1、1,Chapter 6,Hyperbole言过其实的夸张Euphemism含蓄蕴藉的委婉语 Understatement明抑暗扬的低调陈述,2,Hyperbole,夸张的定义夸张的修辞效果夸张的分类夸张表现形式,3,Definition(定义),Hyperbole is a figure of speech which deliberately exaggerates truth.It is often used in express ones strong feeling or violent emotions by remarkable imagination and literary e
2、xtravagance,for the effect of strong impression,humor,sarcasm,irony,rather than to state a fact in its right perspective.,4,Definition of Hyperbole,夸张是故意夸大事实的一种修辞格。它经常通过非凡的想象和言过其实来抒发强烈的情感和表达深刻的感受。这里故意夸大事实,是在真实的基础上夸大。夸张具有十分强烈的浪漫主义色彩。它是对现实生活的某些现象进行艺术加工,以强化语言的表现力和感染力。尽管把夸大的事物主观想象的无限扩大,但它是以客观事实为基础的。,5,H
3、yperbole,Instead of saying in plain languageThank you very much.She is very prettyHe laughed heartily.,6,We can express the same ideas or feelings more emphatically by saying:,He almost died of laughing.,Thanks a million.,She is the prettiest girl in the world.,7,言过其实是夸张修辞格表述上的特点。但“言过”到什么程度?一般来说,夸张总
4、是到无以复加的地步,也就是把话说到极点,简单地说就是“极言”。My left let weighs three tons.我的左腿重千斤。I almost split my sides at his stories.听了他讲的故事,我几乎笑破肚皮。,8,夸张的修辞效果-Effects,1.增强情感(intensify feelings)通过夸张增强表达说话者或作者的快乐、优伤、遗憾、喜爱、敬佩、生气、不耐烦、厌恶等多种感情或情绪,1)Belinda smiled,and the entire world was gay.(表示喜悦的心情),2)Im the happiest man in th
5、e world.,9,Effects,3)For she was beautiful-her beauty make the bright world dim,and everything beside seemed like the fleeting image of a shade.(Shelly)(诗人赞叹“她”的美貌,称“她的美貌使得整个鲜艳的世界暗然失色”。),10,Effects,4)In the dock,she found scores of arrows piercing her chest.站在被告席上,她感到万箭穿心。(表达极度的痛苦),11,Other examples
6、:,Polly,I love you.You are the whole world to me,and the moon and the stars.,I beg you a thousand pardons.,I was scared to death.,Id give worlds to see you.,12,Effects,Stand still in Shanghai for two minutes and ten million people will rush at you like pins at magnet.,2.加深印象(Be impressive)通过故意“言过其实”
7、,给人留下深刻的印象,从而更好地突出主旨,给读者某种鼓动力和感染力,13,He ran down the avenue,making a noise like ten horses at a gallop.他沿着林荫大街跑,声音之响,犹如万马奔腾。,在上海静静地站上两分钟,就会有1,000万人向你冲来,就像铁屑冲向磁铁一样。(作者用two minutes 和 ten million 两个数字夸张地描绘了上海人口之多,交通之繁忙。),14,Effects,3Humor and irony(幽默风趣,讽刺嘲弄),He is so mean,he wont let his little baby h
8、ave more than one measle at a time.,Measle一般用复数,这里为了夸张故意用单数形式。世界上竟然有不让婴儿出一粒以上麻疹的父亲,简直是绝妙的讽刺,可以说是入木三分。,15,Categories(夸张的分类),1.扩大夸张这是夸张中最常见的一种,即把表现对象的状态、程度、形象、数量等特征的东西故意往大、高、多、强好等方面去夸张。He was miles out of his calculation.他的计算大错特错。,16,夸张的分类,Everybody was clapping their hands off.每人都拼命鼓掌。(每人都把手掌拍掉了。)We
9、were tired to death on reaching the peak.到山顶时我们都快累死了。Daisy is clever beyond comparison.戴西绝顶聪明。,17,夸张的分类,He has a skeleton of wife.他的妻子骨瘦如柴。Life is happiness,each minute might have been an age of happiness.生活就是幸福,每一分钟都能拥有无穷无尽的幸福。,18,夸张的分类,2.缩小夸张缩小夸张正好与扩大夸张相反,即把表现对象的状态、程度、形象、数量等特征的东西故意往小、低、少、弱、差等方面去夸张
10、。She was not really afraid of the wild beast,but she did not wish to perform an atom more service than she had been paid for.,19,夸张的分类,她不是真的怕野兽,而是不愿意在她报酬之外多出一丁点力。在表达“不愿多出一丁点力”的意思时,用an atom(像一粒原子那样微力)这样一个名词,可谓别出心裁,态度极为鲜明。,20,夸张的分类,Miss Sharp(the suspect)browed her head,and had never uttered a syllabl
11、e.夏普小姐(犯罪嫌疑人)低着头,一个字也不说。(就连一个syllable也不发出来,可见犯罪嫌疑人的顽抗态度。),21,夸张的分类,Ive not have a wink of sleep these last two nights.这两天晚上我一直没合眼。,22,夸张的表现形式多种多样,可以是一个词、一个短语、一个句子、一个段落或几个段落,甚至整篇文章。其具体模式主要有以下几种:1、用词汇手段表示夸张夸张可以通过数词、形容词、副词、名词、动词、否定词、介词短语等来表示。,夸张的表现形式,23,夸张的表现形式,1)数词 用数词对事实进行渲染、夸大,是英语夸张修辞格最常用的方法之一。He ra
12、n down the avenue,making a noise like ten horses at a gallop.他沿着林荫大街跑,声音之响,犹如万马奔腾。You write ten times better than any man in the Congress including me.你的文采比议会里的所有人-包括我,好过百倍。,24,2)名词或动词。用名词或动词进行夸张多用其极限意义来表达“Atriumph,aclassicofthisera.”一场胜利,这个时代的经典之作。The noise was loud enough to wake the dead.声音大得足够把死
