T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(.3.14).doc
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1、the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, increase the intensity of combat of illegal practice. IX
2、 carrying patriotic public health campaign. Further develop urban and rural sanitation and clean, and promoting health education and health promotion work, create smoke-free health units carry out activities, full implementation of the rural drinking water and latrines project. X efforts to raise th
3、e level of medical services. Active implementation of XX County Hospital construction projects, strengthen the county peoples hospital medical building, upgrading of township hospital medicine services, and constantly improve the level of service, and better meet the needs of the people. Integrated
4、and other health programs. Continued solid job maintaining stability, carry out the Hui ju work to promote clean government and anti-corruption work JIU feng, and do a new round of health Xinjiang work, increased health letters, comprehensive management, safety, environmental protection, fire protec
5、tion, legal work, and efforts to promote the healthy and harmonious development of health service. District Judicial Council 2015 summary material 2015, XX District Judicial Council in district, and District Government of right led Xia, in superior business sector of carefully guide Xia, in here mem
6、bers line wind supervisor of care guide Xia, to party of 18 big and 18 session three in the, and four in the plenary spirit for guidelines, in-depth implement implementation science development views, according to province, and city, and district University workers workshop and early full District j
7、udicial administrative workshop of deployment, to service full district economic social development for Center, to created People are satisfied with a service-oriented administration of justice bodies to lead to further improve work style, improve administrative efficiency, and for the whole area of
8、 the rule of law area, accelerate the construction of rule XX provide a powerful legal guarantee and realize the new leap of XX the judicial administrative work. Our main approach is: first, innovation, and comprehensively promote the rule of law publicity and education work. Around the main line of
9、 spirit of carrying forward the Socialist concept of the rule of law, fully six . Dynamic, extensive Franco-Prussian district activities. Out of 45 per cent this year, sending pictures, literature, more than 40,000 copies. Young Franco-Prussian, set off a climax. Through the learning child star and
10、VCD youth double hundred selection, method in the heart, on the line essay, lucky star of English law and other activities, set off a new round of young people across the district law, usage, abide by the climax. Second, strengthen management and strive to build a new pattern of mediation. Full medi
