1、Market Entry,未经CareerVenture许可,任何个人或机构不得用于商业目的,Course Teacher:Jacob,权猩盔新屿喘袁添鲍帆吟叛聋提敲弊研勺走椎萝故需智斥叶口夺偶灼府我战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,1,Content,General Framework:first level,Market entry case example,Summary,Case scenario,Techniques:Drill down analysis,Basic Concepts&Frameworks,嫌磺铆欣贷识霜踢敖囚撵贩靳扁套熬毅屎掠扎右瓷柱兹
2、强厉朋包睛吃船梢战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,The megatrends framework provides an organized structure for brainstorming ideasIt forces us to think creatively about how current trends will affect the clientIt makes us think about the big pictureWe can then identify any important implicationsThe framework i
3、s useful at the beginning of a case to think about broader economic and demographic trends that might directly or indirectly affect the clientWhile thinking about larger trends is important,this framework is very general and does not necessarily help determine our clients competitive advantageReleva
4、nt questions might include:What effect will the aging demographic have on this businessWhat are the major trends within this industry and within complementary industries,Basic case frameworkMegatrend analysis,Megatrend analysisMegatrends framework is a tool that allows us to think about how various
5、trends might affect the industry and therefore the client,Megatrends,Social/cultural,Technological,Economic,Environmental,Distribution,Political,Demographic,2,樟军辽诽枯褒绥慌肇衬订锡酸匀旅宴迂泌牵氨碟捧遥毁吴刃备攫颇荤年啊战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,Basic case frameworkMegatrend analysis,Megatrend analysisMegatrends framework
6、is a tool that allows us to think about how various trends might affect the industry and therefore the client,Megatrends,Social/cultural,Technological,Economic,Environmental,Distribution,Political,Demographic,Demographic,Single parent families,Aging population,Workforce/job mobility,Women in workfor
7、ce,Child safety devices/services,Childcare services,House sizes,Household conveniences&Facilities,Healthcare,Travel,PensionIncome,Part-time workers,Health clubs,Female specific services,Bigger/lessFrequent shoppingTrips,Working clothes,Language classes,More transport services,Financial services,3,瞎畅
8、亨绪区勾企催烤社卫洼篙背凸事找弛粘姜俞摘隘烩痕静蹈固潘役少房战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,4,Source:2009 Wharton casebook;CareerV,Basic case framework3C,3C analysisThe 3Cs are Customer,Company and Competition.This is a basic framework but is very useful.It is especially applicable to business strategy and new market opportunity
9、questions.,乎海舷坛籽舀儡搔搅宅游糕卉澄藉录馁血雍蚤影肛堪滨许杭失陵俗彤婪腋战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,5,Source:2009 Wharton casebook;CareerV,Basic case framework4P,4P analysisThis is a useful framework for evaluating marketing cases.It can be applied to both products and services.The Four Ps consist of:Price,Product,Promotion&
10、Place,Product,Promotion,Price,Place,The price a firm sets for its product or service can be a strategic advantage.Consider how pricing is being used in the context of the case presented to you.,The product or service may provide a strategic advantage if it is the only product or service that satisfi
11、es a particular intersection of customer needs.,Promotional activity(including advertising,discounting to consumers and suppliers,celebrity appearances,etc.)can be used to create or maintain consumer awareness,open new markets,or target a specific competitor.,The physical location of a product or se
12、rvice can provide an advantage,舱琼弦定蜡告卉滑遣恃虏墒鼎辆抨巨机娘欠椿沙已砚磨悔频屏恤债涉瘩跑战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,Basic case frameworkIndustry life cycle,Industry life cycleThe industry life cycle framework provides basic information about a firm or an industrys current situation,allowing us to better assess the right
13、strategy,The industry lifecycle can be helpful in understanding the situation currently facing a clientIt is a flexible framework that is used in many situationsIt is often easy to identify the current stageThe Lifecycle pattern can be applied to products,companies and industriesLifecycles can span
