1、第一章汉英词语对比与翻译,一、汉英词义差异对比二、汉英词语的语义关系三、译词的参照规范1、理解词义1)灵活性 2)辨析词义 3)选择词语四、文化参照五、词语翻译方法 1.省略法(减词法)2.增词法 3.转换法 4.变序法,试译下列网络热词(buzzwords),零帕族,考碗族,代排族,抢抢族,恐归族,蚁族一名之立,旬月踯躅dictionStress/pressure-free/-proof/Zero-Pascal ClanGold-rice-bowl seeker;stable job seekerHired queuer抢抢族:抢着参加有奖(freebie)促销活动的人Freebie/fre
2、ebee mongers/cravers/grabbersFestival-reunion phobe-phobe:person who dislikes sth.Antizen,city ants,由“族”的翻译说开去,Clan,tribe,-er,monger,freak why?,一、对应关系,1.对应式,契合式(equivalence)可译性基础translatability不可译论公积金,剪刀差,牛市Public accumulation fund,reserve fundscissors differences/gap;bull market2.交叉式(intersection)翻
3、译的魅力3无对应 humor 阴阳虚假对应。Guangxi(关系),力戒虚假对应,1 外延意义不对应 红茶;白酒;红眼 2 内涵意义不对应只要我们坚持改革开放政策,就一定能把我国建设成为强大的社会主义国家。译文 So long as we stick to the reform and opening-up policy,we will surely be able to build China into a powerful Socialist country,3 搭配意义不对应当前最重要的任务是发展国民经济,提高人民生活水平。译文Our primary task at present is
4、 to develop national economy and improve the standards of living.分析“提高人民生活水平”译为“to improve(better)the lives of the peopleto improve(uplift)the quality of the lives of the peopleto improve the texture of the lives of the peopleto improve(raise)standards of living都是符合英语惯用法的。如译成“to raise the level of t
5、he lives of the people”则成了中国式英语。,4 联想意义不对应同时,市场自身的弱点和消极方面也会反映到人们的精神生活中来。译文Meanwhile,the weak points and negative factors involved in market operation will find expression in peoples cultural life.5 情感意义不对应,中式英语chinglish-translationese,有的译文,从语法角度看是没有什么错误的,但外国人看不懂,毛病就出在不符合英语的习惯表达。例1:我的心和你在一起My heart i
6、s together with youI shall be with you in spirit例2:她是一个大龄青年She is a big-age youthShe is a single youth well above her matrimonial age,例3:“互相借鉴对方的经验”to learn from each others experienceto profitably share experience例4:这种论点目前还有一定的市场。This argument has some appeal at present例5:“发挥余热”“to use ones remaini
7、ng availability.,二、汉英词义差异对比1)汉语 vs 英语严谨,独立性强vs灵活,依赖性强(语境制约大)Each word,when used in a new context,is a new word.,He nosed the car into the flow of traffic.There will be no ifs,ands,or buts in this matter.The soldier wormed his way toward the enemys lines.On the whole,the students seemed serious and h
8、ard-working,but they confined themselves to parroting textbooks.他将车徐徐驶进车流。“驾车动作及方向”这件事不允许有假设、拖延或反对。士兵慢慢向敌人的防线爬去。总的来说,学生们看来是认真而又用功的,但是他们只是死背教科书(死啃书本)。,2)汉语 vs 英语 形式单一稳定 vs 形态变化多端 His post-watergate petty statesmanship.(风度-风范-胸襟-手腕-伎俩)水门事件之后他那种政客伎俩!翻译中注意词语形态的变化,三、词语的翻译之道,公积金、白酒,3.1.词语翻译思路,1)查词典,问行家,解意
9、义 2)阅经典,找名译,思对策3)搜网络,究来源,求妙译4)读好书,攻实践,凌绝顶,1)查词典,问行家,解意义,公积金公积金,一般指公司公积金,是公司在资本之外所保留的资金金额。根据公积金提留是否为法律上的强制规定,可以将公积金分为法定公积金和任意公积金。此外住房公积金是指国家机关、国有企业、城镇集体企业、外商投资企业、城镇私营企业及其他城镇企业、事业单位及其在职职工缴存的长期住房储金。(网络D)returned income,common reserve fund,accumulated fund,accumulation fund,earned surplus,(看语境,是何种类),2)阅
10、经典,找名译,思对策,关于酒的翻译1 引经典:鲁镇的酒店的格局,是和别处不同的:都是当街一个曲尺形的大柜台,柜里面预备着热水,可以随时温酒。(孔乙己)The layout of Luzhens taverns is unique.In each,facing you as you enter,is a bar in the shape of a carpenters square where hot water is kept ready for warming rice wine.(杨宪益、戴乃迭)The taverns in Luzhen were rather particular in
11、 their layout.facing out to the street was a substantial bar,squared off at the corners,behind which hot water was always at the ready for warming up wine.*(Julia Lovell),wine:,1.a:the alcoholic fermented juice of fresh grapes used as a beverage(新鲜葡萄的含酒精的发酵汁,可作为饮料饮用)b:wine or a substitute used in Ch
12、ristian communion services(基督教徒的圣餐礼上使用的葡萄酒或代用品)2:the alcoholic usually fermented juice of a plant product(as a fruit)used as a beverage(植物产品(果实)的含酒精的发酵汁,可作为饮料饮用。例:黑莓酒)3:something that invigorates or intoxicates(使人兴奋或陶醉的东西)4:a dark red(一种深红色)(来源:),2 看高论:白酒应翻译成“baijiu”,黄酒应是huangjiu黄?的博客总结:1.白酒翻译尚无定论(白