11、ation video command system, the role of mediation Network Academy, promoting mediation network entities and the achievement of practical results. Enhanced grid troubleshooting warning mechanism, continue to promote medical, public, and prosecutors, against regulation, consumer culture, such as docki
12、ng, professional mediation organizations of normalized and standardized construction, urban management, logistics, land, and more new professional in the field of mediation and docking mechanism. Establishment of NPC deputies and CPPCC members,目录一、编制依据和原则- 3 -二、工程概况- 4 -2.1挖孔桩工程概述- 5 -2.2 水文地质情况- 6
13、-2.3、施工平面布置- 7 -2.4、施工要求- 7 -2.5、技术保证条件- 8 -2.6、挖孔桩施工现场内外危险源和不利环境因素识别- 8 -三、施工计划- 8 -3.1、施工进度计划- 8 -3.2、材料与设备计划- 8 -3.3、劳动力计划- 10 -四、施工安全组织保障措施- 11 -4.1、建立安全领导小组和安全生产管理体系- 11 -4.2、安全生产组织机构(附后)- 12 -五、建立安全生产制度- 12 -六、施工部署- 14 -6.1 施工准备- 14 -6.2 进度指标- 15 -七、挖孔桩施工工艺技术- 15 -7.1 技术参数- 15 -7.2施工工艺流程- 15 -
14、7.2主要施工方法和检查验收- 16 -八、施工安全保证措施- 27 -8.1 一般要求- 27 -8.2 钢筋施工- 27 -8.3 挖孔施工- 28 -8.4用电安全措施- 30 -8.5消防措施- 32 -8.6 其他安全要求- 32 -8.7 应急预防措施- 33 -九、质量保证措施- 34 -十、雨季施工措施- 35 -十一、挖孔桩施工安全生产事故应急救援预案- 36 -11.1.应急救援组织结构- 36 -11.2.现场应急救援组织架构图- 36 -11.3.应急准备与响应流程图- 38 -11.4.工程项目部应急救援小组职责- 38 -11.5.项目部现场应急救援小组职责- 39
15、 -11.6.重大事故类别- 39 -11.7.应急准备中应遵循的原则- 40 -11.8.应急响应中必须遵循的原则- 40 -11.9.重大事故报告及报警原则- 41 -11.10.救援器材及设备- 41 -11.11.应急救援演练- 41 -11.12.高处坠落事故应急措施- 42 -11.13.物体打击事故应急措施- 43 -11.14.触电事故应急措施- 44 -11.15.坍塌事故应急措施- 46 -11.16.中毒事故应急措施- 47 -十二、文明施工及环保措施- 49 -融汇国际温泉城.酒店及别院(别院部分)工程挖孔桩安全专项一、编制依据和原则(1)中煤国际工程集团重庆设计研究院
16、编制的融汇温泉城别院工程地质勘察报告。(2)融汇国际温泉城.酒店及别院(别院部分)工程基础施工图,结构总说明和合同文件。(3)国家行业及地方有关政策、法律、法令、法规。(4)国家及地方现行有关的建设法律、法规、工程建设强制性标准和行业管理的各项规定以及建设工程标准、施工规范、规程、检验标准。(5)实地考察施工现场及周边环境情况。(6)我司已建同类工程的施工管理、施工组织、施工技术经验、施工工艺方法,工艺标准及操作规程。(7)本工程施工组织设计及专项施工方案。(8)本工程施工执行的国家标准、图集和文件。本工程施工执行的国家规范、规程、标准、图集和文件一览表(包括但不限于以下): 标 准 编 号标
17、 准 名 称GB50300-2001建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准GB50202-2002地基与基础工程施工质量验收规范JGJ94-2008建筑桩基技术规范JGJ79-2002 J220-2002建筑地基处理技术规范GB50330-2002建筑边坡工程技术规范GB50204-2002砼结构工程施工质量验收规范GB50208-2002地下防水工程施工质量验收规范GB50026-2007工程测量规范GB1750326-2001建筑工程项目管理规范03G101(修订版)砼结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图JGJ107-2003 J257-2003钢筋机械连接通用技术规程GBJ107-87混凝
20、层,建筑总高度7.8m;四#楼地上一层,建筑总高度8.4m。本工程基础:采用人工挖孔灌注桩基础。基础持力层均为中风化泥岩及砂岩,天然单轴抗压强度标准值fr11.53MPa, 饱和单轴抗压强度标准值15.83MPa。砼强度等级分别为:桩身、独立基础、基础梁、桩护壁、封底垫层采用C30、C25,地梁垫层采用C15;设计明确护壁钢筋和具体做法,详下图:2.1挖孔桩工程概述本工程采用人工挖孔灌注桩,灌注桩设计参数:直径0.8m-1.0m,灌注桩深度挖至持力层。根据地勘资料得知本工程1#、2#楼建筑范围内最近5年间回填了大量的渣土,地基情况较为复杂。根据地勘资料显示,有杂填土、粉质粘土、淤泥、泥岩、砂岩
22、以上原因,特编制本安全专项施工方案。2.2 水文地质情况(1)拟建建筑物场地地质概况素填土(Q4ml):杂色,由砂泥岩碎块石、少量卵石及粘性土组成,硬杂物一般粒径242mm,含量1025%,分布不均,结构松散,呈稍湿状。该层分布于1#、2#场地,属机械抛填形成,填龄新近回填2年。基岩(J2s):下伏侏罗系中统沙溪庙组泥岩和砂岩。 泥岩:紫红色,由粘土矿物组成,局部砂质含量高,呈青灰色砂质条带或砂质团斑。泥质结构,中厚层状构造。强风化带岩芯破碎,呈碎块状或土状,质软;中等风化带岩体较完整,裂隙不发育,岩芯呈柱状,岩质较硬。该层分布于整个场地。砂岩:灰白色,局部呈褐灰色。主要由石英、长石及云母等矿
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- T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案.3.14 T13 深挖 安全 专项 施工 方案 3.14
