1、evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology supervision, ensure production in the people, and real, and sy
2、stem, and system, elements security reliable, and harmony unified, full control various against factors, achieved thought no slack, and management no empty document, and equipment no hidden, and system no blocked, and unit zero non-stopped. Quality and efficiency-quality benefit is to adhere to the
3、enterprise survival, profit and development business truth, adhere to the all activity is economic activity, all costs can be controlled, money should not be wasted management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management quality, improve cost control capacity and market competitiveness. In
4、novation of science and technology-science and technology innovation is to play the role of science and technology as the primary productive force, active use of new technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment, increase investment in science and technology, strengthening scientific and
5、 technological training, speeding up transforming scientific and technological achievements, forming a number of proprietary technology, enhancing core competitiveness. Resource-saving-the-resources saving enterprise was to reduce coal consumption, water consumption, electricity at the core, enhance
6、 the operation of lean management to realize low consumption, high efficiency, reduce production costs. Second is to strengthen the business, financial, material, information and the optimization of organization and management, saving the internal transaction costs. Harmonious development of harmoni
7、ous development-is to construct a foreign environment for development. XING refers to the internal security firm and internal management of the internal management measures are effective, harmonious. Foreign currency means Enterprise coordinating development of homeopathy, well, get along with the n
8、eighbors better. (B) XX 2013 five enterprises building intrinsic safety power company goals are: unplanned outage 0 times. Class of disorders 0, 0 is equivalent forced outage rate. No personal injury accident, material and equipment accidents do not occur, no fire, no environmental pollution acciden
9、t. Enterprise integrated to achieve zero cases of violation, zero accidents, zero. Quality goal is: when generating capacity 7.5 billion-kilowatt, sales of over 7.11 billion kWh, total profits of 306.6 million Yuan, . BFS+、PI、MIS、SCM Information systems infrastructure, fully integrated information s
10、ystem to realize information resources sharing; to expand the breadth and depth of the portal system, information system of Enterprise Management Assistant role to play; to improve the day-to-day operation and maintenance operation record of promoting causes and transfer system; to strengthen the tr
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14、aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahF目 录1、总论11.1概述11.2项目提出的背景及建设的必要性31.3 设计依据及范围61.4 指导思想和设计原则71.5 工程建设条件81.6 拟建规模及产品方案91.7 烧结技术装备水平91.8 炼铁工艺及主要技术特征101.9 消失模铸造工艺特点111.10 能源利用、环境保护、劳动安全与工业卫生121.11 消防131.12 工作制度和劳动定员131.13 投资估算131.14 经济效益分析141.15 建设进度141.16 主要技术经济指标151.
15、17 结论162、市场预测183、原燃料的供应203.1 原料的供应203.2 焦炭的供应213.3 高炉煤气供应213.4 其它原料213.5 高炉炉料平衡214、炼铁工艺234.1 概述234.2 设计规模及工作制度、产品方案234.3 炼铁工艺技术流程简述244.4 车间平面布置和工艺方案特点284.5 槽上、槽下系统284.6 上料系统304.7 高炉炉体结构304.8 高炉炉型主要尺寸及有关参数344.9 风口平台及出铁场354.10 高炉送风系统364.11 热风炉系统364.12 煤气系统384.13 煤粉喷吹系统414.14 渣铁处理系统415、烧结工艺455.1 设计规模及生
16、产能力455.2 原燃料及点火煤气465.3 工艺流程475.4 烧结物料平衡515.5 主要设备选型与计算525.6 车间组成556、铸造工艺596.1 概述596.2 建设规模和产品方案606.3 原辅料供应606.4 生产工艺和主要设备616.5 消失模铸造的主要优点636.6 生产工艺特点666.7 消失模铸造生产线676.8 消失模铸造需要的专用设备686.9 车间组成687、23MW高炉煤气发电机组697.1 设计依据及设计范围697.2 设计原则697.3 机组选择707.4 燃烧系统737.5 主厂房布置737.6 空冷系统及设备选型747.7 热力系统757.8 工业给水系统
17、777.9 化学水处理777.10 电气部分787.11 热工控制798、公用及辅助设施818.1 总图运输818.2 土建868.3 给排水908.4 供配电及电气传动958.5 基础自动化1028.6 电气照明1048.7 防雷及接地保护1048.8 电讯1058.9 采暖通风1058.10 除尘1068.11 热力1118.12 制氧站1149、检化验与机修1199.1 检化验设施1199.2 机修12010、环境保护12110.1 概述12110.2 气象资料12110.3 设计依据12110.4 工程主要污染源及污染物12210.5 污染控制措施12410.6 厂区绿化12710.7
18、 环境管理机构及监测12710.8 环保投资12810.9 环境影响简要分析12811、劳动安全与工业卫生12911.1 设计依据12911.2 生产不安全因素及职业危害因素12911.3 主要防范措施13011.4 安全卫生投资13111.5 安全卫生效果预测13112、消 防13212.1 设计依据13212.2 工程概述13212.3 各专业消防设计13313、抗震设防13613.1编制依据及原则13613.2 抗震设防13713.3 抗震设计13714、能源分析13814.1 概述13814.2 节能措施13814.3 能源利用综述13915、工厂组织与劳动定员14016、项目实施计划
19、14316.1 建设周期规划14316.2 各阶段实施进度规划14317、投资估算14417.1 工程概况14417.2 总投资构成14417.3 编制依据14417.4 有关说明14517.5 总概算表及综合概算表14518、技术经济评价14618.1 概述14618.2 基础数据14618.3 财务评价14718.4 结论152附件: 汾西县玉匣铸业有限公司与山西省冶金设计院签定可行性研究报告设计合同。 汾西县玉匣铸业有限公司扩建32万吨消失模铸造及配套380m3高炉项目可行性研究设计委托书。 临汾市经济委员会 “关于汾西县玉匣铸业有限公司扩建32万吨消失模铸造及配套380m3高炉项目立项
20、的批复”。 汾西县供电分公司关于汾西县玉匣铸业有限公司扩建32万吨消失模铸造及配套380m3高炉项目供电方案的批复文件。 汾西县水利水保局会关于汾西县玉匣铸业有限公司扩建32万吨消失模铸造及配套380m3高炉项目生产用水的申请的批复文件。 汾西县环保局关于汾西县玉匣铸业有限公司扩建32万吨消失模铸造及配套380m3高炉项目污染物排放总量控制指标批复。 汾西县人民政府关于用地的证明。 临汾市人民政府关于汾西县玉匣铸业有限公司扩建32万吨消失模铸造及配套380m3高炉项目使用土地的批复。 附图: 总平面布置图supervision in large and medium goods vehicle
21、. A is established large vehicles and small vehicles classification management of motor vehicle test mode, increased medium van car, and dangerous goods transport car, and school car test project; II is established motor vehicle test regulatory platform, achieved motor vehicle test full process vide
22、o, and data remote regulatory; three is strictly motor vehicle identification management, equipped with unified of identification equipment and tool, using mobile identification Terminal, and law enforcement records instrument, technology identification means. As to 20XX years June 20 statewide moto
23、r vehicle keep volume for 567,408 car, and last year earlier than growth 75,814 car, growth 13.36%; this year January-June, vehicles management section and license archives management section total accepted the motor vehicle registration business 42,543 car times, which registered registration 6,905
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 扩建 32 消失 铸造 配套 380 m3 高炉 炉前连铸 项目 可行性研究 报告 17