13、酒之译尚不定,几种译法全记清,具体翻译看语境)。2.对策:具体翻译看语境:不同文体慎选词,现代交际可音译,正式文章且存疑,尚须阅读再累积。见多识广,眼高手高,政府工作报告 语境是什么?,3)搜网络,究来源,求妙译,-公务员考试?考碗族:people dream of becoming a civil servant or working in a state-owned company because these jobs mean“less pressure and stable earnings.”周日将近100万人参加了2010年国家公务员录取考试。该考试在全国44个城市同时进行,包括职
14、业能力和语言技能两部分测试。有关部门严打考试作弊行为,比如利用无线设备或网络作弊。Almost 1 million people(stable job seekers)Sunday sat Chinas national examination for 2010 admissions to the civil service.The exam,comprising tests of professional ability and language,was held in 44 cities throughout the country.The authorities adopted stri
15、ct measures to prevent irregularities,such as the use of wireless equipment or the Internet to cheat.Sit(for)sth:be a candidate for an exam参加考试irregularity:behavior that breaches the rule or etiquette or custom or morality,Admissions,HARVARD COLLEGEOffice of AdmissionsTodays Harvard About Harvard Ap
16、plying Application Forms Freshman Application Process International Applicant Information Transfer Program Visiting Undergraduate Student Program Admission Statistics Harvard Recruitment Program Preparing for College Taking Time Off Frequently Asked Questionshttp:/,AdmissionsUndergraduate Programmes
17、 Local Applicants Joint University Programmes Admissions System(JUPAS)Direct Admission(Non-JUPAS)Non-Local Applicants Overseas,Taiwan&Macau Students Chinese Mainland Students Postgraduate Programmes Research Postgraduate Programmes Taught Postgraduate Programmes Affiliated Institutions Programmes As
18、sociate Degree Programmes(CCLU)Continuing Education(LIFE)Student Exchange Programmes Office of Mainland and International Programmes(OMIP)http:/admissions/,Chinas civil service exam cheaters go high-tech,BEIJING|Sun Jan 18,2009 7:34pm EST(Reuters)-Cheaters in Chinas famous civil service exams have g
19、one so far as to put micro-receivers in their ears,in order to get answers from audio broadcasts as they sit in the testing room,the Xinhua news agency said on Monday.Civil service examination are examinations implemented in various countries for admission to the civil service.They are intended as a
20、 method to achieve an effective,rational public administration on a merit system.The most ancient example of such exams were the imperial examinations of ancient China.Russia implemented such procedures in the turn of the 19th century.,Chinese civil service,the administrative system of the tradition
21、al Chinese government,the members of which were selected by a competitive examination.The Chinese civil-service system gave the Chinese empire stability for more than 2,000 years and provided one of the major outlets for social mobility in Chinese society.It later served as a model for the civil-ser
22、vice systems that developed in other Asian and Western countries.The Qin dynasty(221207 bc)established the first centralized Chinese bureaucratic empire and thus created the need for an administrative system to staff it.Recruitment into the Qin bureaucracy was based on recommendations by local.(100
23、of 685 words)科举制度,Chinas civil service exam cheaters go high-techBEIJING|Sun Jan 18,2009 7:34pm EST(Reuters)-Cheaters in Chinas famous civil service exams have gone so far as to put micro-receivers in their ears,in order to get answers from audio broadcasts as they sit in the testing room,the Xinhua
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- 教学课件 教学 课件 第一章 汉英 词语 对比 翻译