《P550双机 CPU扩容 从2路激活到4路.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《P550双机 CPU扩容 从2路激活到4路.docx(16页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
1、P550双机CPU扩容 从2路激活到4路(整理的实施步骤供参考)一、为了防止数据库数据收到影响,需要停数据库,停HACMP (或两台机器之 间切换实施),做好升级微码和升级补丁的准备二、AIX下用光盘刻录做ROOTVG系统ISO备份在没有磁带机的机器,为以防突发系统崩溃应急回退措施,需要做好系统备 份,参考如下系统ISO系统备份方法AIX操作系统版本6.1用DVD-RAM格式刻录盘直接备份rootvg并制作成可引导光盘,网上很多前辈的文章和经验都是先备份成image镜像再ftp到PC上再刻DVD盘 如下链接文章个人感觉繁琐,当前aix服务器都自带刻录DVD光驱,我这次是直 接备份刻录新P6 5
2、50的AIX服务器每台都配置有可刻录DVD光驱,我使用DVD-RAM格 式的刻录光盘直接备份(推荐使用DVD-RAM格式光盘刻录原因,公司HMC年初升 级的时候HMC上所用IBM刻录DVD光驱只能识别使用DVD-RAM刻录盘备份数据, AIX随机器附送的测试刻录光盘也是一张DVD-RAM光盘)IBM AIX P6 550随机送的测试光盘有一张DVD-RAM TEST DISC刻录盘我在 自己PC电脑上用NERO刻录光盘软件识别确认该光盘是DVD-RAM格式光盘,我测 试写入数据正常(该DVD-RAM光盘应该已经格式化过),再用NERO自带工具抹 掉测试数据,DVD-RAM光盘难买到几大网络电子
3、产品网站只在易迅网上有买 推荐选择高速亥。录盘片评估rootvg大小是否一张DVD刻录光盘足够 运行下面命令df -g -I和 lsvg -l rootvg估算rootvg大小,系统备份大小确认硬盘空间能放下备份时候 临时文件。我系统上rootvg大小没有超过4.7G,IBM 800说法若备份容量超过 4.7G 一张刻录光盘大小,备份的时候系统会自动提示换另外一张光盘,此外我查 看系统备份过程显示提示信息是先备份到硬盘临时文件,在/mkcd/mksys_image 中再写入刻录光盘 确认硬盘空间能放下备份时候临时文件。在HMC上用root账户登录,运行# smit mkdvd命令出现下图提示,
4、是否使 用已经存在的mksysb镜像,系统上之前没有做过mksysb,选择2Use an existing mksysb image?Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.1 yes2 no下面提示选择光盘格式,DVD刻录盘选择2 UDFDVD backup media format?Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.1 ISO9660 (CD format)2 UDF (Universal Disk Format)下面步骤我都是选择默认参数,网上很多朋友先备份到硬盘上image镜像再拖到
5、PC上刻录和我这次直接在AIX上刻录盘有参数差别而已#smitty mkdvdUse an existing mksysb image?xx Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.xlyes -如果首先通过smitty mksysb已经创建了 image,则选它2 no -通过mkdvd来创建image,此次选NODVD由于有两种格式,一种是ISO9660 一种是UDF格式。此次选ISO9660DVD-R or DVD-RAM Device由于不带刻录,所以此处为空,否则会失败,使用命令方式则必须指定,但需要技巧处理mksysb creatio
6、n options:Create map files?YES+Exclude files?no+Disable software packing of backup?no+Backup extended attributes?yes+File system to store mksysb image(If blank, the file system建议指定,否则会自动建立存放目录will be created for you.)File system to store DVD file structure(If blank, the file system建议指定,否则会自动建立存放目录wi
7、ll be created for you.)File system to store final DVD images /sysimag 可以创建此大小为20-30G左右的文件系统/(If blank, the file system 建议指定,否则会自动建立存放目录will be created for you.)If file systems are being created:Volume Group for created file systemsrootvg+Advanced Customization Options:Do you want the DVD tobe bootab
8、le? yes表示可以引导系统,选NO,则需要作系统光碟引导,再进行恢复。Remove final images after creating DVD?yes+Create the DVD now?NO+Install bundle file/File with list of packages to copy to DVD/Location of packages to copy to DVD+/Customization script/User supplied bosinst.data file Debug output?no+User supplied image.data file通
9、过smitty mkcd与上所填一样。2.2创建cd_image成日志mkdvd成功的日志Initializing mkcd log: /var/adm/ras/mkcd.log.Verifying command parameters.Creating image.data file.Creating mksysb image.Creating list of files to back up.Backing up 33761 files33761 of 33761 files (100%)0512-038 mksysb: Backup Completed Successfully.Popu
10、lating the CD or DVD file system.Copying backup to the CD or DVD file system.Building chrp boot image.Creating Rock Ridge format image: /sysimag/cd_image_15698 Running mkisofs .mkrr_fs was successful.Making the CD or DVD image bootable.mkcd成功的日志Initializing mkcd log: /var/adm/ras/mkcd.log.Verifying