13、人惊醒。The young girl brought the house down with a ballet dance.一个年轻的姑娘跳了一个芭蕾,博得全场喝彩。,25,To get a decent apartment these days in New York,you have to pay an arm and leg.如今,要在纽约住栋高维公寓,必须付出极高的代价。His anger nearly burst his belly.他气得肚子简直要炸裂了。,26,3)形容词或副词。利用形容词和副词进行夸张多见于日常生活会话-How are you?-Awfully well,tha
14、nks.-Doyoulikeyourhouse?-Oh,fearfully.-Wontyoucomeandseeit?用形容词或副词进行夸张容易与用形容词或副词来表达十分重要的事情混淆,这一点我们要特别加以注意。,27,4)利用介词短语进行夸张Here the wealth was beyond computation,beyond imagination.这里的财富数不胜数,超出任何人的想象。Miss Bolo went straight home in a flood of tears.波洛小姐泪如雨下,径直回家去了。,28,5)否定词。这主要是通过对否定词的重迭、倒装句、或对某一概念的绝
15、对否定来实现的,如:Years of hard work,little food,only a cold room to live in and never,never a moment to rest.,29,3、用虚拟语气表示夸张运用虚拟语气表示夸张也是一种很常用的方式,如:Somemoviestarsweartheirsunglasseseveninchurches;theyreafraidGodmightrecognizethemandaskforautograph.,30,4、用词义的褒贬逆用表示夸张负面词正面用能达到十分夸张的效果,如:Itsacrimetostayinsideon
18、表达的思想就不会深刻,意境就不会厚重,文章就不会感人。如果恰当地运用夸张,句子和行文表现就会大不一样。通过夸张可以畅快地抒情自己的主观感受,唤起人们的联想,引起人们的共鸣,取得强烈的艺术表达效果。,35,一般表达法She cried terribly.She felt extremely anxious.His eloquence was excellent.The cheers became louder and louder.He has a great many sorrows.I have many things to do,夸张表达法She cried her eyes out.Sh
19、e had her heart in her mouthHis eloquence would split rocks.The cheers reached the stars.He has an ocean of sorrows.I have a thousand and one things to do.,36,夸张与拟人、比喻的区别,夸张常与明喻、拟人一起使用。这种融合夸张产生了夸张同比喻、拟人的划界问题:在什么情况下,只是比喻或拟人,什么情况下只是夸张?比喻、夸张、移就等修辞格都属于形象修辞法。一般说来,比喻、拟人中含有夸张的意味。但比喻的特点是取另一事物的相似点作比较,其修辞作用是通
20、过相似点的比较,具体形象地说明或描述对象。,37,似人的特点是把乙事物具有的性状、行为、动作加甲于事物,其修辞作用是增添语言的生动性和形象性。夸张的特点是对客观事物故意夸大其辞,其修辞特点是突出形象、创造意境、染感情等。I didnt cry,I could not.My cheek was as hot as fire,and my very eyes burnt in my head.这一句话,从形式来看是明喻和隐喻,但从语义上看是夸张。,38,Euphemism,含蓄蕴藉的委婉语,39,Definition,Euphemism:It is a figure of speech in wh
21、ich less exact but milder or less blunt words or phrases are used in place of disagreeable or unpleasant expressions.It is a substitution of an inoffensive expression for one that may be disagreeable.,40,Definition,Euphemism指的是以文雅的、悦耳的或婉转的说法代替粗野的、刺耳的或直露的说法。借助语音、语法、词汇以及其他手段,得体地表达生活中那些使人尴尬、惹人不快、招人厌恶或令
22、人恐怖的事物。,41,Definition,Euphemism comes from Greek,eu-means“good”,“phemism”means“way of saying things”Some things in life should not be stated bluntly or truthfully-there are times when it is necessary not to call a spade a spade.What are these harsh,blunt,unpleasant,or offensive things?,42,Euphemism,
23、He had been sent to the big house,orsent up the river,or he was now living at the governments expense.,The judge would say:,I hereby sentenced you five years in prison.”,The criminal and his family would not state the fact so harshly:He or they would say:,43,一般认为,凡是表示禁忌或敏感事物的含蓄、迂回或动听的言词,均在委婉语之列。委婉语是
24、人类语言中普遍存在但又十分复杂的一种语言现象,是文明社会的产物。如果说语言是社会生活的一面镜子,那么委婉语就是社会心理的一面镜子,这反射出形形色色的社会价值和社会心理状态,和与之相应的文化传统。,委婉语的分类,44,委婉语的分类,根据表述的事物禁忌与否,英语委婉语可分为两大类:传统委婉语(traditional euphemisms)与文体委婉语stylistic euphemisms,45,委婉语的分类,1.传统委婉语(traditional euphemisms)传统委婉语是与忌讳语联系着的,某些客观上存在的事物或思想,受社会道德标准的制约,不宜直说,而必须用另一些说法来代替,这就是传统的
25、委婉语。,46,traditional euphemisms,Traditional euphemism used in the following areas:A、Birth;Death;illness,old age(生老病死)Birth:Pregnant-be expecting,eat for two,be caught out,wear the apron high,in a particular condition abortion-B.C.(Birth Control),produce a certain result,bring it away,47,traditional e
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