1、翻译理论与实践,英译汉,狮头vs.孔雀尾,汉语句子的语序一般以思维程序展开,中国人的思维方式多是先考虑事物的环境和外围因素,再考虑具体事物和中心事件。反映到句式上就是状语总是放在谓语或句子主体前边,定语无论长短置于中心词前。结果是单句的状语部分长,主谓部分短;主语部分长,谓语部分短;修饰成分长,中心词短。形成头大尾小的狮子。英语句式则相反,状语多置于主谓之后,定语除单词外,多置于中心词后,重视尾重,凡是较长的词语均需移至句尾,使用形式主语或形式宾语,力避“头重脚轻”。犹如开屏的孔雀。,英语是典型的形合结构语言,It is a curious fact,of which I can think
2、of no satisfactory explanation,that enthusiasm for country life and love of natural scenery are strongest and most widely diffused precisely in those European countries which have the worst climate and where the search for the picturesque involves the greatest discomfort.,汉语译文转为意合结构,这些欧洲国家,天气最为恶劣,那里
3、的人们要费上一番辛苦才能寻到优美的景致。奇怪,他们恰好最热衷于乡村生活,也最喜爱天然风景,这种情形极为普遍。这是实情,可我怎么也提不出教人满意的解释来。,直译与意译,直译和意译是翻译中最常见的问题。也是最主要的两个翻译方法。所谓直译,就是既保持原文内容、又保持原文形式的翻译方法或翻译文字。译文的语言(或目的语)与原文的语言(或原语)常常拥有相同的表达形式来体现同样的内容,并能产生同样的效果。在这样的情况下,我们采用直译。所谓意译,就是只 保持原文内容、不保持原文形式的翻译方法或翻译文字。译文的语言(或目的语)与原文的语言(或原语)在许多情况下并不拥有同样的表达形式来体现同样的内容,更谈不上产生
4、同样的效果。在这种情况下,一般采用意译为好。例句:I talked to him with brutal frankness.(1)我同他谈话用粗暴的坦率。(逐词翻译)(2)我同他谈话时,使用了令人不快的真诚的语言。(直译)(3)我对他讲的话,虽然逆耳,却是忠言。(意译)2.His irritation could not withstand the silent beauty of the night.(1)他的烦恼不能承受夜晚宁静的美丽。(逐词翻译)(2)他的烦恼经不起这宁静的良宵美景的感染。(直译)(3)面对这宁静的良宵美景,他的烦恼不禁涣然冰释了。(意译),Literal Transl
5、ation and Free Translation,短文翻译As we topped the hill,the clouds lifted and the harbor looked most beautiful in its semicircle of hills and half-lights.The color of a pale pearl grey and of a fairy texture.Quite indescribable and unprintable,the air crisp and fresh.This Arctic scenery has a beauty wh
6、ich is the exact anti-thesis of the Christmas card of tradition.Soft,melting half-tones.Nothing brittle or garish.当我们上到山顶时,云升上去了,海港在半圆形的小山中和半明半暗中,看起来最美。苍白珍珠灰的颜色和仙境般的特征,是非常难以形容和描绘的。空气是清新和爽快的。北极地区的风景有一种美丽,那与传统圣诞节卡片适成对照。它们柔和而动人得象照相铜版,没有什么易碎的或太花哨的东西。第一种译法不拘泥于原文形式,处理得比较灵活。它根据上下文的意思加了一些字,把句子联结得十分自然,如在翻译时加
7、了“雾散”,成为“云消雾散”。在第二句话的前面加了“这一带充满着”。这些意思符合原文精神实质,这种加法是容许的。第二种译法太机械了,一字对一字,不敢越出原文一步。根本原因在于对原文食而不化,没有完全吃透。,参考译文我们到了山顶,云消雾散,只见海港在围成半圆形的小山丛中,朦朦胧胧,煞是好看。这一带充满着珍珠似的银灰色,宛如仙境,无法形容,也无法描绘。空气清新宜人。这北极地区景色之美,同传统的圣诞节卡片适成对照,它浓淡交融,光影柔和,清雅绝俗。,Literal Translation or Free Translation?,When I had satisfied the first sharp
8、ness of hunger,I could eat no more.意译在最初的强烈饥饿感满足以后,我就再也吃不下去了。Thus,I imagine,must the pious feel cleansed on leaving the confessional after the solemnity of absolution.意译我想,虔诚的信徒在参加庄严的忏悔仪式之后离开忏悔室时,一定也是这样感到自己圣洁了。,Free Translation,The great scientists are often men of supernormal vitality which enables
9、 them to retain a freshness of outlook and enterprise even into their old age.意译伟大的科学家往往具有超人的活力,因此,即令到了晚年,他们还保有新颖的观点和朝气蓬勃的事业心。Watch out for Harlow,hes full of Mickey mouse ideas.字面意义要小心哈洛,他满脑子都是米老鼠的想法。意译要提防着点哈洛,他满脑子歪门邪道。,Literal Translation or Free Translation?,Her father was very fond of Hughie,but
10、 would not hear of any engagement.直译她的父亲很喜欢休希,但不愿意听到任何订婚的事。意译她的父亲很喜欢休希,但一提到订婚的事他就不干。A good teacher should have his head in the clouds sometimes,but his feet always on the ground.字面意义一个好老师的头有时要放在云层中,但他的脚应该永远站在地上。意译好老师有时应该富于幻想,但时时刻刻必须从实际出发。,直译vs意译,Dont take the low-fat label as a license to eat.不能因为食品
11、标明低脂肪,而敞开食用。别把标有“低脂肪”的标签看成是可“敞开食用”的许可证。,直译,意译,Foreignization and Domestication,异化:指在翻译方法上迁就外来文化的特点,吸纳外语表达方式.归化:指恪守本族文化的语言传统,回归地道的本族语表达方式。,评述:归化vs.异化?,Spring,the sweet spring is the years pleasant king.T.Nash春,甘美之春,一年之中的尧舜。郭沫若原诗中的king是一般性说法,没有任何特殊的文化色彩,可是一旦变成了中国古代和平盛世代名词“尧舜”,就染上了强烈的汉民族色彩。,评述:归化vs.异化?