11、command parameters.Creating image.data file.Creating mksysb image.Creating list of files to back up.Backing up 33772 files33772 of 33772 files (100%)0512-038 mksysb: Backup Completed Successfully.Populating the CD or DVD file system.Copying backup to the CD or DVD file system.Building chrp boot imag
12、e.Creating Rock Ridge format image: /sysimag/cd_image_11596.vol1Running mkisofs .mkrr_fs was successful.Making the CD or DVD image bootable.Copying the remainder of the backup to the CD or DVD file system.Creating Rock Ridge format image: /sysimag/cd_image_11596.vol2 Running mkisofs . mkrr_fs was su
13、ccessful.按执行开始备份,过程显示提示信息是先备份到硬盘临时文件,在 /mkcd/mksys_image中再写入刻录光盘(硬盘上image建立很快1小时不到完 成),硬盘备份完成写入刻录盘再把硬盘上备份image删除。备份,用的DVD-RAM刻录盘3X速度Log 在/var/adm/vas/mkcd.log 中测试该光盘是否可以引导:在空闲测试AIX上把光盘放入驱动器,shutdown -Fr关机重启服务器,在重启第一个画面(有满屏IBM出现)选择1进入SMS 菜单选择 5 Select Boot Option2 Configure Boot Device Order先选择6 Disp
14、lay current Setting显示当前引导设备顺序,建议记录下 来便于测试完成之后恢复设置。然后按ESC退回到前面菜单,选择Config firest boot,再选择CD/DVD(需要选择CD/DVD驱动器类型(SATA,IDE,SCIS等可以选择 list all显示系统中所有相关设备翻页选择)按X退出系统重启,重启会有BOOT IMAGE建立时间(是我刻盘备份时间),从DVD启动成功,后续提示安装恢复系统 设置,可以用HMC中Server中把该LPAR重启restart(重启选择immediately), 在重启第一个画面(有满屏IBM出现)选择1进入SMS菜单恢复之前BOOT顺
15、序。附录里有前辈推荐另外一种不要机器重启来验证磁带备份系统方法,我想应该也 可以来验证光盘,可以参考。测试验证备份光盘备份内容,IBM 800建议在空闲系统上restore恢复(等 于没有说,每次全系统备份都有新机器从头到尾来restore恢复,大部分公司估 计没有这个条件)附录说明:备份的验证借鉴前辈文章:VerifyingThe ONLY method to verify that a system backup will correctly restore with no problems is to actually restore the mksysb onto another ma
16、chine. This should be done following each individual companys DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN.To minimize problems due to tape media damage, perform the following tests.WARNING:These tests ONLY verify that the tape media can be read and will NOT guarantee that a mksysb will be restored successfully.Data veri
17、ficationUsing SMITExecute the following command: smit lsmksysb A dialog box will appear.DEVICE or FILE /dev/rmt#Number of BLOCKS to read in a single input (Leave blank to use a system default) Type or select values and press enter only AFTER making the desired changes.Execute the following commands:
18、 tctl -f /dev/rmt# rewindrestore -s4 -Tvqf /dev/rmt#.1 /tmp/mksysb.log Boot verificationThe only way to verify that the mksysb tape will successfully boot is to bring the machine down and boot from the tape. No data needs to be restored.NOTE: To boot a keyless system or a system with multiprocessors
19、 in service mode, consult the models documentation or contact your AIX support representative for assistance.WARNING: Having the PROMPT field in the bosint.data file set to no causes the system to begin the mksysb restore automatically using preset values with no user intervention.If the state of PR
20、OMPT is unknown, it can be set during the boot process. After answering the prompt to select a console during the startup process, a rotating character will be seen in the lower left of the screen. As soon as this character appears, type 000 and press Enter. This will set the prompt variable to yes.
