1、 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文施工期多层模板支撑体系荷载传递规律分析与性能测试专业:土木工程建造与管理硕 士 生:付燎原指导教师:胡长明 教授摘要由于城市建设快速发展,工程施工速度不断加快,在施工过程中,主体结构经常在没有达到设计强度要求时就开始进行上层结构的施工,因此多层模板支撑体系在施工中被广泛应用。但是由于对该体系认识的不全面,尤其对这种体系的受力性能等缺乏足够的了解,造成了在实际施工中对多层模板支撑体系配置的不合理、拆除时间和方式的不当等问题,由此引发了很多工程事故。在施工过程中,多层模板支撑体系把新浇筑的混凝土荷载以及施工荷载传递到已浇筑好的楼板上。混凝土结构和支撑构成了一个临时承载
3、,介绍了一种多层模板支撑体系的简化分析模型,通过与实测数据和数值计算结果的比较,可知运用该简化模型对多层模板支撑体系进行分析是可行的。本文研究成果对多层模板支撑体系的设计研究和施工具有一定的实际意义。关 键 词:多层模板支撑体系;现场实测分析;支撑内力;楼板内力;荷载传递;有限元分析论文类型:应用基础型基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(50978219) 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文Analysis of load transfer rules and Performance test of themulti-storey formwork supports sys
4、tem during theperiod of constructionSpecialty:Construction and Management of Civil EngineeringName:FU LiaoyuanInstructor:Prof. HU ChangmingABSTRACTWith the development of city construction and the improvement of engineeringconstruction speed, concrete structures have be made before the following con
5、cretestructures reach the design strength during construction.So, in that case,multi-storeyformwork supports system has been applied to make construction. However,due to thelack of knowledge of the system and comprehensive understanding of the forceperformance, engineering accident happen during the
6、 period of construction due tounsuitable configuration of multi-storey formwork supports system, removal offormwork supports at the wrong time or using wrong way. During construction, the deadload of new concrete and the construction load transmit to complete floor by themulti-storey formwork suppor
7、ts system.Concrete structure and support form atemporary bearing system.They bear the load of construction.The internal force ofconcrete structure and the internal force of support changes according to time andsupporting forms.Thus it can be seen that it is very important to research multi-storeyfor
8、mwork supports system in the practical engineering.This paper study on multi-storey formwork supports system. In the theoreticalanalysis of the multi-storey formwork supports system based on, according to a test ofengineering of Xian,the paper get the internal force curves of each floor of rod and t
9、heinternal force curves of the floor of multi-storey formwork supports system during theconstruction.It is proved that multi-storey formwork supports system is a system that isalong with the time and the spatial change and develops unceasingly.At the same time,this paper research the load transmissi
10、on and the support-structure interaction 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文relationship.It is shown that the result agrees basically with the test result.The results ofthem have good consistency,and the cause of difference between finite element analysisand the test results is pointed out.At last,this paper describes a
11、 simplified method ofmulti-storey formwork supports system.By contrasting the test results and numericalsimulation results,the simplified method of multi-storey formwork supports system isfeasible in practical computation.The research achievement of the paper plays an important role in conducting th
12、edesign and construction management of the multi-storey formwork supports system.Keywords: the multi-storey formwork supports system,analysis of on-site measurement,internal force of the supports,internal force of the floor,the loadtransmission, finite element analysis 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文目 录1 绪论 . 11.1多层
13、模板支撑体系的研究背景及意义 . 11.1.1多层模板支撑体系的出现 . 11.1.2多层模板支撑体系现存问题及原因 . 11.2 国内外研究现状 . 41.2.1施工荷载 . 51.2.2模板支撑体系计算模型 . 61.2.3模板支撑计算方法 . 71.2.4模板支撑体系实测研究 . 71.2.5 存在的局限性 . 81.3 本文研究的主要内容 . 91.3.1 研究方法 . 91.3.2 研究内容 . 92 多层模板支撑体系的理论分析 . 112.1 多层模板支撑体系分析原理和承载机理 . 112.1.1 多层模板支撑体系分析原理 . 112.1.2 多层模板支撑体系承载机理 . 122.
14、2 弹性支撑连续梁模型(CBSS) . 132.2.1 建立模型 . 132.2.2 基于弹性支撑连续梁模型的施工期钢筋混凝土结构内力分析 . 162.3多层模板支撑体系的弹性板理论求解 . 192.3.1 弹性板的基本概念 . 202.3.2 支撑集中力体系下楼板挠度w 的近似解. 242.3.3 楼板自重以及施工活荷载作用下弹性板挠度w的解 . 262.3.4 多层模板支撑体系楼板内力的近似解 . 283 多层模板支撑体系的实测分析 . 293.1 测试的目的和主要内容 . 293.1.1测试的目的 . 29I 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文3.1.2测试内容.293.2 工程概况.293.
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- 施工期 多层 模板 支撑 体系 荷载 传递 规律 分析 性能 测试 pdf doc
