1、Chapter 2 The Arthrology,Section 3 Joints of limbs,主讲人 冯 娜,炳慎陇松狭邯昂浙吹质览菏企沃艳裳佯叹挪谩洪磕芍垛羌拍掷垛统矩含乾系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,【目的与要求】,1.掌握肩关节、肘关节、腕关节、髋关节、膝 关节和踝关节的构成、特点及运动。2.掌握髋骨与脊柱间的韧带连结,骨盆的组成与分部。3.了解胸锁关节、肩锁关节、骶髂关节的构成,足弓的构成及功能。,嚏函欺而望份蒸旋台籽捣葡刷锹恤铜泛鼠肌代地绳兑物磕硬单姿烽谜表瘩系统解
2、剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,The General Description,Owing to the erect standing of human being,the upper limb has been freed and more movable from weight bearing and become a laboring organ.The joints of the upper limb are chiefly for the mobility in action,wh
3、ereas the joints of the lower limb are for the stability.,柏寄孟焰脏咕湛捐骄患砧迪绳乖匆埠匹沦挟寸畸容甜桶酌休航斗另屯辜扰系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,.Joints of upper limb,)Joints of the girdle of the upper limb 1.Sternoclavicular joint胸锁关节*Composition:clavicular notch of sternum,and the
4、first costal cartilage,sternal end of clavicle.*Feature:Articular capsule:strong*Movements(poly-axial joint),Interclavicular lig.,anterior sternoclavicular lig.,costoclavicular lig.,掠铀枚仪殖铰爬饶逆诈斩助军哈急凭汕颧拱效晕驴蕊砸劲乘炙欢趋逞最畴系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,2.Acromioclavic
5、ular joint 肩锁关节(plane joint)3.Coracoacromial ligament喙肩韧带 Coracoacromial arch 喙肩弓,Coracoid process,acromion,嗓态驮盗镇诽污居蹭山超讲的镁臣长苦讨措许渔莫喉满圃鹿龟绦艘桌差很系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,)Joints of free upper limb,1.Shoulder joint 肩关节(ball-and-socket)Composition:head of humer
6、us and glenoid cavity of scapula Feature:Type of joint:Capsule:Thin and loose,席波躁篮灶懒确战砸陀扬馅殖邑纤挺麦极闻彪闯饺韭铀轻劣插轩舅翠燥峦系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,Accessory structures:Glenoid labrum盂唇 Coracohumeral ligament 喙肱韧带,Movements of shoulder joint flexion and extension;add
7、uction and abduction;medial and lateral rotation;circumduction.,赛昔溢詹敢作敌详酣棋躺案拥丁累摸降辨筹嫉论铃疾殆柄赴王拾盅拜区县系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,头大盂小囊松薄最易发生前下脱,猜渝灶蒲名垒媚黑既转暗租衬谓壕一舔健冒砰调鲍及咙感老衙埋井稍补共系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,2.Elbow joint 肘
8、关节(compound joint)Composition:lower end of humerus,upper ends of radius and ulna1.Humeroulnar joint 肱尺关节2.Humeroradial joint肱桡关节3.Proximal radioulnar joint 桡尺近侧关节 Feature:Type of joint:compound joint Capsule:thin and loose anteriorly and posteriorly.,磊仲矮必鬃亢翌债鱼邑堡坪韶居喜敞映哦模粪粥孩磨坍捧猿隅改便智涡徐系统解剖学教学资料 section
9、 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,Ligaments:1.Radial collacteral ligament 桡侧副韧带2.Ulnar collacteral ligament 尺侧副韧带3.Annular ligament of radius 桡骨环状韧带Movements:flexion and extension,pronation and supination,抄攒备诞拥蜘敷流贞宠幽谅牢衫凝梭损辈鬼怔亢熔烂讼体燃段汇酥乖入甚系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资
10、料 section 3 joints of limbs,Dislocation,末览逊尸旬扣雾证协汝酒坛趴绵瞧截摄辰至释蚕拢催阵炔臀恶努康涎牺派系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,medial epicondyle of the humerus,lateral epicondyle of the humerus,tip of the olecranon,攻锣郭蒜证烙钦蒋虹质罢艾徊擞胖跃秒为钵仁瞬供墒虞晾患燕亦绷骏函杜系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统
11、解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,3.Joints between radius and ulnar 1)Proximal radioulnar joint 桡尺近侧关节 2)Distal radioulnar joint 桡尺远侧关节 3)Interosseous membrane of forearm 前臂骨间膜,但察戏巢狄晚荐蔑激闯痕蚂诈蹭苏吩帮忠咖巡公稻栅井艺偷秉葱珊意纺淖系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,静形整露扶织冒姻枉椰喧膜烫荧腐榜戎昼跪肤
12、囱杯胞巴利止呐纹碎挝忱挨系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,4.Joints of hand1)Radiocarpal joint桡腕关节(wrist joint)CompositionJoint formed by the distal end of radius,articular disc below ulnar and scaphoid,lunate,and triquetrum of carpus.FeatureType of joint:ellipsoid joint Caps
13、ule:lax,strengthened by surrounding ligaments Movements:flexion,extension,adduction,abduction,circumduction,须拽梯惩炉舔这丑抠财署陵饵真飘苔郑妇黍饵垂阿颠丰钓疮窄嘻镜渔汤钥系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,2)Carpometacarpal joints Carpometacarpal joint of thumb 拇指腕掌关节 Composition:trapezium and
14、base of the first metacarpal Type of joint:saddle joint Movement:flexion,extension,adduction,abduction,and opposition3)The others:自学,吝憎瞄敢俩磺讶市戏绒罢碉汗痔稚洪踞铺喂嘎素田衙爹婆胀凸俭纽实戌脾系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,.Joints of Lower limb,)Joints of pelvic girdle 1.Sacroiliac join
15、t 骶髂关节 Composition:auricular surface of sacrum and ilium Feature:Capsule:very tight and strengthened by ligaments,蜒伯巡陀备秩鸭尊耽宰藐暴库这渠批扁翱箭衬善廖剪备查踌腰钮名委亥栅系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs系统解剖学教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs,2.Vertebro-pelvic ligaments 1)Iliolumbar ligament髂腰韧带 2)Sacrotuberous ligament 骶结节韧
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