21、Check PROMPT.To check a mksysb tape to see how the PROMPT is set, run the following while in normal mode:chdev -l rmt# -a block_size=512 tctl -f /dev/rmt# rewind cd /tmprestore -s2 -xvqf /dev/rmt#.1 ./bosinst.dataCheck the PROMPT field in the control_flow stanza. Boot in SERVICE mode. If the system
22、has a key, turn it to service. If the system is keyless, consult the models documentation or contact your AIX support representative for assistance.Insert the mksysb tape into the tape drive.Execute the following command to reboot the system: shutdown -Fr The system should now boot from the mksysb t
23、ape.NOTE: Multiprocessor systems display a maintenance menu called a BUMP MENU. This is a hardware menu. For more information, consult the models documentation or contact your AIX support representative for assistance.The message press F1 or 1 for Console should appear. Press the F1 ke for a graphic
24、s display or the 1 key for an ASCII display, and press Enter. Press 1 for English, if asked.The Installation and Maintenance menu should display. The system has booted successfully.Turn the key to normal, or follow the non-key instructions for rebooting into normal mode, and REBOOT the system.三、升微码1
25、, download firmware from wed and (notice sum/version/fw file)2, get fw file to p5 machine (fw file format is *.rmp)3, unpack fw file:sum 01EL320_101_045.rpmrpm -ihv -ignoreos 01EL320_101_045.rpmnotes: p5 firmware file is 01EL320_101_045,this step auto mkdir /tmp/fwupdate.4, update firmware use updat
26、e_flash commandcd /tmp/fwupdate/usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/update_flash -f 01EL320_101_045.img升级完微码后系统自动重启5, verify that the server firmware fix installed successfully:lsmcodeThe current temporary system firmware image is EL320_076The current permanent system firmware image is EL320_101.The system is c
27、urrently booted form the temporary image.升级后有问题想回退的方式方法就是将启动由temporary side改到permanent side.操作系统起不来时有两种方式:ASMI或者control panel1) Using the control panel to switch to the other side of the service processorLearn how to use the control panel to switch to the other side of the service processor, if nece
28、ssary.You should usually be running on the Temporary side.Follow these steps to change the boot side and shut down and restart the system using the controlpanel:On the control panel, press the increment button until 02 is shown on the Function/Data display.Press Enter until the arrow () points to T
29、or P.Press the increment button until the T or P is changed.Press Enter to accept the changes.Shut down and restart the server.2) Using the ASMI to switch to the other side of the service processorLearn how to use the ASMI to switch to the other side of the service processor, if necessary.Follow the
30、se steps to change the boot side and shut down and restart the system using the ASMI:Use the normal procedures to shut down the logical partitions.On the ASMI Welcome pane, specify your user ID and password, and click Log In.In the navigation area, expand Power/Restart Control and select Power On/Of
31、f System.In the Firmware boot side for the next boot field, indicate to boot to the other boot side ofthe service processor. Select Permanent or Temporary based on the information you recorded earlier.If you recorded temp or #T, select Permanent, if you recorded perm or #P, select Temporary.Choose o
