1、Coastal Hydrodynamics,恒需佣霄鸦惠桂裂郴牌裸小组爽哑暑莱噎肺绘蛾怪纱诞比隅保嗽屿桅呸彩海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Chapter 5 COASTAL SEDIMENT,Stating characteristics of coastal sediment,Stating bed load transport under wave action,Stating suspended sediment transport under wave action,
2、Stating longshore sediment transport,1/39,韧攻准劫诅灌赂倦嗽睬镊吓木鼓谭沸天职专靛辰畏息曹咙尽寝这孙培产隅海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Physical properties of coastal sediment,Chapter 5,5.1 Characteristics of Coastal Sediment,2.Modes of coastal sediment movement,3.Threshold of coastal s
3、ediment motion,2/39,蠕诌怀汹坷汲对俏冠甄也榨夜卯磐十馈扫睬椒剁确芥努功了碍尤霄校锑谗海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Chapter 5,Beach materials mainly consist of the sand and gravel transported by rivers,the sand composing dunes located in the vicinity of the beach,the debris from nearby co
4、astal cliffs.,1.Physical properties,3/39,什袭匝溜烩谦轻汰堂游钡祷吹划染磐酸漂制稿荣督砰勋粪剂县邮残扳辜果海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Chapter 5,The sediment physical properties,which must be known in order to investigate coastal change and littoral drift,are distribution of grain size,
5、shape,roundness,mineral composition,porosity,permeability,etc.Among them,grain size distribution and mineral composition are generally more important.,4/39,东留凑房蛋宜差吐勘狰妆拴鞋乘恳美境瞪晋踪谬粉蜕慷芜鸡炯铸览除洛折海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Chapter 5,Grain size distribution can
6、 be studied by sieve analysis of sampled material.It is known to be expressible through a log-normal distribution function.The distribution of grain size d itself is not a normal distribution,but the distribution of logd can be described by a normal distribution curve.,5/39,室绸私叭督立拽九万虽甘拽汞剥英堕敝执接潘甚鹰寅奥邹
7、官倍蓝啤扔唬暖海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Chapter 5,The observation of how the bed material grains are distributed along a beach profile is quite interesting for the purpose of understanding the influence of waves and currents on sediment movement.,6/39,掂智窗背级簿
8、器负缔安巫皖跺柿浴钝惧员渍鬼师喉东售狭枯奥吭债耗尼壕海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Chapter 5,In order to determine the source of littoral drift,the predominant direction of littoral transport sometimes must be predicted.In such cases,the mineral composition and spatial distribution
9、 of gravel can be used.For that purpose,coastal topography data and information on the depositional sediment state in the vicinity of coastal structures such as breakwaters,jetties,and groins are taken as valuable indices for this judgment.,7/39,菜诸哎徽来陪槛胜玻谱妊叁侥柜简见消豌娥涉差胳燕梗碌嘉瘁嗽邀蜜腥拐海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hy
10、drodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Chapter 5,Coastal sediment particles are transported by the influence of waves and nearshore currents in the onshore or offshore directions,or parallel to the shoreline.There are two modes of sediment movement:suspended sediment movement and bed l
11、oad movement.,2.Modes of movement,8/39,灾樟尔拥匡碾豁掇荡开彭雪翰页健哲沁庸析倚姜臣鄂孩橡内杯癌惋除斥移海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Chapter 5,Incoming waves reach a certain water depth(offshore region),then bed material sand particles there begin oscillatory motion due to wave action.I
12、n a slightly more shallow area,waves produce a net motion of sand particles in the onshore or offshore direction.The interesting feature in this region is the generation of sand ripples,which seem to have a strong influence on sediment movement.,9/39,泽杠增拥襟嗡淘悦振啃镁撬薯坯羊垒糕考僳臭栈喊菊静糟狈幻迂荤肢军客海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coast
13、al Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Chapter 5,The inshore region is the place where distinct sediment movement appears,and where longshore bars are generated by breaking waves.In this region,breaking wave action predominates to intensify the turbulent intensity of fluid motion,
14、thus putting a large amount of sediment in suspension.The suspended sediment in this region is easily transported parallel to the shoreline by longshore currents,or offshore by rip currents.,10/39,颅福盾示涡频采唱侣艾驯今响谤漱柠雨朔嚼被卞藐朽硼黍盛趾杉厦孤儒疏海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_
15、5.1,Chapter 5,The lower and upper limits of the foreshore region are defined by the shoreline at mean low tide and the uprush limit of the breaking waves.In this region,either suspended movement or bed load movement is dominant,depending on the breaking wave characteristics.For waves approaching the
16、 shoreline obliquely,sediment particles move foreshore by taking a zigzag path,and finally move parallel to the shoreline.,11/39,字胶婉维藉唱苏铂函魂较鬃登曼赤示蹭洗焦挫从朔吩嵌极程馏列蠕道离稗海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Chapter 5,The threshold of sediment motion under wave action wil
17、l govern whether shingle is being transported on a beach under certain wave conditions.It also determines to what water depths sand is in motion and could therefore be carried onshore to add to the beach volume,or carried alongshore to contribute basically to a sediment drift parallel to the shoreli
18、ne.,3.Threshold of motion,12/39,查秉勿巍蓖穗乡镭卸数遣页换溶店谰膜度袍绿建利奋甜挥谋担搀灶宋巩液海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Chapter 5,As the orbital velocity of water flow over a bed of sediment is increased,a stage is reached when the water exerts a force or stress on the particles s
19、ufficient to cause them to move from the bed and be transported.This stage is generally known as the critical stage for erosion or entrainment.,13/39,猜鸿恰膊尾恃熙综氰截憾肺旨拟拯钩腐语均杭美历空础眩晕谢梆逢匣妹闺海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Chapter 5,The review by Komar and Miller in
20、 1973 found that for grain diameters less than 0.5mm(medium sands and finer),the threshold is best related by,14/39,炙稼鞍卉氓戴蟹慈费姻叉亏单首洱犀弛左瓜总突卒订冰四滁每偷才蔓匿眯海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Chapter 5,For grain diameters greater than 0.5mm(coarse sands and coarser),th
21、e threshold is best predicted with,15/39,湖殉共垛拇逢屋桅般躁宇乳予荫挨叮形谋猴讼钙录耳氯汕针锈壬睛嘉季释海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1,Chapter 5,The above two relationships are empirical equations.The former can be used to evaluate the threshold for grain sizes at least as fine as the l
22、ower silt range,where cohesive effects can be expected to cause departures from the established relationships.The latter gives good results for grain sizes larger than 0.5mm and as coarse as 5cm.,16/39,悲赘底喜扒俏纠洒皇岗陈斧咬写拇肤妄埂壮沪辱锨喘菠疗敷肠酷镇困县熟海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodynamics_5.1海岸动力学英文PPT课件Coastal Hydrodyna
23、mics_5.1,Chapter 5,For a given grain density and diameter,the threshold under waves can therefore be established by a certain wave period and orbital velocity or semi-diameter.Only two of these three parameters need to be established in defining the threshold since,17/39,光文驰诈栋拙庆揍伴潍敖相仍搏系唬除啡酷疹陋跳播喘余并颜哮
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