻璃板底部要对齐。,SDS-PAGE常见问题与解决方案,条带比正常的 窄?“微笑”或“倒 微笑”条带?,凝胶聚合不均匀,灌胶时候尽 量混合均匀,动作轻缓。拔梳子要迅速,清洗加样孔要 小心,以免把上样带扭曲。样品盐浓度过高会挤压其他条 带导致宽窄不一,纯化样品,调整盐浓度。胶板底部有气泡会影响电泳效 果,应赶走气泡。同时注意电 泳槽装置是否合适。,IFE(Isoelectric Focusing Electrophoresis),
14、separates proteins by isoelectric pointslarge pore size of gel and equilibrium conditions minimize molecular sievingnative or denaturing conditions possiblegenerates pH gradient in electric fieldgradient range depends on ampholyte pKa values anode:dilute acid(H3PO4)cathode:dilute alkali(NaOH),IFE,2D
15、-PAGE(Two-dimension polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis),Combines of IEF(separating according to charge,pI)with size separation of SDS-PAGE,2D-PAGE,蛋白质的染色,(1)总蛋白的染色方法 正染:阳离子染料(如考马斯亮兰,Coomassie brilliant blue)负染:金属阴离子(如咪唑锌,imidazole-zinc)银染:硝酸银 其他:荧光染色或标记,放射标记(fluorescent staining or labeling,and radi
16、olabeling)(2)特殊染色方法 糖基化蛋白 磷酸化蛋白,Selected staining methods,“Classical”Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 Stain,CBB R-250 staining solution:0.1%(w/v)CBB R-250 dye in 40%ethanol and 10%acetic acid.CBB R-250 destaining solution:40%(v/v)ethanol and 10%(v/v)acetic acid.Coomassie R-250:reddish tint Coomassie G
17、-250:greenish tint detection limit 10100 ng Fazekas de St Groth,et al.Biochim.Biophys.Acta 1963,71:377391.,“Classical”Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 Staining Protocol,1.Place the gel into a staining dish and fix the proteins for 30 min in 20%(w/v)trichloroacetic acid(TCA,)with gentle shaking.2.The g
18、el briefly(12 min)with CBB R-250 destaining solution(40%ethanol and 10%acetic acid)to remove excess TCA.3.Immerse the gel in CBB R-250 staining solution andshake for at least 3 h.Staining can continue overnight if more convenient.4.B rinse the gel with deionized water 5.Destain the gel with CBB R-25
19、0 destaining solution with shaking until the background is clear.6.For higher sensitivity and decreased background staining,immerse the gel in 1%(v/v)acetic acid.,Colloidal Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 Stain,CBB G-250 staining solution:0.12%(w/v)CBB G-250 dye,10%ammonium sulfate,10%phosphoric acid
20、,and 20%methanol.CBB-G-250 destaining solution:5%(w/v)ammonium sulfate and 10%(v/v)methanol.In general,colloidal CBB G staining is regarded as more sensitive than CBB R in solvent solutions Neuhoff V,et al.Electrophoresis.1988,9:255 262.Candiano G,et al.Electrophoresis.2004,25:1327 1333.,Colloidal C
21、oomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 Staining Protocol,1.Place the gel in 500 mL fixing solution(40%ethanol and 10%acetic acid)for 3 h.2.Wash the gel briefly(2 30 s)with deionized water.3.Immerse the gel in colloidal CBB G-250 staining solution for at least 3-4 h.Staining can continue overnight if more con
22、venient.4.Rinse the gel briefly(2 30 s)with deionized water.5.incubate the gel with CBB G-250 destaining solution(5%ammonium sulfate and 10%methanol)for 20 min,further 20-min incubation in CBB G-250 destaining solution,Imidazole-Zinc Reverse Stain,Imidazole solution:0.2 M imidazole containing 0.1%SD
23、S.dissolve 6.81 g imidazole and 500 mg sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS)in 500 mL water.Zinc sulfate solution:0.2 M zinc sulfate.dissolve 28.76 g zinc sulfate heptahydrate in 500 mL water.It is also possible to prepare concentrated(10)imidazole and zinc sulfate stock solutions110 ng protein/band is detect
24、ed in SDS-PAGE gelsReverse-stained proteins can be efficiently eluted and used in biological and enzymatic assays.Fernandez-Patron C,et al.Biotechniques.1992 12:564 573.Castellanos-Serra L and Hardy E.Nat.Protoc.2006,1:1544 1551,Imidazole-Zinc Reverse Staining Protocol,1.Briefly rinse the gel(2 30 s
25、)in freshly prepared Milli Q water2.Incubate the gel in 500 mL 0.2 M imidazole containing 0.1%SDS for 15 min.3.Rinse the gel briefly(30 s)in water to remove excess imidazole solution.4.Add 0.2 M zinc sulfate solution while manually shaking for about 1 min.Observe the gel over a black surface.The gel
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