1、 本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目:光机电一体化在数控机床中的应用 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业: 光机电一体化工程 班 级: 指导教师: 完成日期: 2011年 3月21日 目 录摘 要 IAbstract II第一章绪论11.1数控机床知识11.2数控铣床的分类21.2.1立式数控铣床21.2.2卧式数控铣床21.2.3立、卧式两用数控铣床31.3数控铣床的结构特征31.3.1数控铣床的主轴特征31.3.2控制机床运动的坐标特征41.4数控铣床的主要功能及加工对象41.4.1数控铣床的功能41.4.2自动换刀装置(ATC)及其形式41.4.3自动换刀装置应当满足的基本要求7第二章 总体方案的
2、确定72.1XK713立式数控床身铣床及其主要参数72.1.1其主要结构特点82.1.2其主要规格及技术参数92.2初定其自动换刀装置的设计参数102.3确定其自动换刀装置的形式11第三章 刀库的设计形式123.1确定刀库容量123.2确定刀库形式133.3刀库结构设计133.4初估刀库驱动转矩及选定电机153.5刀库转位机构的设计163.6确定刀具的选择方式16第四章 刀具交换装置的设计形式184.1确定换刀机械手形式184.2换刀机械手的工作原理214.3机械手的自动换刀过程的动作顺序214.4机械手回转轴4上的齿轮齿条设计234.5自动换刀装置的相关技术要求244.5.1主轴准停装置24
3、4.5.2换刀机械手的安装与调试244.6自动换刀程序的编制25第五章 自动换刀装置的控制原理275.1自动换刀装置的液压系统原理图275.2自动换刀装置换刀动作的顺序控制过程28致 谢29参考文献31海军工程大学毕业设计(论文) 摘 要本论文介绍的是XK713立式数控床身铣床自动换刀装置(刀库式)的设计形式.刀库式的自动换刀装置是由刀库和刀具交换装置(换刀机械手)组成。它是多工序数控机床上应用最广泛的换刀装置,其整过换刀过程比较复杂。首先把加工过程中需要使用的全部刀具安装在标准的刀柄上,在机床外进行尺寸预调后,按一定的方式装入刀库。换刀时,先在刀库中进行选刀,由机械手从刀库和主轴上取出刀具,
6、军工程大学毕业设计(论文)ABSTRACTThis thesis introduction is the design that the XK713 number controls the sign type working panel bed miller to change the knife device(the knife database type) automatically.The knife database type automatically change the knife device is have by the knife database and the knif
7、e to exchange device(change the knife the machine hand) to constitute.It is many work ordinal numbers to control the top of the tool machine to apply to change the knife device most extensively, it is whole to lead to change the knife process more complicated.First process process in need to be use
8、of all knifes have to install on the haft of the standard, pressing certain way to pack into the knife database after the tool machine carry on size to prepare to adjust outside.Be in the knife database carry on choosing knife first while change the knife, is taken out knife to have from the knife d
9、atabase and the principal axis by the machine hand, then exchange position, insert the new knife into the principal axis, the old knife puts back a knife database.The knife database that deposits knife to have has bigger capacity, its capacity has for six knifes, adopting the dish form structure, th
10、e left side that installs in the tool machine signs pillar up.The knife has to press to schedule to the work preface insert the knife of the knife database order of sequence, usage turn to take knife position in order.The knife for using puts back the original knife inside, can also press to process
11、 sequence to put into the next knife.That method doesnt need the knife to identify device, driving a control also more simple, work credibility.But the knife database in each knife have in the different work preface and cant repeat an usage, for satisfying to process to need to only increase the cap
12、acity of the quantity and the knife database that the knife have, this utilization that lowers knife to have with the knife database.Have to be very careful while packing knife in addition, if the knife doesnt in order have to pack in the knife database, will produce serious result.Sequences choosin