12、,Curiosity enough,he prophesied with oracular accuracy to the amazement of all.说也奇怪,他像诸葛亮一样,料事如神,大家都惊讶不止。“oracular”的名词形式是“oracle”,在希腊神话中指“神示、神启”。这个译文中使用“诸葛亮”的人物典故太随意。说也奇怪,他料事真准,像神启一样应验,让所有的人都惊讶不止。,在翻译中正确的做法,坚持“和而不同”(孔子语)的原则。“和”是为了不造成译语读者误解和费解;“不同”就是要尽量保持原文有代表性差异特征;为了保留原文代表性差异,采用“直译夹注”、“直译加注”的方法。如果“异
13、化”的译法可能造成译语读者的误解,为了在深层语义或语用意义对等,不妨采用“归化”的处理。,异化、归化举例,Youve got to have faith up your sleeve,otherwise you wont succeed.你必须袖里藏有自信,否则你不会成功.你必须有锦囊妙计,否则你不会成功你必须心中充满自信,否则你不会成功的,异化,归化,“和而不同”,Some Examples of Domestication,as timid as a hareat a stones throw wet like a drown rat as stupid as a goose as stu
14、bborn as a mule(骡,马骡)seek a hare in a hens nest as dumb as an oyster,胆小如鼠,湿如落汤鸡,一箭之遥,蠢得像猪,守口如瓶,缘木求鱼,犟得像牛,Examples of Domestication,lead a dogs life cry up wine and sell vinegar put back the clock talk horse kill the goose that lays the golden eggsdrink like a fish Once the wife of a parson,always th
15、e wife of a parson(教士;牧师).,杀鸡取卵,牛饮,过着牛马一样的生活,开倒车,挂羊头,卖狗肉,吹牛,嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗。,第一节 词类转换法,The abuse of basic human rights in their own country in violation of the agreement reached at Helsinki earned them the condemnation.他们违反在赫尔辛基达成的协议,在国内侵犯基本人权,因此受到了各地热爱自由的人们的谴责。(Cf.Freedom-loving people everywhere condemn
16、ed them because they violated the agreement reached at Helsinki and abused basic human rights in their own country.),词类转换法补充练习及参考译文,There are stories too of early African voyages to America.另外,还有一些传说,谈到非洲人最初航海到美洲来的情形。His drawing of children is exceptionally good.他画小孩尤其擅长。他的小孩画特别好。(有歧义:一是他很善于画小孩,二是收藏
17、了一些很好的小孩画。)O.Henry is the creator of a new short story genre in literature.欧亨利在文学上创造了短篇小说的一种新体裁。欧亨利是文学上短篇小说的一种新体裁的创造者。,词类转换补充练习,They were the prime movers in all the exploration of the period.这个时期所有的大探险事业主要是由他们推动的。The international food shortage had a direct impact on Kuwait and other barren desert
18、countries.由于世界普遍缺乏粮食,这就直接影响到科威特和其他不毛的沙漠国家。The presence of the Indians here at the time of Columbus arrival being sufficient proof of it.在哥伦布来到美洲的时候,此地已经有了印地安人,仅凭这个事实,就足以证明这一点。We were all concerned with serious contemporary problems,especially the Middle East question and the continuation of the crue
19、l war in Viet-Nam.我们都十分关切当前的重大问题,特别是中东问题和仍在进行的残酷的越南战争。,词类转换法补充练习及参考译文,Public opinion was against the proposal.舆论都反对这个提议。All the suggestions Ive made are for your reference only.所提意见,仅供参考。South Africa has refused to heed the legitimate appeal of the United Nations for co-operation.南非无视联合国要求合作的正当呼吁。th
20、at we here highly resolve,that this nation under God,shall have a new birth of freedom,and that government of the people,by the people,for the people,shall not perish from the earth.所以我们应在这里表示最大的决心;这个国家在上帝保佑下,一定要获得自由的新生;而这个政府也一定要民有、民治、民享,才不会从地球上消失。Wisely,you made no attempt to have this problems dis
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