p中国建筑标准设计研究所关键岗位考核指标(DOC 81页)(免财富值).doc
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1、of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Implement the scientific concept of development and first
2、 implementation of people-oriented requirements. Office of the Party Committee of this years work, we have to firmly establish the idea of people-oriented philosophy, richness of understanding the people-oriented, seriously implement people-oriented requirements correctly grasping the practice of pe
3、ople-oriented, through people-oriented three services working process, pushing the city Party Committee Office work to a new level. Investee (b) investee by people-oriented, in the final analysis is centred, human premise, a human-powered, human purpose. People-oriented thinking long. As early as th
4、e spring and Autumn period of more than 2000 years ago, Qi Guan Zhong: overlord of the beginning, and people-oriented. Principle of the solid. For thousands of years, traditional Chinese political culture there is a wide variety of people-oriented thought. Pan Gengs people to the Duke of Zhous prote
5、ct and then to Confucius man, from his your KingLight to the idea of Grand boat water and then to advocate since the Han and Tang dynasties nation , these useful idea is, is the country of the people, political sources. The rulers of people, the San Zhi bei yan; the rulers of thin people, then died
6、suddenly. The West ever since the Renaissance, it is because of the rise of humanism, really started to self awareness, self discovery and self-reflection. Predecessors in criticism of Marx and Engels thought on the basis of the outcome of, according to the great discovery of historical materialism,
7、 reveals the true nature of human existence, the ideology was essential and strongly suggests, as provided. In 1894, the Engels from Marxs writings, singled out his favorite passage for the new century weekly solemn inscriptions: there, the free development of each is the free development of all peo
8、ple. In modern society, people-oriented thinking more and more attention. People generally regard it as a kind of economic and social development, a principle, a requirement, as a need to maintain the interest of the people of, a pursuit, a purpose. This idea was praised, with the profound connotati
9、on and practical significance. Investee 1. people answering epistemological questions and answered the questions of methodology. People contains a profound philosophical, epistemological and methodological significance of science. Known as epistemology, refers to the theories on the relationship bet
10、ween knowledge and practice. In the view of Marx and Engels, man is mans world, is the State, society, and history writers and characters. In other words, the world is one world, society is human society. We know the society, starting from the people to observe; we know the practice, from the people
11、 to study; we knew Office work, from the people who set out to explore. Ignoring this, will she seek中国建筑标准设计研究所关键岗位考核指标北大纵横管理咨询标准所目 录高层管理人员6标准所所长任务绩效考核指标6标准管理副所长任务绩效考核指标8工程设计副所长任务绩效考核指标9发行副所长任务绩效考核指标10总工(副总工)任务绩效考核指标11一、建筑工程设计室12建筑工程设计室主任任务绩效考核指标12建筑工程设计室经营分管副主任任务绩效考核指标13建筑工程设计室技术分管副主任任务绩效考核指标15专业组组
15、效考核指标72出纳任务绩效考核指标73十二、行政后勤部74行政后勤部主任任务绩效考核指标74后勤任务绩效考核指标76司机任务绩效考核指标77行政管理任务绩效考核指标78十三、计划经营部79计划经营部主任任务绩效考核指标79计划经营部计划经营任务绩效考核指标80计划经营部市场管理任务绩效考核指标81十四、技术质量部82技术质量部主任任务绩效考核指标82技术质量部标准设计综合管理任务绩效考核指标83技术质量部工程设计综合管理任务绩效考核指标84技术质量部科技管理任务绩效考核指标85七、 高层管理人员标准所所长任务绩效考核指标序号指标权重采用原因指标解释说明数据来源1年度经营计划完成情况保证全所完成
16、年初制定的各项经营指标全所年度完成产值、利润总额,增长率,与计划指标的差异 财务部2财务预算完成率考核标准所年度财务预算执行情况预算实际完成额/预算计划完成额财务部3管理制度建设情况完善内部管理有效变革方案所长4标准所发展战略的合理性确保全所持续、健康发展全所发展战略是否与企业内部资源相匹配,是否适应外部环境的发展和变化建筑设计院5重大决策成功率考核重大决策合理性经营、开发、投资决策成功项目数/决策总项目数所长6重要任务完成情况保证设计院下达任务的完成完成情况与任务对比设计院7骨干员工流失率考察因管理不当造成骨干员工流失的情况流失骨干员工数量/员工总数量人力资源部8所辖处室的内部管理保证所辖处
18、收入财务部发行室5年度内项目立项情况反映标准设计市场开拓和业务延续情况年内提出立项次数,完成立项总和计划经营部6项目立项采纳情况反映项目立项质量及技术水平 立项采纳数/提出立项数计划经营部7图集编制评价保证标准设计图集编制的合理性、可行性。专家审查后的打分值技术质量部8标准设计预算执行情况保证成本节约标准设计预算节约或超支金额/预算总额财务部9骨干员工流失率考察因管理不当造成骨干员工流失的情况流失员工数量/员工总数量 人力资源部10项目获奖项数树立品牌年度获奖项目数量技术质量部11所辖处室的内部管理保证所辖处室正常高效运转考核人次数、结果副所长八、工程设计副所长任务绩效考核指标序号指标权重采用
20、7骨干员工流失率考察因管理不当造成骨干员工流失的情况流失员工数量/员工总数量 人力资源部8项目获奖项数年度获奖项目数量技术质量部9所辖处室的内部管理保证所辖处室正常高效运转考核人次数、结果副所长九、发行副所长任务绩效考核指标序号指标权重采用原因指标解释说明数据来源1计划经营目标完成情况直接反应发行室年度业绩发行室销售码洋、利润完成总额,增长率财务部2应收帐款状况发行室应收账款的管理效率图集发行的应收帐款本年发生额、累计总额及呆帐、坏帐总额财务部3发行费用预算执行情况控制发行成本,提高发行效益实际与预算的差异财务部4市场占有率市场占有率是国标图集影响力的体现国标销售码洋/全国标准图集销售码洋发行
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- p中国建筑标准设计研究所关键岗位考核指标DOC 81页免财富值 中国建筑 标准 设计 研究所 关键 岗位 考核 指标 DOC 81 财富