1、 摘 要在现代工业中,生产过程的机械化、自动化已成为突出的主题。随着工业现代化的进一步发展,自动化已经成为现代企业中的重要支柱,无人车间、无人生产流水线等等,已经随处可见。同时,现代生产中,存在着各种各样的生产环境,如高温、放射性、有毒气体、有害气体场合以及水下作业等,这些恶劣的生产环境不利于人工进行操作。工业机械手是近代自动控制领域中出现的一项新的技术,是现代控制理论与工业生产自动化实践相结合的产物,并以成为现代机械制造生产系统中的一个重要组成部分。工业机械手是提高生产过程自动化、改善劳动条件、提高产品质量和生产效率的有效手段之一。尤其在高温、高压、粉尘、噪声以及带有放射性和污染的场合,应用
4、低廉。由于气动系统工作压力较低,因此降低了气动元、辅件的材质和加工精度要求,制造容易,成本较低。本课题拟开发物料搬运用气动机械手,机械手可以实现在X、Z 两个坐标方向上的移动、绕Z轴的回转,手部可以加紧的执行机构。控制方面,采用X-D图法设计了控制该机械手动作的气动控制系统。这是一个开放的气动控制系统平台。该气动机械手的设计主要分为三个部分:总体方案设计,结构设计计算及元件选型和机械手气动控制系统的设计。 由于时间仓促和个人水平限制,我的设计存在着许多还没来得及解决的问题,希望广大老师、同学能够给予批评指正并予以解决。 ABSTRACTIn modern industry, the produ
5、ction process mechanization and automation has become a prominent theme. With the further development of industrial modernization, automation has become an important pillar of the modern enterprise, no shop, no production lines, etc., have been everywhere. Meanwhile, modern production, there are a v
6、ariety of production environments, such as high temperature, radiation, toxic gases, harmful gases and underwater operations, and other occasions, the harsh production environment is not conducive to manual operation. Modern industrial robots are appearing in the field of automatic control of a new
7、technology, modern control theory and practice of industrial automation product of the combination, and to become a modern machinery manufacturing production systems is an important component. Industrial manipulator is to improve the production process automation, improve working conditions, improve
8、 product quality and production efficiency of the effective means. Especially in the high-temperature, high pressure, dust, noise and pollution with radioactive and occasions, more widely applied. In China, recent years have The robot is a compressed air pressure drive the pressure to drive the robo
9、t actuator movement. Its main features are: the media is very convenient source, the output force is small, pneumatic and prompt action, simple structure and low cost. However, because air has compressible characteristics, operating speed is unstable, the impact of large and low pressure gas source,
10、 focus generally 30 kg weight, weight Tiaojian arrested under the same hydraulic manipulator than the structure of large, So for high-speed, light load, high temperature and dusty work environment. Pneumatic technology has the following advantages: (1) media extraction and processing convenience. Lo
11、w pressure pneumatic transmission work, the working medium extracted easily, and then discharged into the atmosphere, convenient, generally do not set the recovery pipes and containers: the media clean, easy to plug existing media pipeline deterioration and supplemented. (2) small resistance loss an
12、d leakage in the delivery of compressed air process, the resistance loss is small (generally not water plug BU only one thousandth of oil), air supply and easy to focus on long-distance transport. Hydraulic fluid leaks will not be as foreign as pressure decreased significantly and serious pollution.