13、g knife is before process, will process the knife that spare parts need to have to request to be one by one in order in the knife set of insert the knife database according to the craft, the sequence cant have mistake.Process adjust knife in order.Suit to process a batch quantity to compare greatly,
14、the work piece the species quantity less of medium,small scaled the auto change the knife device.Can know the number controls miller to use 4 make the knife complete most milling and can pare to process.So this capacity is 6 knife databases of knifes, almost the nonentity process to need to make use
15、 of the circumstance that the knife have again in the process, so the knife have of the choice method assurance for in proper order choice the knife have.Two hands are mutual perpendicular of the advantage of the turn-over type single arm hands machine hand change the knife action credibility, chang
16、ing good time short, the weakness is the haft accuracy to have high request, structure complications, the linking machine adjust of the related accuracy have high request, the machine hand leaves to process area nearer.Generally speaking, this kind of machine hand useds for the knife database knife
17、the stalk line and the tool machine principal axis stalk line perpendicular, the knife database has a form to change the knife device automatically toward the access knife for the path, therefore can adopt this kind of machine hand form in the XK713 number control the sign bed type miller the auto c
18、hange the knife the device.KEYWORDS: numerical control milling machines ;Automatic tool changer ;Tool storage ;tool changing-manipulator 海军工程大学毕业设计(论文)XK713数控立式升降台铣床自动换刀装置第一章 绪论1.1 数控机床知识数字控制机床是用数字代码形式的信息(程序指令),控制刀具按给定的工作程序、运动速度和轨迹进行自动加工的机床,简称数控机床。数控机床具有广泛的适应性,加工对象改变时只需要改变输入的程序指令;加工性能比一般自动机床高,可以精确加工
19、复杂型面,因而适合于加工中小批量、改型频繁、精度要求高、形状又较复杂的工件,并能获得良好的经济效果。随着数控技术的发展,采用数控系统的机床品种日益增多,有车床、铣床、镗床、钻床、磨床、齿轮加工机床和电火花加工机床等。此外还有能自动换刀、一次装卡进行多工序加工的加工中心、车削中心等。数控机床主要由数控装置、伺服机构和机床主体组成。输入数控装置的程序指令记录在信息载体上,由程序读入装置接收,或由数控装置的键盘直接手动输入。随着微电子技术、计算机技术和软件技术的迅速发展,数控机床的控制系统日益趋向于小型化和多功能化,具备完善的自诊断功能;可靠性也大大提高;数控系统本身将普遍实现自动编程。 未来数控机
20、床的类型将更加多样化,多工序集中加工的数控机床品种越来越多;激光加工等技术将应用在切削加工机床上,从而扩大多工序集中的工艺范围;数控机床的自动化程度更加提高,并具有多种监控功能,从而形成一个柔性制造单元,更加便于纳入高度自动化的柔性制造系统中。1.2 数控铣床的分类1.2.1 立式数控铣床立式数控铣床是数控铣床中数量最多的一种,应用范围也最为广泛。小型数控铣床一般都采用工作台移动、升降、及主轴不动方式,与普通立式升降台铣床相似;中型立式数控铣床一般采用纵向和横向工作台移动方式,且主轴沿垂直溜板上下运动;大型数控立式铣床,因要考虑到扩大行程,缩小占地面积及刚性等技术问题,往往采用龙门架移动式,其
22、工范围和加工对象,进一步提高生产效率。1.2.2 卧式数控铣床与通用卧式铣床相同,其主轴级平行于水平面。为了扩大加工范围和扩大功能,卧式数控铣床通常采用增加数控转盘或万能数控转盘来实现4、5坐标加工,这样,不但工件侧面上的连续回转轮廓可以加工出来,而且可以实现在一次安装中,通过转盘改变工位,进行“四面加工”。可以省去许多专用夹具或专用角度成型铣刀。对箱体类零件或需要在一次安装中改变工位的工件来说,选择带数控转盘的卧式铣床进行加工是非常合适的。1.2.3 立、卧式两用数控铣床这类铣床目前正在逐渐增多,它的主轴方向可以更换,能达到在一台机床上既可以进行立式加工,又可以进行卧式加工,其使用范围更广,
23、功能更全,选择加工的对象和余地更大,给用户带来了很多方便,特别是当生产批量小,品种较多,又需要立卧两种方式加工时,用户只需买一台这样的机床就行了。立、卧两用数控铣床的主轴方向的更换有手动与自动两种,采用数控万能主轴头的立、卧两用数控铣床,其主轴头可以任意转换方向,可以加工出与水平面呈各种不同角度的工件表面。当立、卧两用数控铣床增加数控转盘后,就可以实现对工件的“五面加工”。即出除了工件与转盘贴合的定位面外,其它表面都可以在一次安装中进行加工。因此,其加工性能非常优越。1.3 数控铣床的结构特征1.3.1 数控铣床的主轴特征数控铣床的主轴开启与停止,主轴正反转与主轴变速等都可以按输入介质上编入的
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- 毕业设计 论文 XK713 数控 立式 升降台 铣床 自动 装置