32、ne of the following to shut down and restart the managed system based on the state of the server:Click Save settings to save the selected options. The power state does not change.Click Save settings and power on/off. All selected options are saved and the system turns on or off. The power-on option
33、is available only if the system is powered off. The power-off option is only available if the system is powered on.Click Save settings and continue server firmware boot to save the selected options, and turn the server firmware on or off. The option is available only if the server firmware is in sta
34、ndby mode.然后diag.四、扩容CPU1、主机插上电源,自检完成后,电源绿灯闪烁,通过HMC1 口 (进入ASM (user/password admin/admin):1 首先要得到机器序列号,根据现场“实际”设备的序列号到 号的最新许 可。或者,检查所发CPU货物内的文件上的机器序列号是否与现场设备一 致,文件上的许可是否与网上一致,若不一致,则应用网上查找到的许可。 如图所示:在type中填写,例如8204,而不是填写550,55A等,否则是无 法查到对应的许可。在SN处填写机器的SN,它是以两部分填写,第一部分 填写两位,其余部分填写在后面即可。例
35、如,06 - 1E11C。2.如上图可以看到最新的激活码是2007年9月29日的,把最新的激活码复制保存到本地文本文件内。3-用直连网线将电脑和要激活的机器的HMC网口连接,或者通过HUB连接。HMC网口有两个为 HMC1和 HMC2两个网口,HMC1的IP为 HMC2 口的IP为192.168.3.147.打开IE浏览器在地址栏输 入 https:/ 登入 ASM 管理界面。USERID 为 admin, password 为 admin(如何获得HMC端口的IP地址?解答:进入控制面板上的功能30,就能读出HMC端口的IP地址。 具体步
36、骤如下:a. 为服务器接通电源,直到控制面板上的显示不再变化,且电源指示灯缓慢闪烁。b. 使用控制面板的上或下按钮选择功能2 .按确定按钮进入功能2,按确定,选 中 N(Normal),将 N 改成 M(Manual)按 2 次退出功能2.b.使用上下按钮选择功能30,按 确定按钮进入。控制面板显示30*C.使用上下按钮,使面板显示3000或3001,然后按,就能控制面板上读出所对 应HMC端口的IP地址了。如: SP_A:_ETH0:T59.5.105.243HMC0 端口的 IP 地址是 检查完成后,使用控制面板的 或按钮选择功能2 .按按钮进入功能2,按,选
37、中N,使用或按钮将M改成N然后按2次退出功能2e. 选择功能1,进入正常的操作模式。)4. 确定机器系统的微码版本,如上图是SF240_202,为了避免因微码版本低导致 无法扩容激活cpu的问题发生,在网上下载较新的系统微码版本,如有问题注意 回退。5. 登入 ASM 后选择 Power/restart control6.选择 Power On/Off System7.确定右面的 Boot to system server firmware项为 Runing,此时不需要改为 Standby,若改为STANDBY变后保存,则在COD内不允许激活操作,会提示机器在STANDBY模式下无法进行激活模
38、式操作。8.选择 System Configuration 菜单下面的 Hardware Deconfiguration 菜单下 的 Processor Deconfiguration项可以看到下图注:Total system processors: 2系统当前支持的CPU数目Total system configured processors: 2 现在可以使用的 CPU 数目Total system deconfigured processors: 0 需要激活的 CPU 数目以上信息是未进行激活时,系统所识别到的CPU数量。8.选择On Demand Utilities菜单下的CoD A
39、ctivation项会出现如图所示,此时 将网上获得的32位激活码输入右边的空白框内。.虹 L)|企首-Opfirarjj :jnilstsd eubh福辿?OTTodp* 已卬 J JI 3 Lt-iJ.、=hn rrogrr Li迫Ted甘 DoLei ShJtyii lEdid日y 油】Erccsjjrei jdSeiv th l idicelcrsR 7州冰对Mg -=Hlcrnanc.e Selu 3n Denand成而言CD 0 ;ci l iku ri u i 匚LS心明 C?2i Recc xerr CCi CrniindP :are irrr M;i rrrnnmO _cin
40、 Prof e按确定后如果成功将出现下图的内容, MMu ,冠更跄J-F irih-rt: Upd.s fi? pc ENu此rhon Fmey Irterp35erCoLrt IfD Aplr Ei lasd Cac |-nrrt-ASh? M Ar.gr-riont CokIci Farttaie Dioiguticn CecTfrigtraJor FcliciesKoo带加aiiui klFiiDy I JminnhpJWlkFZl:rogwrr -I-s Prodjct Data SkLhii Eh miU Sy-ihT-i K/wlf 列湖1 Erccsuresl3eiv e l i
41、dicefcr:R 倾*浏: S对ESEl卸蜂 EgHj。B 3n Denand Utilili 壬CD 0 .) Ad MetfiflCdD R&ccrCWi CrrrididP l:ic irrr H 部 rMiwim尊4以5.-、=口打.*息毓磷 _icin Pref-自9.显示成功后再次进入Power On/Off System内,点击保存并关机然后断电进行硬件扩容操作(注:新加的P6 CPU扩容模板无内存条,如原CPU模板上有多组内存可迁移 到此CPU模板中,或新购内存条加入其中,内存条插的顺序为插一对:对照最上面的图:C2 C7插两对:C2 C7+C4 C9插 4 对:C2 C7 + C4 C9 + C1 C6 + C3 C8)完成后CPU扩容操作后,设备连接电源线,设备自检通过完成后,此时不用手 工启动机器。10.进入ASM,此时观察到的CPU数目仍然是2颗,因此时设备未启动未开 始识别新增硬件。但激活码已经激活。进入Power On/Off System,点击保存并启动,利用ASM启动机器。启动后,重新进入ASM,查看如下界面,可以查看到系统已识别到4颗CPU。此时整个扩容CPU操作完成。退出ASM,进入操作系统进行检查。