13、(3) action quickly responsive. Pneumatic systems usually require only 0.02s-0.3s to establish the desired pressure and speed. Pneumatic system can also achieve overload protection, easy to automatic control.(4) energy can be stored. Compressed air can be stored in the tank, and therefore, the occurr
14、ence of sudden power failure occurs, Machine and its process will not be suddenly interrupted.(5) working environment and good adaptability. Flammable, explosive, and more dust, magnetic, strong radiation, vibration and other harsh environments, pneumatic drive and control system than the mechanical
15、, electrical and hydraulic system is superior, and temperature changes will not affect the transmission and control performance.(6) low cost. Since the work of low pressure pneumatic system, thereby reducing aerodynamic element, accessories precision materials and processing, manufacturing is easy,
16、low cost.The topic to be developed pneumatic material handling robot, the robot can be achieved in the X, Z direction of two coordinates the movement of rotation around the Z axis, the hand can step up the enforcement agency. Control, the use of XD diagram method designed to control the movement of
17、the pneumatic manipulator control system. This is an open pneumatic control system platform.The design of the pneumatic manipulator is divided into three parts: the overall design, structural design calculations and component selection and robotic pneumatic control system design. Owing to time const
18、raints and limited personal level, I have not had time to design, there are many problems, I hope the majority of teachers and students can be criticized and corrected and to be addressed.朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音字典 - 查看字典详细内容朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音字典 - 查看字典详细内容目 录摘要 1ABSTRACT一 .绪论 1. 课题来源、目的及意义 2. 国内外研究现状 3. 研究内容、拟解决的
19、问题及设计要求二 .总体方案设计 1. 功能分解及结构示意图 2. 气动执行元件简介 3. 气缸类型的选择及总体方案的确定 三 .设计计算及元件设计选型 1. 手部夹紧气缸的设计. 2. 水平气缸的计算及选型 3. 垂直气缸的计算及选型 4. 齿轮齿条缸的设计计算 5. 轴的结构设计、强度校核及轴承的寿命校核 四 .机械手气动控制系统的设计 1. 气动机械手的动作过程 2. 机械手的控制要求 3.气压驱动系统设计 4. PLC的选择和I/O口的分配 5.PLC控制程序设计五 工作总结六 致谢参考文献 一 . 绪论1. 课题来源、目的及意义 由于现在在外面实习,也去了几家的工厂,很多工厂工作环境
20、差,条件有限对于这种恶劣环境下工人们需要人工控制或者利用其他一些方法作为工具来搬运重物,而且都是一些机械的工作,我们完全可以利用机械手等机械来代替工人,从而高效率可靠的完成任务而且减轻工人的劳动强度。 鉴于气压传动系统使用安全、可靠,可以在高温、震动、易燃、易爆、多尘埃、强磁、辐射等恶劣环境下工作6。而气动机械手作为机械手的一种,它具有结构简单、重量轻、动作迅速、平稳、可靠、节能和不污染环境、容易实现无级调速、易实现过载保护、易实现复杂的动作等优点,因此很适合在工业领域特别是那些环境比较差温度高,多震动、噪声大,灰尘多以及辐射等不适于人类长期工作的环境中工作。这样一来不仅提高了生产力,而且为生
21、产力大大减轻了劳动强度和难度,为生产提供了基本保障。 本课题是设计一个气动机械手装置,用以搬运体积大,重量大,温度高,有辐射等工业生产原材料或成品。 在机械工业中,机械手的应用意义可以概括如下:(1)可以高生产过程的自动化程度。应用机械手,有利于提高材料的传送、工件的装卸、刀具的更换以及机器的装配等的自动化程度,从而可以提高劳动生产率,降低生产成本,加快实现工业生产机械化和自动化的步伐。(2)可以改善劳动条件、避免人身事故在高温、高压、低温、低压、有灰尘、噪声、臭味、有放射性或有其它毒性污染以及工作空间狭窄等场合中,用人手直接操作是有危险或根本不可能的。而应用机械手即可部分或全部代替人安全地完
22、成作业,大大地改善了工人的劳动条件。在一些动作简单但又重复作业的操作中,以机械手代替人手进行工作,可以避免由于操作疲劳或疏忽而造成的人身事故。(3)可以减少人力,便于有节奏地生产应用机械手代替人手进行工作,这是直接减少人力的一个侧面,同时由于应用机械手可以连续地工作,这是减少人力的另一个侧面。因此,在自动化机床和综合加工自动生产线上,目前几乎都设有机械手,以减少人力和更准确地控制生产的节拍,便于有节奏地进行生产。综上所述,有效地应用机械手是发展机械工业的必然趋势。1.3.3机械手的发展概况与发展趋势2. 国内外研究现状 专用机械手经过几十年的发展,如今已进入以通用机械手为标志的时代。由于通用机
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- 毕业设计 论文 PLC 控制 气动 机械手 设计