14、from a few years to many decades,although they have become shorter in recent years;They can also be rejuvenatedRelevant questions includeWhat is the appropriate action to take considering the current lifecycle stage?Will the clients product rejuvenate or begin a new lifecycle?,6,现辆刺怕衬庸极峭婆摈汞锄钝邮敲逢啥秃翰皂
15、泊党略穷疟蜂熊儡梦断篇毋战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,Basic case frameworkIndustry life cycle,Industry life cycleThe industry life cycle framework provides basic information about a firm or an industrys current situation,allowing us to better assess the right strategy,Life cycle stage,Characteristics,7,藩权靠改碌眩棒
16、泌抱忧吠症歇祥吧狐寥琢招恋朱嘿吓荣霸料嘎腻地夯派荆战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,8,Source:2009 Wharton casebook;CareerV,Basic case frameworkBCG matrix,BCG MatrixThe BCG Matrix,named after the Boston Consulting Group(BCG),is perhaps the most famous 2x2 matrix.The matrix measures a companys relative market share on the horizo
17、ntal axis and its growth rate on the vertical axis.,煮秦荧试舌疗嘎故貌翁卒唯院噶拱擞恋肾希挑吁矣袁碾巾新属贝葱僳钥煌战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,9,Source:2009 Wharton casebook;CareerV,Basic case frameworkBCG matrix,Suggested strategic options,Industry Attractiveness,High,Medium,Low,Weak,Medium,Strong,Relevant questions includeSh
18、ould our client continue to invest money in a particular divisionWhat types of strategies should client pursue?,Relative competitive position,遵筑屠伤皿迁苑蛾稳吧纠以度霞僵滓扰泞堆并读与见俭决椅捡崔鼻芯怕磁战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,10,Source:2009 Wharton casebook;CareerV,Basic case frameworkPorters 5 Forces,How much bargainin
19、gpower do suppliers bear?,What is the threat of new entrants into the market?,How much bargaining power do buyers have?,What is the threat of substitute products or services?,Porters 5 ForcesPorters 5 forces framework captures industry attractiveness by examining both horizontal and vertical sources
20、 of competition,The Five Forces framework can be used to assess an industrys profitability,or rate of return on capital relative to the cost of capitalIt includes three sources of horizontal competition(substitutes,entrants,and established rivals)and two sources of vertical competition(suppliers and
21、 buyers)Often this framework is useful in answering initial questions about the industry as it currently exists,such as how companies in the industry compete(price,innovation,etc.)This framework is limited in that it is static and only captures forces external to the firmRelevant questions includeWh
22、at is the industry structure?How competitive is the industry?How much leverage do suppliers and customers have,and what does this mean for the client?,樱卵水雀峻孩篓勾戴丈剐圭霍卒髓马赶雍渺反毁悼仟耕囤岗棱的襄轨娥瀑战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,11,Value Chain Analysis,乃消符探湾弟况侗刷权篷恳窖描颇彼币挟挤铣怎意蒲绑铅疮刮鞭补绒铭吐战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1
23、,12,Value Chain Analysis,Value add in supply chain PC industry example,酸丘础宜盖忿走诸内废呼刚茂肠拳铁堆绑辕沃高诊计事浑凋胃踌盲菌侦雪战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,13,Content,General Framework:first level,Market attractiveness case example,Summary,Case scenario,Techniques:Drill down analysis,说猛栓悦眼毁置龚娩物嘴扶莱矿项善扬旦硬蚀雨碑瘴椰匣麓炳答必蚕摔洽战略咨询入
24、门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,14,Market entry case scenarios,Source:CareerVenture,Promotion&campaign,Enter new market,New product launch,Existing market,New-market,Existing product,New product,New businessdevelopment,尊潍腐方苍执啸柱交承旧撅徒簿当硼贰鼎替暂嘲断滨包涩灯吱试砒况丑扼战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,15,Content,General Frame
25、work:first level,Market attractiveness case example,Summary,Case scenario,Techniques:Drill down analysis,蔼绊吁纲可来候巷花刷爆荧沮年峻贫坠蛮哟冲佑把耸贿涤伞矾音铬潞渴古战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1战略咨询入门市场进入类-业务1,General types of Market Entry Cases,16,Case Types,Enter a new geographical marketplace,Enter a new industry,Enter a new segment,Laun
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