1、FSK二进制解调与调制一、实验目的1、利用MATLAB/Simulink进行通信实验系统仿真,熟悉Simulink的操作环境与模块应用。2、实现FSK二进制解调与调制实验,对系统进行仿真与性能分析。3、学习独立思考,设计实验,对实验原理有充分的理解。二、实验原理FSK调制就是使用两个不同的频率的载波信号来传输一个二进制信息序列。可以用二进制“1” 来对应于载频fl,而“0”用来对应于另一相载频f2的已调波形,而这个可以用受矩形脉冲序列控 制的开关电路对两个不同的独立的频率源fl、f2进行选择通。如下原理图:2-FSK信号产生方法FSK的解调方式有两种:相干解调方式和非相干解调方式.1、非相干解
2、调经过调制后的FSK数字信号通过两个频率不同的带通滤波器f1、f2滤出不需要的信号,然后再 将这两种经过滤波的信号分别通过包络检波器检波,最后将两种信号同时输入到抽样判决器同时外加 抽样脉冲,最后解调出来的信号就是调制前的输入信号。其原理图如下图所示:F1非相干式解调方式2、相干解调根据已调信号由两个载波fl、f2调制而成,则先用两个分别对fl、f2带通的滤波器对已调信号 进行滤波,然后再分别将滤波后的信号与相应的载波fl、f2相乘进行相十解调,再分别低通滤波、 用抽样信号进行抽样判决器即可。原理图如下:相干解调方式三、实验过程FSK的的调制与解调过程的MATLAB仿真原理图及其分析:利用MA
3、TLAB建立系统的仿真图。按照2FSK系统的物理与数学模型建立系统模型。根据相干方式 的原理图利用MATLAB的Simulink建立系统的模拟仿真图。如下图所示:系统中仿真模块的作用及主要参数的设置分析:Function Block ParameHers: FSK谓制Tlie inputs can be either tunary-iriapped or Graymapped into symbols际Source Block Parameters:二进制信号发生器Initial seed: 61Bernoul1i Binary GeneratorGenerate a Bernoulli ra
4、ndQm binary rn-Lmber. To generate a vector output3 specify the probability as a vector.Par:iTLetersCancelProbability of a. zero0. 5S:imple time: 1/1800Fr:djne-based out put sInterpret vector pargeters as 1-DOut put data t yp edoub1eIn case of sainple-based input, the output sample lme equals the sym
5、bol period, divided by the S:irLples per symbol value.Parget ersM-ary number:Input typeIntegerSymbol set orderingBinaryFrequency separation (Hz):1000Phase continuityDiscontinuousSajnples per symbol:Out put dat a typedoubleHelpApplyIn case of fr:irLe-based inputj the width of the output fran旧 equals
6、the product of the riujTLber of synibols and the S:ajTLples per symbol value. Function Block Parameters:加入高斯噪声XXUJ *|TXL-J-L L X L -:-1 .XLL_ UXXL1-L U:aiid out put signals c:m be real or complex. This block supports multi charnel input :aiid output signals as well as fr:iHLe-based processing.The ou
7、tput can be either bits or integers. In case of bit out put j the out put width is an integer inult iple of the rLunibe uf bits per symbol. The output symbols cart be either binary demapped or Grdeinapped.ViQien using either of tlie vari:ance modes with ccuriplex inputSj the vanmce values are equall
8、y divided :djnong the real :ii-id iiriagmary cuirLpLinents of th已 input signal.In case of fr:fTie-based inputthe width of the input fr:djne represents the product of the riujTLber uf symbols and the S:iHLples per symbol value.In case of sample-based input, the saniple time uf the input is the symbol
9、 period divided by the S:mples per symbol valuePar metersParajriet ersInitial seed:M-ary m_uTLber:Mode: Signal to noise ratio (Eb/No)Output typeIntegerSyTTibol set orderingBinaryFrequency separation (Hz):Nijiriber of bits per sbol:1000S:iiTLples per syiribol:Input signal powerj referenced to 1 ol-jn
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- SimulinkFSK 二进制 解调 调制