1、,谈课堂教学效率,南通市教育科学研究中心 曹力城,什么是课堂教学效率,研究教学效率的意义,从案例看教学效率,课堂教学效率 classroom instructing efficiency 指有效教学时间与实际教学时间之比。比值越大,课堂教学效率就越高。指实际的教学效果与应有的教学效果 的比值。实际的教学效果指每个学生实际的 时间精力投入的总和所“产出”的知识、品 德、智力及非智力因素等实际所得的总和。,3,指教师和学生在规定的课堂教学时间 内通过双边活动所消耗的劳动量与所获得的 教学效果之间的比率。指在课堂有限的时间内学生掌握知识 的程度、能力的培养和知识的增幅三者之和 所达到的效果。,4,什
2、么是课堂教学效率,研究教学效率的意义,从案例看教学效率,教学效率是预期教学目标实现 程度的综合反映,也是评价教学优 劣的重要指标和整个教学过程运作 状态是否良好的重要标志。,5,一节课有没有效益,并不是指 教师有没有教完内容或教得认真不 认真,而是指学生有没有学到什么 或有没有形成什么能力。,提 示,6,一箭双雕,事半功倍,一举多得,高效,追求,一劳永逸,7,事倍功半,舍本逐末,语焉不详,低效,避免,细大不捐,8,温故知新,俯拾仰取,种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆,有效,着眼,一分耕耘,一分收获,9,竹篮打水,拔苗助长,得不偿失,无效,杜绝,劳而无功,10,什么是课堂教学效率,研究教学效率的意义,从案例看
3、教学效率,11,从案例看教学效率,8上U1 Reading(I)Pre-reading Ss read the new words one by one.,案例1,12,阅读教学 生词:逐一处理 目的:扫除阅读障碍 效率:?,13,义务教育英语课程标准 听:能借助语境克服生词障碍、理解大意。读:克服生词障碍,理解大意。,14,真实的阅读是有生词障碍 的阅读,学习中的阅读也应该 如此,这样才能培养出真实、有用的阅读能力。,提 示,15,生词处理原则 是否影响主要意思的理解或信息 的获取?是否可以根据语境或构词法等猜 测生词词义?,16,8AU1 Reading generousround wil
4、lingsense any timehumour voicebored singerfit almostknock,示 例,17,bored 情境示意法 Now Im alone at home and have nobody to talk with.I feel very bored.,示 例,18,knock 动作示意法(假装不小心把某生的书碰到地 上后说)Im sorry Ive knocked your book onto the floor.,19,正确使用和灵活处理教材 才能把培养学生的能力落在实 处,从而提高教学效率。,提 示,20,8上U1 Reading(I)Fast re
5、ading How many friends does the writer have?Who are they?,案例2,21,阅读教学 Fast reading 目标:获取文章的主旨大意 方法:设问(内容)效率:?,22,What is the main idea of the text?Why does the author write the article?Who are the passage written for?What does the writer intend to do by writing the article?,示 例,23,教学活动内容是为教学目 标服务的。有
6、恰当的活动内容 才能达成预定的活动目标。,提 示,24,8下 Unit 8 Reading(I)Scanning reading PlaytherecorderofPassage1and askquestion:Whatdopeopletheretrytodo?PlaytherecorderofPassages2and3 andaskquestions:WhatcanberecycledinSwitzerland?,案例3,25,义务教育英语课程标准 听、说、读、写四项技能 相辅相成、相互促进。,26,阅读教学 目标:培养阅读理解能力 方法:效率:?,朗读,默读,听,读,27,默读的功能 听的
7、功能,朗读的功能,28,教学活动的每个步骤都有其目 的,所设计的活动内容及方式应 当成为达成该目的的手段或途径。,提 示,29,8上U2 Reading(I)Scanning reading Task 1 Read Para.1 and answer:1.What grade was Nancy in?2.Is it a school for girls?3.What is her favourite subject?,案例4,30,Task 2 Read Para.2 and answer:1.Does she have a Reading week every year?2.What bo
8、oks can they read?3.What can they do near the end of the reading class?,31,阅读教学 Scanning reading 目标:获取细节,方法:设问,效率:?,32,现象:活动形式单一;培养能力 不全面 原因:惯于使用现在资料,懒于 或不善于自己设计,33,猜测词义 Betty is generous.She is willing to share things with her friends.In other words,Betty will not keep things for herself alone.She
9、is ready to let others use what she has.So we say she is generous.,示 例,34,Give an example to show someone is generous.或:Explain its meaning:willing/ready to give something to others(freely),35,She wants to be a singer when she grows up.Explain the meaning of singer:a person who _,36,推理判断 Who can you
10、 trust and why?(May,because she can keep my secret/she wont tell my secret to anyone else.),示 例,37,推理判断 Who would you go to when you have nothing to do?Why?(Max,because I can have a lot of fun with him.),38,语言表达 Betty is generous.She is willing to share things with her friends.She is also helpful an
11、d ready to help people any time.She helps me with my homework and she always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need.,39,英语表达特点:重心在前 汉语表达习惯:重心在后,40,8上U2 学习外语很有趣,所以在所有 科目中,我最喜欢法语。Among all my subjects,I like French best.Learning foreign languages is fun.,41,中考一轮复习,案例5,42,中考一轮复习基础知识7B Unit 1,Comi
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- 曹力城 老师 讲座 课堂教学 效率